Planned Parenthood says you CAN'T say this or you'll be CANCELLED | Redacted with Natali Morris
Planned Parenthood doesn’t want you to dramatize abortion and make it look hard. They took aim at the new Marilyn Monroe biopic on Netflix called Blonde because in the movie Monroe has abortions and is traumatized by them. Why is that bad? Because Planned Parenthood wants you to think that abortions are as easy as going to an ATM. Why? Because they are the biggest provider of abortions as well as the biggest distributor of synthentic hormones in the U.S. There is big money there so we are going to talk about human biology while we’re still allowed to before the cancel culture takes hold.
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About Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else is telling. Along with the facts and the full picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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The Spirit is in the Blood.
I hate abortions if I was a leader of a country I make it against the law to have abortion if anyone had one you get 50 years in prison
Really good piece of journalistic investigation Natalie and Clayton – well done!
P.P. is at the top of the "Industrial Medical Complex"… Your eyes are opening to more truth every week.. Well done, Natali & Clayton.
354,000 little ones NEVER to be born. That is obscene. Only the devil could rule over a nation that does that to its own.
My fiance had an abortion when she was 16 and said she was felt like that was her only option then and regrets it today. We had a chemical miscarriage in 2020 and we have been trying ever since. It's really sad.. Really really sad. It didn't hit me for months but it hit my fiance right away. She always had a Hello Kitty plush pillow that she would lay with but now she clings to it. She talks to it like it's a baby and she does it so much I even started role playing with it too. Her job made her get the jab Sept 2021 and we're still trying with no luck. We went to fertility clinics to see if everything was on the up and up and they said we're good to go but suggested the petri dish method but we're not sure if we want them picking and choosing. I personally don't trust it but I'm willing to do whatever works best for her and us. It's such a sensitive subject at home too because of all the latest reports , not to mention her friends have also been trying with their partners for the last year or so and they also had no luck.. All were jabbed around the same time after they all discussed it too.
Planned parenthood was only designed to destroy blacks, Hispanics and native Americans, none other. Still active full effect. Because physical slavery could not continue so they formed many systemic systems to also control being dominant over that particular race, example the years of Jim Cow. The is still deep routed hatred. Please get that facts right. I like your news by the way
That movie was horrible and is a fiction movie about Marilyn. It needs to be taken down.
Some lefties believe that abortion should go up to 4 or 5 years old because the children ar3 not fully developed humans from what I’ve heard.
TIRED OF YOUR WIFE BLATHERING ON AND ON AND ON and on……She finally took over your platform……sad really liked it …..not any more
We can connect with an unborn child. When I was 43 I had a very vivid dream that I was pregnant with a baby girl. Didnt pay much attention to it at first. A couple weeks later i was about to get an xray. I remembered the dream and asked if this could harm an unborn child. They said yes and tested me. I was pregnant! I had a baby girl 7 months later. That experience saved her life! She is 19 now! So glad I had the dream.
Thank the cgi artist its fully formed, its not horror movie! Imagine art taking creative liberties to portray the thought process of the protagonist!
What they are saying is basically your freedom of speech doesn’t matter.
Planned Parenthood has from the beginning been a Eugenics operation.
Can we stop saying abortions and start calling them what they are,?
baby murders
They are saying there is no soul.
If I killed an unborn baby I would be charged with murder…. But when a pregnant woman does it she's a hero…. ANYONE who is capable of doing this to their own offspring has absolutely no place in a civilized society…PERIOD!!
I know of several women who had abortions when they were younger, believe me when I say, they NEVER got over it. The procedure did haunt them, especially when they go on to have another child. It’s very, very sad. 😢
Isn't it bill gates company….. Population control…
10 years ago I met my wife. We been married for 8 now. God showed me when I was a teenager the future, which was when I turn 33 will I be given a daughter. After 5 years of trying non stop from the age of 28 to 33. I told her the vision when we got married. We tried to make it happen but we couldn't get pregnant til…. I turn 33 3 years ago and have been a great parent to this lil girl.
This is a very true story, a miracle! My wife's body can't and we almost lost the kid at 8 months, the kid was a person the sec the seed took to the egg. I'm getting tired of people thinking a "fedis" isn't a person. It's murder no matter how you cut it.
After your glowing review.. I don't feel the need to see it. The last Marilyn Monroe thing I saw was a mini series from 2001. It's been a while and besides not being a terribly happy story from early in her career.. the I don't remember a whole lot. What I do remember, after seeing the actors in other things are Jensen Ackles and Patrick Dempsey before Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy.. different for both of them, those parts.
I was attached to my child (I am a a man) well before it was born. This is quite natural. Leftists are damaged people.
In Virginia women voiced an opinion that a transgender is formed already in the womb! Emotional involvement of pregnancy is excluded just from the parent's side !Feminists to the rescue!
These people make abortion sound like it’s having a tooth pulled and I think that’s the reason so many women think it’s no big deal. However, it’s an incredibly emotionally traumatic event that stays with you for life. I can assure you, it’s something you will regret forever.
To this add"abortion health" abortion is murder!!!
Their is no cancel culture it's a lie, but their is the ability for like minded people to boycott those businesses and people we disagree with, and I thought it was dribble and someone who has a screwed up interpretation of Marilyn Monroe
Just curious…..Why does NO ONE talk about birth control? Birth control would largely make abortion moot. I really don't understand this American avoidance of any mention of birth control.
Planned Parenthood is the most heinous and criminal "company" on the planet. In other words, this company lives of the death of human beings. They are objectively the absence of any trace of humanity. 😱🤮👹👿👺☠
Our pro abortion culture is madness. The banality of evil.
I told a transgender activist nut i was a cucumber and wanted to be treated as such .. didn't go over well ,there all nuts i swear
you're like couple goal for me guys! So nice to watch!
At least Hitler would not kill his own children
Isn't Bill Gates and family connected to Planned Parenthood