Olivia Enos on Ben Shapiro Show: Hold China Accountable for Coronavirus Cover-up
Olivia Enos joined “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Monday, April 6, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus outbreak, the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to cover up the outbreak in China, and the need for the Trump administration to hold China accountable.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD_qjMKmnK4
Olivia Enos, senior policy analyst in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, focuses on human rights and national security challenges in Asia. Her research spans a wide range of subjects, including democracy and governance challenges, human trafficking and human smuggling, religious freedom, refugee issues, and other social challenges in the region.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/olivia-enos
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Illustration: Getty Images/The Heritage Foundation

US citizen should also held US government for the cover up of the covid-19, has anyone check that timeline and the lies they covered up. lol US and China are just two sides of the same coin but we all know US peoples' pupil are in the shape of hammer and sickle, and thats all they see.
Be rest assured if the US did nothing (essentially) in response to 911?? They will do nothing towards China.
War with China? Yes, the US declared War on Japan when they killed 2,500 + at Pearl Harbor. How the hell is this China Virus from China any different?
It’s me or YouTube is deleting videos about China’s responsibility?
2400 dead in a single day because of Trump. The blood is on his hands. He is the devil.
Hilarious. The US is going to sue China over a virus and they're going to pay. Really convincing testimony from the expert Olivia Enos. She sounds, like, super intelligent!!! 🙂 🙂
Das gonna be a lot of FREEDOM boii
there is a class action law suit coming, they will hold any chinese company in America and execute them reducing their GDP like hell. This isnt the first time they did this, they lost alot back then billions of dollars now they will lose trillions.
Sure lets hold China accountable. I also hope that the Neocon/Neolib US will be held accountable for wrecking the global economy back in 2008. I also hope the Neocon/Neolib US will be held accountable for its wars of aggression, economic blackmail and economic warfare, pervasive global espionage, global misinformation campaign, funding of terrorists, etc.. Lets make it happen, lets hold the Neocon/Neolib US accountable for its increasingly out of control behavior on the international stage.
Hold China accountable for the US media blowing the virus scare way out of proportion? Got it. Not like we can expect journalists to report on basic things, such as the fact that the CDC themselves say that they can't identify the virus and that anyone who has symptoms is said to have the virus until it's proven that they don't. Anyone who dies who also has the virus or its symptoms is marked as having been killed by the virus. Why don't thry bring this up when they talk about all of the cases and deaths?
Apparently, doctors and nurses around the world are wondering why no one is dying from heart attacks and strokes anymore.
Flu and pneumonia deaths also went off a cliff.
Turns out everyone is only dying of #Coronavirus now.
Gee. I wonder why. Of course, the left-leaning New York Times surmises that it’s because we are all suddenly leading lifestyles that are not conducive to dying from anything other than Covid-19.
LOL. I’m sure.
Mr. Shapiro. I have found your recent statements both illogical and fascist:
1. Ascribing the consequence of Trump's malfeasance to China is illogical
Even if China had lightning reaction towards the pandemic, Trump would not listen to the warnings. Reasons are as follows:
Trump wasted the whole February and half of March whereas China had been clearly and loudly warning the world of this deadly pandemic since January. Trump's 2-month-downplaying of the ongoing pandemic directly led to the outbreak in the US.
2. Twisting the fact as if the virus is a China manufacture is illogical
Westerners consume largest amount of wildlife products on earth and have a special sport called “wildlife hunting” (killing animals only for amusement) that does not happen in China. So, blaming the virus landing on China first on sad but equally brutal conditions wildlife are under in the West or East is also illogical.
3. Your illogical arguments also sound fascist
As a Jew, your grandfathers were genocided by fascists just like Trump, who has no hesitation sacrificing foreign lives and now millions of domestic lives in favor of his own (hypothetical) political gains (saving his son’s entertainment business; saving the stock market for his own rat trading account and reelection downplaying the virus ignoring the hellish death tolls and loud and clear warnings around the world wasting 2 precious months that could save 150,000 souls in the US that will die because of Trump's misguidance ).
Tell us how much you are paid to defend your fascist president putting together broken arguments sounding like a Nazi yourself? Mr. Shapiro?
The CCP has no place in the modern world.
God authorizes every prayer any place any time and no government or person has any right to stop you the individual but do not make a nuisance of Your self. God Bless.
I have little faith that with earlier warning the CDC, FDA, who, stage & local health depts would have been prepared. What in their response shows if they had just a bit more time anything at all would be different? Would they have replaced the h1n1 stocks? When they noticed their stocks were not enough would they bought them early enough to not lie to the public about wearing masks? Would the cdc have made better choices developing tests? Would they have got the private industry on board sooner? More time would just be a longer fumble session. Chinas complicity does not mean our govt is not also complicit. Our reliance on China is an issue virus or not & these issues have been obvious for decades.
I fear that it is indeed the world kabal, All the nations are "in bed with one another" to use a buisness bastardization. Hahahaaaaha. Remember, The Advesary of humanity all-ways has "infighting" in their ranks, all the way to the top and back down to any family struggling with issues including arguments and abussive behaviors.
China bought California from HRC, BO and the likes .James Munder has documents of the smoking guns on his channel. The fires here in 2017-18 were China asserting their rulership
to comeand flying under the radar with the DEW And HAARP etc. They burned the skin off 10's of 100's of innocents and perhaps 1000 more. Beware of the kettle calling the pot black . They are all bought and sold under the rule of Satan's , the devils and Lucifher its self. Only CHRIST Can lead us through this so Cleave! Hold tight as we go , sliding down the Shoot ! FATHER TOLD, it will go very fast once it slides. . . Once it gets going.The ultimate solution is to topple CCP’s regime. All the rest are just temporary fit.
The idea is sound but we're not going to do anything. Pelosi, Nader,Schiff,Clinton's,Obama the FBI and Doj are still walking around with zero accountability.
Ben "America is just an idea" Shapiro
Ben "Jesus never existed" Shapiro
Ben "Import migrant labor" Shapiro
Ben "Demographics don't matter" Shapiro
Ben "Never Trump" Shapiro
Ben "Isreal first" Shapiro
Ben "dual citizen" Shapiro
Ben "dual loyalty" Shapiro
Ben "GDP over American families" Shapiro
Ben "immigrants for thee not for me" Shapiro
…I could go on for days, why are you speaking to this Zionist userer???
Call it as it is a deliberate sensure of free speech as a cover-up for biological warfare testing or building! This coupled with their intent to build seven more level four laboratories for infectious viruses and disease. Pretty obvious they are trying to perfect a biological weapon.
I was liking the interview. I wonder why you cut off the end in mid-sentence.
The CCP thought they could control its people into silence, the virus had other ideas and takes no prisoners , CCP hopefully learned a lesson and can be open to the world with future evens such as this ! At the very least they need to acknowledge they dropped the ball !
Isn't AMERICA holding a big secret too? This country has bloody hands, guilty hands too, and is being judged as well.
Imagine thinking we will ever confront China. LoL. Trump is the only guy who has the balls and he's out in four years. China will just wait him out and the next globalist republican or democrat will play ball.
Not that it will happen to any great degree, but America should divest and divorce itself from China for as long as the CCP is in power. The cheap labour isn't worth the Faustian bargain.