Plandemic Creator Explains How to Bypass Censorship – Mikki Willis
In this interview with Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman at the Red Pill Expo, Plandemic creator Mikki Willis explains how he was able to bypass the outrageous censorship machine of Youtube and other Big Tech firms. His plan worked: Over a billion people have seen the documentary exposing some of the lies about COVID-19, making it the most-viewed documentary film of all time.
#Plandemic #Censorship #AlexNewman
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I removed my child from public school this year (now with FPA) and actively placed myself into her prior classrooms by volunteering to help the teacher keeping an eye on things. I watched them remove the good teachers in front of my eyes, placing ones in that were willing to go along with common core nonsense… we barely squeaked by and re-educated our child correctly when misinformation happened in school and spoke out to Heads of schools and met with them when our child came home with this Intersectional Marxist Diversity training (not exaggerating) and ultimately moved out of the failed State of Ca to escape the indoctrination. We spent a good deal of money to pick up and relocate to a rural town and we are sooooo glad we did. We are with FPA online school now thanks to hearing about it through interviews like this that Alex does. Beware.. our children ARE being brainwashed to hate themselves and our founding American values. Get them out of public schools, especially CA, or we WILL lose our Country to Fabian Communist Technocrats.
Excellent interview… thank you Alex 🙏
So glad to see people finally waking up.