Milton Friedman: Spending is the True Tax | The Heritage Foundation
Economist Milton Friedman on how spending is the true tax.
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Economist Milton Friedman on how spending is the true tax.
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Tax the 1%, Give to the 99%. A small basic income for all would directly decrease economic inequality, stimulate the economy, and change work as we know it.
#UniversalBasicIncome – dignity Life For every one….
Come to Argentina to learn what NOT to do: socialism
Friedman was spot on, just look at Zillow and the Tax History section of any property. The government needed the Housing Bubble, which allowed them to double property taxes by doubling the assessed values at the height of it all around 2008-09.
Locally here in NY, a simple example is a home that around 2000 was assessed at $90k was jacked up to an assessed and taxed value of $250k, when today in 2017 the home cannot be sold for more than $140k. And the assessor has only reduced the assessed value to $230, and claims they are doing you a favor since it's a "reduced assessment". When pressed further, the assessor will insist, "you cannot assess a home on the sale price", as their bs excuse why the assessed value is so out of whack. Government benefitted hugely from the 2008 Housing Crisis in they now collect so much more property taxes after jacking up assessments at the height of the bubble.