Politics and Populism | 5 Minute Video
Were you shocked at the results of the 2016 American presidential election? Most people were, but Stephen Harper was not one of them. Here, the former Prime Minister of Canada explains the trends that foreshadowed Trump’s victory and left many political elites looking wildly out of touch.
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I was elected to the Parliament of Canada seven times—three times as Prime Minister. I did not expect Donald Trump to be elected President of the United States. But unlike most observers, I did think it was at least possible. Why?
Because I sensed, as Mr. Trump surely did, that the political landscape had shifted.
The underlying issue is this: Over the last few decades, thanks to globalization, a billion people—mostly in the emerging markets of Asia—have lifted themselves out of poverty. This, of course, is a good thing. Yet, in many Western countries, the incomes of working people have stagnated or even declined over the same period.
In short, many Americans voted for Donald Trump because the global economy has not been working for them. We can pretend that this is a false perception. We can keep trying to convince people that they misunderstand their own lives. Or we can try to understand what they are saying and offer some solutions.
I prefer the latter approach.
Let me begin with this:
In our contemporary world, there are, as British journalist David Goodhart describes it, those who can live “Anywhere,” and those who live “Somewhere.”
Imagine you work for an international bank, computer company, or consulting firm. You can wake up in New York, London, or Singapore and feel at home. Your work is not threatened by import competition or technological dislocation. You vocally support all international trade agreements and high levels of immigration. You are one of those who can live Anywhere. There are a lot of those people. But there are a lot more completely unlike them.
Let’s say you’re a factory worker, a small-businessperson, or in retail sales. Your work has been disrupted by outsourcing, cheap imports and technological change. Your children attend the local schools and your aging parents live nearby. Your social life is connected to a local church, sports team, or community group.
If things go badly at your company, or if policy choices by politicians turn out to be wrong, you can’t just shift your life to somewhere else. Like it or not, you depend on the economic policies of your national or state government. When it doesn’t come through for you, you’re not happy. And when it ignores you entirely, you get angry.
It’s easy for Anywheres to dismiss these concerns. But the Anywheres’ faith in global solutions and multi-national political bodies is founded more on fantasy than fact.
The fact is, the critical functions of laws and regulations and monetary and fiscal stability, among other things, are provided by nations, not global institutions.
The nation, with all its flaws, is a concrete reality. The “global community” is little more than a concept. Yet it is the Anywheres, with their faith in globalization—not the Somewheres—who have dominated the politics of almost every advanced country.
That is, until now.
This sea-change is not limited to the United States. The same dynamics—“Anywhere” elites versus “Somewhere” populists—is playing out all across the Western world.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/politics-and-populism

We the People are to go totally against globalization and not tolerate any global society at all; this's not to claim that people shouldn't be able to trade between different societies, but we're to be completely nationalistic, as that kind of subsidiarity is the only thing that's ever worked and is ever going to work, and we've got to lay our cards down immediately face-up; regardless of the views of the mainstream, and override all of the globalists combined- due to their fundamentally stupid understanding of economics, as well as basic justice!
How did Canada get Trudaeu with sensible people like this??
An intriguing video and presented by Stephen Harper, the best Prime Minister of Canada in the 21st century so far.
The best president in the history of the United States
Pro immigration?????????????? WTF????? Down arrow, skip and move on.
And not to mention how you conflate reactionary and populist what of you think trumps going to do if he gets in office after the election semantics it will be austerity and liberalism rampant, and with the banks likely expected to be deregulated trumps ( and congress) will facilitate a crash, subsequently profit, then bail out banks WITH TAX PAYER MONIES get real
I love how bias this is it’s hilarious how this is approved in schools
Trump is not conservative; he's a populist in the worst sense. He only pretends to be competent, lying and deceiving people to come to power. Unfortunately, for many, the image a person projects is more important, and few care to dig deeper, question things, and fact-check based on unbiased sources. Tribalism is a terrible thing because when it's 'your guy,' you can turn a blind eye to literally anything he does.
By the way, I lean more towards conservatism than liberalism, though I see flaws in both and prefer not to label myself as either. I always strive to follow logic, facts, and common sense, rather than being swayed by a charisma of a guy who talks and acts like a salesperson.
I still say that Hilary Clinton should have won the 2016 Election! Why? Because not only would she become the 1st female president of United States, but as a democrat, she would continue Barack Obama's legacy!
Garbage as usual from prageru. It continues to solidify the divide, calling calm, rational, compassionate people ‘elitists’ and feeding desperate people fear. My favorite part of this presentation is when Stephen praised ‘ordinanry’ people for electing trump when all trump did was give an unnecessary platform to white supremacists. Nice job ignoring that fact, Stephen. Now that these white supremacisits are going to federal prison for their crimes, hopefully people will learn that trump is just a pile of garbage and he will be in prison soon enough. Keep up the good work of hiding the real issues, prageru.
Although I didn't vote for Trump and don't categorically support or oppose any candidate or elected official, I do know many people that did support and vote for him. Thus I totally disagree with this reasoning as to why Trump won. Trump won the election because people were sick of being handed political double talk all the time, and as harsh as he was at times, he did seem sincere for the most part, that's why most people supported and voted for him.
"Populism" : what you call the democratic will of the people when you don't like it.
then why doesn't nato declare war on earth and become an union and make earth one nation problem solved
If I get the understanding of what you are saying, it is similar to the company towns created by the Mills and Mines of the early 20th century. Globalization definitely has winners and losers, the winners are the "Investor Class" and the we losers are the workers who watch their jobs exported to a low wage environment. Thank you Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger for your Open Door recognition of China. Always remain concerned about the “Profit over People” equation.
I never knew who this guy was 😮but he is a great speaker and is telling the truth 😮
If you think for half a second that the reason people voted for Trump is globalism (a.k.a. the way yhe world works) you're high… they voted for him because he wasn't a politician and claimed to be anti-establishment… that's it.
They somehow thought a "billionaire" businessman could relate to them, even though he's never had to live a middle-class lifestyle…
DJY was Americas last President.. The powers that be, the left will never let him or any republican back into the WH..
We witnessed cheating, last minute law changes to suit the dems, all of which were illegal.
Ballot boxes stuffed, removing of signature verification on mail in ballots..
America is on life support, and fading fast… This is by design.
Very good
This video makes no sense. Conservatism and populism at the same time? Free trade and protectionism? Harper needs to read Friedman and Sowell.
Nationalization is one of the most anti-consumer policies though, a free market requires free trade, and the free market creates an equal opportunity for all, once you have given into nationalization and what the businesses self interest is, they will create monopolies. To combat the importation of cheap goods, get rid of regulations and give sim sort of incentive for people to want to buy what you are selling.
Right on the money. Yet many may think (or have been taught) conservatism means just maintaining staus quo. May we take to heart your well thought out analysis.
President Donald J Trump made our country greater stronger and respected
Joe Biden and the Democratic party has did nothing but kissed the butts of our enemies and has did nothing but took from the United States to give to our enemies communist Russia
Joe Biden and the Democratic party and AOC turned around and begged communist Russia and OPEC to produce energy for the United States when we were already energy Independence
Then turn around and try to blame the United States and everyone in the United States for the high prices of gas fuel and energy and you try to lie and say the high prices because of the war in Ukraine Knowing damn well it is a fact that the high prices of oil fuel and natural gas it's because of you Joe Biden and the Democratic party and AOC because as you can remember or can you the high prices of all that started when you close down our energy pipeline here in the United States and turn around gave communist Russia or enemy and OPEC permission to open up their pipelines
Then you turn around and try to blame communist Russia for the high prices trying to lie and say it was the war in Ukraine when the fact is Russian didn't invade Ukraine at that time
The fact is Joe Biden and the Democratic party is purposely making the United States weaker and vulnerable to our enemies and purposely making our enemy stronger and it doesn't matter if Russia communist Russia is using the pipelines or not right now the fact is Joe Biden took from the United States to give to our enemies that keeps threatening us with nuclear war
And go back in the Democratic party once the United States to the piano and other enemies to keep calling deaf to America and deaf to Israel enemies that wants to build a nuclear bomb so they can destroy us all
Now the fact is what everyone should be asking you and the man answers why would he president of the United States would want to the United States and everyone in the United States depend on the enemy and why did Joe Biden and the Democratic party and AOC
Knowing communist Russia is our enemy
Which means you rather put everyone's life in danger and depend on our enemies
Because he knows damn well our allies would have helped us
And our enemies will always be tried try to destroy the United States and everyone in the United States
So why would anybody want to vote for someone Knowing damn well they don't give a damn about the safety of the United States and everyone in the United States
And two
Trip to go back in the Democratic party David damn about everyone in the United States in the safety of the United States they wouldn't try to defund the police so you can't be safe
And like I said your body in the Democratic party is purposely making the United States weaker and vulnerable to our enemies and purposely making our enemies stronger and like I said the same enemies that threatened United States and everyone in the United States with nuclear war
The anywhere somewhere argument is less and less applicable in the world we live in. At first international corporations, thanks mainly to the tax code and policy changes made by the Reagan Administration, moved jobs overseas. But in large part, US customers did not punish their defection to china to make higher profits while taking a US tax credit to move the plant. We were all too happy to save 10 cents while our neighbors were laid off.
In the current global market, more "Anywhere" employees are finding that less expensive labor from anywhere can do their jobs too. So as jobs are sent overseas, and jobs from truck driving to moping continue to be automated the Anywhere employees are finding themselves on the unemployment line along with their less well-educated countrymen and women.
Why pay a Harvard Business School graduate 200K a year to work in finance when you can pay a Cambridge Business School graduate 40K to work from Karachi. Add to this the tella health and innovations in AI and the future is more cost effective for corporations but much more bleek for well educated Americans or any other 1st world workers.