Olivia Enos: China Blatantly Violating Human Rights With Coronavirus Response
Olivia Enos joined The Daily Caller, Tuesday, April 7, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarian response to the outbreak, and the need for the U.S. to respond strongly to the Chinese government’s efforts to cover-up the virus.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIYYoQEBhds
Olivia Enos, senior policy analyst in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, focuses on human rights and national security challenges in Asia. Her research spans a wide range of subjects, including democracy and governance challenges, human trafficking and human smuggling, religious freedom, refugee issues, and other social challenges in the region.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/olivia-enos
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this aged Pretty bad
Fake news.
Thank you for talking about this.
That being said, I am sorry but, I must say…there is not pressuring communist party of China to do anything.
The People’s Republic of China has been terrorizing and oppressing it’s citizenry for 100 years.
There is no such thing as human rights or individual, personal freedom in Communist China.
Before speaking too publicly on this topic…please, do your homework.
Find out and speak the unequivocal facts regarding the history of the Communism in China.
The Communist Chinese are brutal toward anyone who would dare to question it’s ideology, it’s power or it’s right to control the people.
Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/maos-great-leap-forward-killed-45-million-in-four-years-2081630.html
Communism world wide has unleashed an unbelievable scourge on the world in the last 100 years. The body count is beyond numbering.
The West needs to pull it’s head out the sand when it comes to the history of nations like China…(With whom many Western nations have gotten into bed with economically). China now has huge economic control in a vast array of countries around the world.
Truly, the West has become soft and naive…
China has a militant ideological agenda…It is not about to repent of it’s sins and do right by others. Lest of all it’s own people who are in slaved to their system.
The Gulags of Russia were full of their own people and any others who happened to have a different view of society, political and human rights than the Communist Party. Russia used them as slave labour to build the Infrastructure of the Communist party’s “vision”.
Ideologically, China is no different, (other than being a different ethnicity and culture).
China is not about to change…
Fear the tyrannical dictatorship of China….way more than the Corona virus. They lie, steal, brainwash and torture … as if it were child’s play.
Do not be fooled…China is the biggest bully on the world’s playground right now.
Sadly, there is not enough time left for the West to give our young people the crush course on world history, they desperately need. I hope and pray they don’t end up experiencing the brutal ungodly reality of Chinese Communism.
I am sorry, but, there is not pressuring communist China to do anything.
They have had a horrendous oppressive system for 100 years.
Before speaking too publicly on this topic…do your homework.
Find out and speak unequivocal facts regarding the history of the Communism is China and it’s treatment of political It is brutal. It had murdered millions of people.
Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' . Communism world wide has been an unbelievable blood thirsty scourge unleashed on the world in the last 100 years.
The West needs to pull it’s head out the sand when it comes to the history of nations like China…who now has huge economic control in a vast array of countries around the world. Truly, the West has become soft and naive…because China has an ideological agenda…
I have read first hand survivor accounts of people surviving “reeducation”. The Gulags of Russia were full of their own people and any others who happened to have a different view of society, political and human rights than the Communist Party. China is no different. It is not about to change…
Fear the tyrannical dictatorship of China….way more than the Corona virus. They lie, steal, brainwash and torture … as if it were child’s play.
As Americans, we all have to be very protective of the liberty and freedom our country was founded on. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has infiltrated all aspects of our society. Their intentions and motivations are not honorable. China believes in the collective not the individual. As individuals we must protect our rights (speech, religion, assembly, due process, free economy, to bear arms, freedom of movement and privacy). There are people in our own government who admire the CCP form of control over its citizens. If they could do overnight they would, but if necessary they will chip away at our liberties little by little. Wake up America!
End all trade. Initiate a massive military buildup. Watch them crumble trying to keep up just like tha Soviet Union.
But the libs/progressives will continue to be China supporters
What do you think about China's use of surveillance technology?
Excellent info. Thank you.
China violating human rights?!
Communists violating human rights?!
Who'da thunk it?!…
The international community need to charge the Chinese communist regime with genocide and industrial sabotage.
This virus is man made.
I'm 67 yrs, my Mom is 90 yrs, she told me about Communist China violating human rights since communists took over China. Look at North Korea. Notice silence about COVID-19 – we will never be told the truth.
Come on now, ask any Democrat. China government is a dems wet dream for America!