Noah’s Ark l Voddie Baucham
Voddie Baucham Sermon
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"Viper in a diaper". Hilarious. Great sermon by Dr. Baucham.
Then how did the Nephillim survive to be among the pagan nations in the book of Numbers?
I believe it's the first, sons of God are from Seth's line and the daughters were from the line of Cain. It makes sense to me.
Great sermon 👏 i do believe sons of god are the seed of seth as angels cant procreate
Scripture is very clear that the angels left their first estate. God talks about the seed of Satan…the sons of God are the Watchers, some of whom rebelled and took wives from the daughters if men. If ut was men takibg wives thete would be no need to refer to the women as daughters of 'men'…Peter and Jude explain this…
I would love to hear his opinion on Micheal S Heisers unseen realm studies.
They have a replica of the ark! It’s by the creation science museum! You have to go see it!
I disagree. Cain was not necessarily ungodly. I believe we don't really know. But my thinking is it's fallen angels.
Voddie doesn't use Deut. 32 for sons of God
The text is correct as sons of God in Deuteronomy 32:8. The Hebrew would be >>>>(בני האלהים, bənê hāʼĕlōhîm<<<< "Translation" is Correct, But "Application" of the NLT, NIV of angleic beings is Incorrect, because if angelic the text is would not agree with Moses and the thought of Moses. The Greek Septuagint is in ERROR, becasue it put angels in the text, reason why is the Greeks believed that the pagan god Zeus (king of the gods), married and impregnated mortal human woman Alcmene and she gave birht to Heracles. So a person can see instead of Zeus, that angels was the thought in the Greek Septuagint, because of Greek Mythology.
Okay looking at Deuteronomy 32 and why Application is Incorrect is because of the Context. A person Cannont just look at verse 8. Let's look at more Context with verse 7 included.
Deuteronomy 32
7 Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you.
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
KEY words are "MANY GENERATIONS" in verse 7 this is all in CONTEXT. One Translation may use "sons of God" may another may use "children of Israel".
The sons of God are found in Genesis 5 the years of Many Generations.
Many people do not NOT recognize " The Years of MANY GENERATIONS" in verse 7.
Where you find " The Years of MANY GENERATIONS" is in Genesis 5. The Patriarchs of Genesis 5 are the sons of God, listed from Adam to Noah which is Genesis 5. What is posted is chapter and verse with the years of Many Generations that they lived.
Here they are for you, look at the longivity of Life they had and would have saw "Many Generations" (Deuteronomy 32:7), this just makes sense. Also what is list is up to Jacob (Israel).
1) Adam (Genesis 5:3-5) Lived: 930 Years. 12) Arphaxad (Genesis 11: 12–13) Lived 438 Years
2) Seth (Genesis 5:3, 6-8) Lived: 912 Years. 13) Shelah Genesis (11: 14–15) Lived 433 Years
3) Enosh (Genesis 5:6, 9-11) Lived: 905 Years. 14) Eber Genesis (11: 16–17) Lived 464 Years
4) Cainan (Genesis 5:9, 12-14) Lived: 910 Years. 15) Peleg Genesis (11: 18–19) Lived 239 Years
5) Mahalalel (Genesis 5:12, 15-18) Lived 895 Years. 16) Reu Genesis (11: 20–21) Lived 239 Years
6) Jared (Genesis 5:15, 18-20) Lived 962 Years. 17) Serug Genesis (11: 22–23) Lived 230 Years
7) Enoch (Genesis 5:18, 21-24) Lived 365 Years/Translated never saw death. 18) Nahor Genesis (11: 22–23) Lived 148 Years
8) Methuselah (Genesis 5:21, 25-27) Lived 969 Years. 19) Terah Genesis (11: 32) Lived 205 Years
9) Lamech (Genesis 5: 25, 28-31) Lived 777 Years. 20) Abram (Abraham) (Genesis 25: 7) Lived 175 Years
10) Noah (Genesis 5:28-29) Lived 950 Years. 21) Isaac (Genesis 25: 7) Lived 180 Years
11) Shem (Genesis 10:10-11) Lived 600 Years. 22) Jacob (Israel) (Genesis 47: 28) Lived 147 Years
Genesis 5 would also be in Context with the sons of God of Genesis 6. When scripture was first written in Hebrew there was NO Chapter Breaks or Verse Breaks. Today with Chapter Breaks and Verse Breaks it is easier to look up passages of scripture. Look at Luke 3 this same genealogy line is listed that leads to Christ, Super Angels DO NOThave a geneology line that leads to Christ. Heiser's Super Angels can not procreate, marry women, and have offspring/genealogy line. This also goes against the creative order that each kind produces after it's own kind. It is no different than what the LGBQT plus community promotes when they redefine marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, Not an angelic/nonhuman/spirit being and a woman.
Another Point with verse 7 of Dueteronomy 32 is >>>>"Remember the days of old". Getting to the thought of the author Moses, Since Moses wrote Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible, which are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These "days of old" that Moses mention in verse 7, what Moses is doing is taking the reader back to the Pre-flood time period. Taking Verse 7 (Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations;) Can 100% be applied as "sons of God" in Deuteronomy 32:8 as well as Genesis 5 and sons of God in Genesis 6. All makes sense and fits with the Author of Torah who is Moses.
The argument is, is that there No Abrahamic covenant yet, that is 100% true when a person applies verse 7 (Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations;) it is more clear and plain to see who the "sons of God" are in both Deuteronomy 32:8 and Genesis 6
Nations are named after a father in scripture. Abraham is considered a father. Jacob (Israel) is the father of the twelve tribes.
Explaining sons of Israel. Exodus 4:22 says "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son". God is speaking to Moses in this passage, also this is another book of Torah. The passage of scripture of the name change for Jacob to Israel Genesis 32:28 "Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.”
Israel (Jacob) had 12 sons which would be 12 tirbes with Many Generations. Getting back to Exodus 4:22 says "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son".
Since Israel was the "firstborn son" to the Lord God, which would means Israel/Jacobs offspring would be "sons of God" or also to say "children of Israel".
The twelve tribes are as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh.
See how many Generations came from Isreal (Jacob)
Even the following verses of how the "Text" allows for "sons of Israel" .
Deuteromony 32:9 'But the Lord's portion is his people,
Jacob his allotted heritage.
10 “He found him in a desert land,
and in the howling waste of the wilderness;
he encircled him, he cared for him"
Clearly verses 9 and 10 is talking about the "sons of Israel" which would be Jacob's 12 sons/tribes, key words in the text Jacob alotted heritage (Israel). "The Lord's portion is his people" Israel was the Lord's Chosen people
The 12 tribes were the ones wondering in the desert land which verse 10 is talking about.
That is WHY there is such a debate in the text, both sons of God and children of Israel had "Many Generations". Some promote is a this divine council of super angels, like the Greek Septuagint says, but "angelic beings" does not fit the Context or the thought of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. The conclusive evidence is that angelic beings Can Not or Do Not have "Many Generations" like it saysin the text of verse 7, this is just common sense and logic. Angelic beings cannot marry, procreate, and start families it goes against the struture of the family and institution of marriage, because God created marriage between a man and a woman. Also it would go against the creative order, each kind produces after its own kind.
Even looking at Psalm 82:6 "I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;" The word "sons" is used in the Plurality, which would be referencing that the "sons" are human pretaining to the 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob's sons). The word "gods" Jesus answers that in John 10 also human.
Michael Heiser a well know teacher of scripture taught gods/elohim and sons are non human, Psalm 82 is his foundation for his false divine council of super angels.
The proper way of interpreting the scripture of Deuteronomy 32:8 whether it should be sons of God or children of Israel? Think chronological order, Well which came first the Patriarchs/sons of God, of Genesis 5 and 6 or 12 tribes of Israel, of course it would be the Patriarchs/sons of God which are listed in Genesis 5 with "Many Generations" the longivity of life spans that they would have seen "Many Generations" and did live old ages. This is ALL in Context, Context Is King!!
Have to remember when scripture was first written there were no chapter breaks or verse breaks, that was added later in English Translations of scipture.
Small summary, Moses tells us who the sons of God are with Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations in verse 7 would be Applied to sons of God.
Deuteronomy 32
7 Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you.
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
Clearly this is NOT about a divine council of super angels of anything angelic. The The Greek Septuagint is in ERROR and is misleading just look at verse 7 "Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations;" or Context applied with proper Hermeneutics, and what the author Moses was telling the reader.
This is the first time I disagree with Voddie. I genuinely believe that Gen 6 is referring to fallen angels
Ken Ham with Answers in Genesis made a replica….we can most definitely have more than an idea of the size. Just driving by this replica can give you more than an idea. Certainly you are familiar with this replica made to size of the Ark?!
Genesis 3 : God placed a seraphim with a flaming sword at the entrance of the garden of Eden . Your claim of no mention of angels prior to Genesis 6 is incorrect.
I enjoy Voddie Baucham and his teachings, and i also dis agree with his "line of Seth" position. Still my brother.
Thought I might point this out. Angels are mentioned in the first part of Genesis. Cherubim gaurding the tree of life ring a bell?
Thank GOD someone cleared this up!! Tired of all the books about the nephilim. The out of control expounding on something that is not THAT hard to explain. Tired of these teachers who are desperate to make new dogmas against clear Scripture. Voddie is a superior teacher and no one can compete.
John 11:35 – Jesus wept.
Have to disagree. NEVER in scripture does it say that being “unequally yoked” will result in a child that it “an abomination”. If that were the case “reproduce with their kind” would have been used in conjunction with being unequally yoked.
Job came BEFORE Noah. So hence, Sons of God DOES show up before the mention of the cause for the flood, not after.
Still believe it was angels. Which fits Romans and 2 Timothy where it states “they will be inventors of evil”. If men can create new evils then why can’t the fallen angels? Hence the end times says it will be as in the days of Noah. What are we seeing “aliens” and AI trying to combine humans with them. Transhumanism. That’s why it’s an abomination. Because it was NOT of the same kind.
But that’s just my two cents.
Thank you, Lord for your love and forgiveness. Help me love and know You better. Please, Lord, Jesus Work in my heart
Wow! Paster Voddie you are really a great teacher of the bible.
Seems to me that we are back in Noah's time. All i see is corruption.
Great sermon by Voddie. But I tend to diffe that the 120 years was not the actual life span of man, but the period that they would have to believe Noah's message.
Noah did live more than 120 years after the flood.
God put this in front of me today, EXACTLY when I needed to readjust the posture of my heart. The last part of this sermon, was so convicting! Glory to God! Holy Spirit continue to break my heart, for what breaks yours! In Jesus name!
I get sick of men's thoughts and OPINIONS on what the "sons of God" mean in the book of Genesis. God apparently didn't want us to think about too much, because He must have known false doctrine would ensue (as we can see today). Most of the false doctrine that comes from commentator's and preachers is due to the fact that they get a lot of what is taught about the Nephilim from extrabiblical, like the apocrypha. God is CLEAR and PRECISE about who Jesus Christ our Savior is, about sin, about salvation, about His holiness, righteousness, mercy and love (just to name a few of His attributes). About how we aught to love our neighbor as ourselves and how we aught to mediate on His Holy word DAY and NIGHT to be students of His Word to shew ourselves approved and to be doers of His Word. About living righteous and holy. God is clear about preaching the gospel to a lost and dying world. Thank you for your message, brother Baucham 🙂
We love to talk about nephlim and the sorts but not what this man touched about. Implementing our own ideas. 😮 thanks for the clarity on context of scripture. I appreciate his wisdom according to Bible
Cain was the spiritual AND PHYSICAL SEED OF THE SERPENT. Think about out. Adam was the direct descendant, first son of God. Who before the fall never sinned. So how could Cain be his son? How could the son of a son of God murder his brother. Cain was definitely serpent seed! The sin (eating of fruit) in the garden was sexual sin.
I believe that Moses saw what he wrote in the early chapters of Genesis played out like a movie up to where Abram enters the scene. I think he was describing what he saw and sometimes didn't have a context so he did the best he could to describe it. I think John does some of the same thing in his vision in Revelation.
How do we know if Abel had children before Cain killed him? Were the Nephilims perhaps his children?
I love your teaching!