News Conference: Heritage Details Amnesty Costs
The Heritage Foundation presents the staggering cost of amnesty and the detrimental effects it would have on the economy in a report to be released shortly before 11:30 am today. Heritage President Jim DeMint, report author Robert Rector and Vice President of Domestic and Economic Policy Derrick Morgan will discuss the cost of the amnesty portion of the “Gang of Eight’s” immigration bill and how it strips the opportunities that attract the newest waves of Americans.
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Link to study?
Heritage.org using the flag for the UNITED STATES CORPORATION… NOT the united States…
Truth. Truth and truth. No Amnesty.
Pathetic fool! Have a good night, it is too late to keep talking trash!
Wrong, we are talking about individuals because this is what the Heritage Foundation is about! And you said that you support what this report states, therefore, you are talking about individuals as well. All this conversation began from the start point of the report, so do not come a cry now!
My problem with your statements is that you generalize. There are stupid people in ALL races. In the same way that there are really smart people in ALL races as well. Not because 1 is an idiot, it does not mean that 100% of all people from one race are stupid or idiot! Can you see my point?
are hard to live. Peace be with you!
It was nice chatting with you! Have a good night and please change your mentality for the good of our country. None of the races is better or smarter than any of the others. To be white, brown, yellow, or black does not mean that one is superior than the other. As far as I know you are not a believer, but the real challenge for a believer is to live in the way his/her religion ask them to live their lives. I do not know if Jesus was or was not the son of God, but his teachings are the ones that
If I were your professor I would give you an "F" and ask you to leave my class right away. First, when statement is not yours you HAVE to quote the source. And second, Wikipedia is the worse source ever!
Math is a good source, but scientific THEORY? Do you know what a theory is or means?
You need to go back to school and study some Aristotelian logic! You need it!
First premise is half true. Second premise is false. Third premise is false. Fourth premise is false, therefore, your argument is invalid!
LoL! It was hard to understand the translation from google translate, was it? I am not afraid of anything because I am more educated than millions of whites. I have a job that millions of whites want at this moment. I have my own place to live, I have my cars, my credit cards, and a lot more to mention. Do you really believe that you posses something better than me? Your generics? LoL! Nice try! Half of my generics are white and I hate them!
What evidence have you provided? Two videos from youtube? Come on! I though that you were a smart white! You cannot use youtube as a source for a professional essay or study!
Menial jobs mean nothing? Tell that to your people who are fighting for those jobs! BTW, keep giving thanks to yourself, I do not have any problem if you are a believer or not. Imaginary or not, but once a something is conceive in your mind that something exist!
Si me puedes responder apropiadamente en mi lengua madre yo te tomaré a ti en serio de igual manera. Lo que pasa que tu raza le tiene miedo a mi raza, ese es el gran problema que gente como tienen.
It is not an utopian dream at all. What I can really tell is this, give thanks to God that not all Latinos have a green card and a social security number because the day that this comes true many Latinos will replace thousands of whites in their jobs!
I do not know what race you are, but I can tell you that if you are white you ARE NOT smarter than me AT ALL! If someone comes and offends my parents saying that they are more stupid than any other race I would send them to hell! Who said that the generics of white people are better than any other race? Come to Chicago and drive by the city and count how many whites and how many latinos are in the street asking for money!
their grand children will be more stupid than whites! This is the kind of racism that I am talking about!
Okay, I watched the first video and because of the content of the video I have assumed that you have not read the Heritage Foundation report. When I said that the co-author of the report is a racist I am NOT talking about generics, I am talking about that this guy states int his report that "white" people are smarter than any other race in the US. Also, he states in this report that Latinos are basically more stupid than whites, but not only that, he states that even their children, and
The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are being used to PROMOTE a program of geNOcide against White children.
According to International Law, open borders, FORCED integration, and assimilation is GENOCIDE.
Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.
Then they call it “multiculturalism”
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
Does anyone think you can be thrown in the US economy and get a good paying job?
Illegal Aliens (Undocumented Democrats) are a massive burden to the country. Secure the borders, allow enforcement of current law by the States. Then maybe we can have reform.
The Co-Author of this report just RESIGN from Heritage Foundation because he is a racist and used in this report his racism clearly!
Could you guys afford a better camera?
Wonder why Americans want to pay $6.3t for people that Mexico are happy to let for nothing.
Those who use an ITIN are likely not actually paying taxes, but receiving EITC.
And no, I seriously doubt immigrant business owners are hiring Americans. Restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners, all the immigrant businesses I see hire other immigrants, usually family.
And congratulations on discovering neoliberalism. Paleoconservatives(which the Heritage Foundation is not) have been opposing it for decades.
40% expansion in government in 4 years…
I'm gonna sell all my stuff one day and move somewhere with more freedom.. they are gonna steal all my stuff one day using the government to do so..
The second level of tragedy is that many lawful citizens will have to lose their benefits to fund the benefits for the new amnesty citizens; both is actual dollars and physical services such as medical.
How many fucking times do people have to remind yall that it is NOT A FUCKING AMNESTY!!!!!!