Nile Gardiner on U.K. Elections: British Voters Have Rejected Socialism & Anti-Semitism
Nile Gardiner joined Fox Business, Friday, December 13, to talk about the latest from the U.K. election, Boris Johnson’s historic triumph over the Labour Party, and why that’s a good thing for the U.S. and the U.K.
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The Parliamentary Labour Party tried twice to get rid of Corbyn and failed as a working class voter I feel utterly abandoned by Labour they thought offering everything for nothing in lieu of policy would work, we are not stupid we know it would all have to be paid for at some point. It`ll get a lot worse before it gets any better for Labour.
Mistake in the title here, as UK didnt reject socialism, as we use socialism to finance the army, navy, an fire service, police etc.
The UK silent majority has spoken much louder than that bunch of cardboard placard waving tree hugging twits
"How do you think Labour with an Anti-Semitic Communist leader think they would win" good question, that apart from the Labour leadership the whole country has been asking.
Happy for the UK…and Conservatives…trade with USA is a good thing! Communistic Labor Party and Communistic Democratic Party in America..both out of touch with the values of the people of each respective country. Long live the Conservatives!
Actually, polling worked in the UK. People need to remember the UK still has a welfare state and the conservatives would never be able to dismantle this. I'm surprised the UK contributor never mentioned this and that Boris is going to increase funds to the NHS.
Brexit is the second “Shot heard ‘round the world “ , the Catalyst ( or cataclysm, depending what side you’re on. lol), WWGOWGA
The last 6x Labour have been socialist during general elections the electorate have rejected them, 4x emphatically, the people just do not want it.
🇬🇧 Smashed the far left.
Trump & Johnson saving the world. MEGA and MBGA
That makes me SO HAPPY!!!!!
Congratulation to the working people of England !!
Praise God for Britain 🙏♥️
Im so glad Donald will help England i was born there and i still love England .I would like to back one day for a. visit God Bless England and the U S A
Sounds familiar.
J Corbin taking his ball and going home……
Boris Johnson making the UK great again!!
the only way governments can take back control of their own countries is to leave the united nations and stop being puppets to the globalist, the UN hasn't had any influence on eastern violent countries. They are continuously at war with each other. the only countries the UN has control of are the ones that are civilized which they want to make us into another Third World country.. they want all countries at war with each other
I find it a little odd the labor party is extremely anti white anti European but that wasn’t a big deal. It was only wrong when they made little comments about Zionists. You’d think being anti European in a European nation and trying to replace Europeans through mass migration would be enough. Really gets the old noggin joggin.