New Testament Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Watch our overview video on the New Testament. This video breaks down the literary design of the entire New Testament and how it continues the story of the Hebrew Scriptures.
#NewTestament #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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It's interesting watching this video now in light of the recent conversations about the chaos dragon in the podcasts – I noticed the snake all over this poster, a spiritual force behind the human evils
Matthew Mark John to the letters to the Romans, first and second, then come to ugly, and then come, Ephesians
loving this animation style so far.
I hope you acknowledge that the J.e.w.s killed Christ.
Today I am finishing the Bible project reading plan called "One Story that leads to Jesus". It has been a joy to reading with the aid of these videos.
God bless you.
@bibleproject, It would be nice of you to make a video speaking about what the spirit is and how we can live in it.
Then christianity become the biggest religion in the world. Thanks to colonization and slavery.
This is superb!!!
How I don't hear this in today's religions? I don't hear a lot of love
here from Trickle
I want this whole thing in a poster.
"The story's end is the beginning of a new story that is yet to be told!"
Hallelujah 🙌🙌
Good old crucifixion curse. The last symbol left behind from “ascending master” Jesus was him on a cross, representing to our subconscious that real ascension leads to crucifixion. Jesus was not a blessing to our world, but a curse, only because he was fooled by Sananda to embrace his crucifixion, so the serpents were able to manipulate Jesus’s mission full fold. You have to be very very very disconnected from your subconscious mind to not understand the curse behind the symbology of Jesus and how it worked because the only thing that has evolved since Jesus’s time is technology, whereas we are the same judgmental, separating, egotistical society from way back then. Satans job is to stop human evolution. Thanks to Jesus he was allowed to. All this ties back to Sun God Ra in Egypt some how. But I’ll explain further if anyone asks
WOW! I am in awe. To see how beautifully the Bible is woven together just amazes me and keeps me thirsty for drinking from this well every day. This is such a clear, well- organized summary of the whole Bible’s message, and I have so enjoyed the journey of wonder and wisdom as I went through the "One Story That Leads to Jesus" Youversion reading plan (took me almost 2 years instead of 1!) I love how you included the invitation to all of us: "Check it out" 😊. The Good News of One Savior for all nations. The best story ever
Kind of funny how I made it all the way through the old testament without one single interruption from adds…
Bless those who helped make this series <3
Dear friend, I empathize with your struggle regarding your beliefs. If you're open to exploring new perspectives, I highly recommend delving into the beauty of Islam. The Quran, Islam's holy book, is an extraordinary testament to wisdom and guidance. It offers insights that can truly enrich your spiritual journey. I encourage you to seek knowledge, engage with knowledgeable Muslims, and approach this with an open heart. May Allah grant you clarity and peace in your search for truth
the new testament was not written by followers of jesus, they didn't even know jesus they were written 50 years after he died.
why is there no mention of the supposed prophecies that have come true?
Non violence
Self giving love
God blesssss you !!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did it say all humanity?
wonderful…. Thank you very much 🤩🤩
Who read the whole book of the new testament is this summary on point?
A very confusing religion, especially trinitarianism, the sonship of God, and the penal substitutionary atonement.
Your bible project is very much useful to many …. Thank you very much all for your diligent work… May God continue to lead you and bless you all. 😍😍
Jesus had brothers?? This was never taught to me at my Catholic school or brought up in Church
The creators of this continent, believe that homosexuality is acceptable lifestyle before God. What a shame. Romans 1:24-27 try doing a commentary on this.
What I get from this video about summary of the bible:
1. No mention about jesus is god
2. No mention about trinity
3. Only focused on israel nation
These animated overviews Bible books are AWESOME examples of divine inspiration and talent used for HIS glory to teach and spread the Good News throughout the world.
Everyone here praises the creator of the video and says that they learned a lot from the video. What they don't know is that the new twistment is a scam.
Although I feel ruined. Jesus is my hope. Without Him I have nothing an am nothing.
Jesus is the only way
Hi, are these videos that sum up the bible from the king james version?
When people talk about how they ‘found Jesus’ or ‘accepted Jesus’ can you be more specific as to why that actually means? Is it a literal experience where you have a vision of jesus and he talks to you (almost akin to a hallucination)? Or is it more just a belief – in which case how can you be sure that it’s not just more illusions created by the mind?
Very helpful
That was so beautifully done and well explained! Thank you very much!
If your message was so strong, why would you feel the need to outright lie? Either you're ignorant about what was written when and by whom or you're a liar. Please educate yourself before trying to lead people astray.
@BibleProject, thanks so much for providing this content so we can learn together. I'm grateful to everyone who is involved . A shout out to You Version !! This is how I found The Bible Project🤍 ✝️🤍🛐☝🏼🤲🏼🙌🏼
A critical error at :38 the new testament was not written by first generation followers of Jesus. It was written much later and in Greek.
6:36 are we slaves to distractions of this world? Pulling our attention away from Gods main message and goal?
5:54 practical advice that i can use everyday!
There were umpteen gods born of virgins at least half a dozen resurrected and one Mesopotamian goddess who was crucified and then resurrected 2000 years before Jesus but they were all false this ones the real deal your having a laugh and think people are stupid.
I don't read the tampered Bible. Jesus wants people to be aware of fraud and scams and tampering. I am fully aware that God's word had been corrupted throughout the ages, they changed this verse, changed that word, changed this story, and the final product is a far cry from God's original word.
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