Our Airspace Is Being Invaded
For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous. Congressman Tim Burchett joins Tucker Carlson to discuss.
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The government would also have to tell you that the world is not round and these aliens are flying in from or past Antártica.
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Horsecrap.ask elon musk if theres any ufo's in our system he'll tell you your high
Let's be reasonable here. There is an overwhelming chance this is our own military's 'aircraft'. They aren't about to come clean…nor should they.
Invaded by government lies. For a government to stay in power they have to produce an enemy.
If UAPs are not of extraterrestrial origin, but still manifest in our atmosphere without us knowing who or what they are, this may lead us to the idea that no matter who or what the UAPs are, they are only interested in of our planet or perhaps their access outside our planet is restricted.
This makes me think about the possibility that UAPs are isolated here in our atmosphere, a form of quarantine that they can't get out of, and this despite the technological potential they seem to have…
Who is restricting them or why, I think is worth looking into over time once we have more information about this mysterious phenomenon…
Valee ⚠️ warned us… These uap's are playing with us, and the result is going to be a soon global deception…
Two topics for you
Vibes of cosmos
Nos confunden
With only the "evidence" I have, currently, I'm going to state project blue beam. This would help explain "IF" the rapture transpired. I say this cautiously! If this is ALL real then why worry about Ukraine or anything else really? Unless, its "spiritual".
Aliens, no, no, it just does not exist. With all the blurry photos, blurry videos, some people still think they are out there. Please, there is no evidence, non, nothing, nada. I have no doubt that pilots see funny thing, but there is no proof, point.
You guys are legends
UFOs were man-made and developed by the Nazis during World War II. they are further developing the technology in order to obtain a powerful weapon
It’s people from the future trying to warn us about liberal governments ruining the planet. Thats why they are keeping it from us.
Load of sh*t, its extrotion to convince the public to allow the government to print more money devaluing your work and dollar and use it to bolster doing MORE of that
Aliens here, ukraine there, diversity that, so on and so on. More money has been printed in the Biden Administration that ALL of US history COMBINED!
Yes. The CIA/Pentagon Deep State is our real enemy.
1. They can't hide it anymore.
2. So, they want more tax money/black budget money – to have power over us.
If your reporting of truth spends time like you have on this preposterous subject then my subscription will soon be gone. You've caught my eye with Putin and a few other videos, but not all. But I don't watch or listen to BS theories from ancient to modern times. It's better to be short of content than manufacture trash.
I really think tucker should walk away from UFO stories. The idea of space travel is absurd given the distance between stars and the time and energy required for inter galactic travel
I was hoping you’d ask Putin about this. That would be very interesting
And incredibly, ufo sightings seem to only occur in america lol
I honestly don't think we will ever get full transparency… May have to get the truth another way..GOD Bless You and what you are doing to get down to the nitty gritty truth!!❤🙏❤
Hey Tucker, thanks for another great video. I thought you of all people would have figured this out already. During World War 2, Hitler had his scientists and engineers working on building an advanced aircraft, a flying saucer. The pictures use to be all over the internet. Anyway, when we defeated the Germans, we grabbed most of the scientists and engineers and we continued the project. The crafts that are seen are built here in the United States. Most people in this country as well as the rest of the World don't realize just how advanced the United States is with its technology. Some are piloted by our best pilots, and some are remotely controlled. Its where our drone program came from. The United States is behind all of this along with the Globalists. We don't have to worry about any little green men showing up. There is also a demonic component to this as well. Hope this helped.
"You don't really think they spend $30k on a hammer, $20k on a toilet seat?"
Oh Tucker please ! Isn’t that what they want us to believe so they start their one world government?
I saw something in the PA sky last night. It had 2 lights, one in the front and one in the back, but the craft was pitch black, at first the two lights made it appear as if one light was following the other, but after studying it it was apparent both these lights were on the same craft. and despite the fact that the sky was clear the two lights on this craft were shrouded in a mist as if it was above some thin clouds. Let me stress how clear the night sky was! Every star was bright and clear, no haze around them! Only around the lights on this craft. It stopped at some point while I was watching it and it looked like the front light became a spotlight at first and the mist around it shot forward with the light which was actually a concentration of the mist coming out of the front of it and it shot forward and grew like a giant cloud, then the cloud dispersed into nothing visible. The same hazy mist remained around it after this. I had to continue driving home so I could t stay and watch it further, within 5 minutes of getting home there was no sigh of it in the sky anymore or it’s mist. What the hell was it spraying? I don’t believe in aliens. I think it’s some form of government craft developed with fallen angel tech. Spiritual warfare IS happening.
I've seen them in the sky flying they where over 12 of them flying at high speed they can't tell me is not real
Every "UFO" video they have released to the public have been debunked within minutes… It is just a distraction to keep people occupied and not notice the corruption and crimes they are doing like "the great reset" ruining the economy, ruining energy production an and ruining farming and food production on purpose.
TC @ 0.15 says they are "Spiritual Beings" … Yes, we all are Soul merKaBa travellers in whatever Body-Mind housing (at what level and in what dimension etc = AQAL extended "up") …
= Hindu Turiya = Latin Tueri = the witness, the looker, the one who is watching out of their EYES cal.cu.lat.ions = the Soul …
= atomically = Hindu = Atman = (Mah) Atma (Gandhi!) = Great Soul … see the pattern = atom = Atman = Atma = Soul …
… merkaba = mer seas + Ka Spirit + Ba Soul … in Ancient Egypt construction of the Soul…
… Kabala [Judaism] … likewise = Ka Spirit + Ba Soul…
TB @ 0.42 … USA Government lying about it since 1947 … but FAILS to tell the story of them taking a 1943 crashed UFO from Mussolini Italy – USA waited for War to end and 1945 went in to SNATCH IT …
… why was it UFO in Italy 1943? … because UFOs understood that Vatican was the biggest "Spiritual House" on planet … a fatal mistake … because Vatican and Jwes and USA leaderships are Satan-R3HHr diseased = THE FOE, the enemy, and still today …
Anyway … none of the increased UFO zooming around bothers me … as they know now where EVIL lies … in USA the head of THE SNAKE … because the AQAL has extended up so as to include UFO Soul traveller Beings … it is what they are after … "the bridge" … it is why humans were created on this planet… we are a galactic science project to sort out DEMS = dark energy mismatch stores = what they call the Dark Side and the Dark Craft … which is AQAL R3HHr disease anywhere in galaxy …
R3HHr = RED #3 Hylic Hegemonic retardation disease… a gdp-HDI STOP GROWTH and motor on tricking everyone…
Anyway… to repair humanity … (and for galactic personnel to chase down the Dark Side Dark Craft) … everyone has to install the AQAL for Age and devoid of RED #3 = R3HHr disease in DNA genetics = caved-in and Fall of Man…
(All the Star Wars type of movies… and A.I. and Elon Musk and etc shenanigans … are from DNA wheel access (usually called Stargates or Chevron Doors) … that are pulling from the past = the future … when you understand dimensional jumps … and of which have to be "shut down" or reorganised within a proper understanding of each humans AQAL Base Level … because Satan-R3HHr diseased "capitalists" are running the show towards genocide and planet destruction and we need to REVERSE THE MESS and get back on track)
Top secret programme doesn't mean it's alien .
The global oil business is worth four trillion dollars a year. Someone publishes the plans for a UFO's motor and that's all gone; not to mention aviation and other transport industries.
Good man, good senator
😂😂😂 close planets in our galaxy are 100’s of light years away…….each light year is like 6 trillion miles.
Y’all need to grow up and realize they are lying to you and/or ya haven’t seen anything “extraterrestrial”!
The spaceships needed to travel would be moon sized.
With the amount they fleece from y'all they could at least tell y'all the result of what they spend the money on.
Ya'll think the X-FILES was a pretend television show?
Why do they not trust the public? Because clearly the leaders at the Pentagon hates white Americans and sees them as a threat to be exterminated by any means necessary. I would not be surprised if the Pentagon staged a fake ufo invasion just to throw the election for Trump.