No Government Bailouts for Fiscally Irresponsible States: Heritage’s Romina Boccia on Fox News
Romina Boccia joined Fox News on May 28, 2020 to discuss how state and local bailouts would force taxpayers to subsidize poor decisions from states that wasted a strong economy. The federal government has already provided billions for state and local government to fight the coronavirus, but states want bailouts for pre-existing unrelated problems. Bailing out state budgets with unrestricted federal dollars would grow states’ budgets, increase future funding shortfalls, further undermine local decision making, and set a dangerous precedent that could lead to additional federal bailouts of the most irresponsible states.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/report/state-bailouts-create-poor-incentives-do-not-fix-underlying-problems
Romina Boccia is the Director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget. She is a leading fiscal and economic expert at The Heritage Foundation and focuses on government spending and the national debt.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/romina-boccia
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This is how the federal government ends up getting huge. I guarantee that if conservative states were asking for bailouts, the liberals would want something attached to those bailouts to give the federal government more power over those states. So let's present them with their own game – give them the choice. You can take a federal bailout, but only if you get your fiscal house in order, including simply dropping the huge unfunded pensions that they have offered.
It's bad enough that the people of those states have to live under such heavy tax burdens because of these unfunded liabilities, but it would be absolutely criminal to ask the rest of the country to now step in and bail them out because of it.
Here's the thing – New York has been hit perhaps harder than any other state, so it is appropriate that they are receiving federal relief (which they are), but the entire country is already locked down because the media convinced everyone that if we didn't, we would end up just like New York – nevermind the fact that they only recently shut down the subway system, which is likely where most people contracted the virus and then took it to their parents in nursing homes, which is where most of the deaths occurred. In short, most states are nothing like New York, but we've all taken a huge economic hit because it wouldn't be politically palatable to say that only New York needs to shut down and everyone else just needs to be careful…
We were told we needed to avoid overwhelming our hospitals, but instead, hospitals are laying people off because we went way too far and many of these states want to continue this. We went from "flatten the curve" to "even preventing a single death is worth destroying the entire economy".
No, New York – you shouldn't get a bailout and neither should California, who is also asking for one. California is claiming they had a huge surplus forecasted before Covid-19…does anyone really believe that???
Oh comrade Deblasio. Running the city has been on you. You ignore the people and their expectations. Resign is your best choice.
Do you agree with Romina?
Fuck New York. Why should the American people bail out the absolute worst of American society? (ALL MAJOR CITIES) Rural America is the only America that matters. Big Cities have nothing but Communists in them anyway. NYC smells like a urinal, is loud, and NYC ppl while they are camping like to play disgusting city noises because they are afraid of wood noises because they are all pussies.
I couldn't have said it any better Romina Boccia.
They should not have mail-in ballots because the mail you get might have COVID-19 in the mail and it's best to go to the voting machines, at least you know you will be able to clean your hands before you leave. Because every package of mail I receive to my home before I open it, I spray it down, wash my hands and then I open up my mail. After that, then I wash my hands because you don't know who touches your mail while it's traveling to your home.
No bail out for New York
You can't have your cake and eat too!
I love this no-nonsense attitude. New York handled its virus situation badly. The Fed was very generous with equipment and funds. You don't plan well, that's your problem. That's just the way life handles matters. Result, people evolve. They make better choices next time. Otherwise, they become spoiled and feel entitled, and become a burden for others.
It's like the parable in the Bible, what pray did you do with your talents? Some gain more, some make no gain, and some end up with no talent in the end, like New York.
Good decision. People will learn to manage their talents better, to use the language of the parable.
Epoch times and fellow citizens who love America please com over to cIouthub It's a new social media platform that benefits conservatives.
Ummm, NO!
Someone needs to ask mayor Bill , where is the 850 million dollars his wife said she lost.????