Postal Service Needs Reform Not Massive Bailout
Unsustainable wage and benefit costs, along with unaffordable and inefficient service requirements in light of reduced demand—not the novel coronavirus of 2019—are the real reasons for the Postal Service’s financial troubles.
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"In 2006, Congress passed a law that imposed extraordinary costs on the U.S. Postal Service. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) required the USPS to create a $72 billion fund to pay for the cost of its post-retirement health care costs, 75 years into the future. This burden applies to no other federal agency or private corporation.
If the costs of this retiree health care mandate were removed from the USPS financial statements, the Post Office would have reported operating profits in each of the last six years. This extraordinary mandate created a financial “crisis” that has been used to justify harmful service cuts and even calls for postal privatization. Additional cuts in service and privatization would be devastating for millions of postal workers and customers."
During an election year that will be dominated by mail in ballots.
I have worked for the postal service for 20 years and the Unsustainable wage and benefit costs only applies to management, they get paid the big bucks for thinking but I have yet to see them earn their pay, us hourly workers get the shaft because of the corruption, lies, and very bad decisions in management, I have witnessed a maintenance manager have us throw perfectly good parts and materials into the recycle bin then retires and gets a cushy job with the recycling contractor as an advisor??? Trump is absolutely right the USPS is just another swamp that needs draining, even the royal oak shooting November 14, 1991 was covered up by the inspectors because the manager targeted an employee and pushed him over the edge, they didn't want the public to know who was really responsible, this manager even had a heavy steel door installed in his office before the shooting,(Go Figure) I wasn't there but I talked to employees that were. there are managers who not only need to be fired but convicted and imprisoned. I hope our new postmaster general Louis DeJoy eradicates all of the bad management because they deserve it. I don't believe Trump put him there because he is a big donor (all the other presidents do that and you never hear about it) I believe he did it because Louis DeJoy is smart enough to find the real problems and fix them, and believe me it's NOT the hourly workers.
The Republicans passed a law forcing the Post Office to pay for employee retirement 75 years in advance. They knew no corporations or agencies could survive doing that. The whole idea was to put the USPO out of service and out of competition with the privately owned delivery services which will take billions in profits out of the economy. We don't need some bullshit reforms; we need a revolution. Let's get the rich liars out of our government along with their stooges in the Heritage Foundation and The Cato Institute.
Let's never forget this. That the United States Postal Service is an integral part of our life in this country. Does the Postal Service need to improve, yes. But it also needs to be funded by the government. Trust me, we don't want to end up like Canada. They don't even get mailed service delivered to their house. They have to go down to the street to a communal mailbox to get their mail. Is that the route the United States wants to go? I don't think so! If you really want to help the postal service, start writing letters and sending your bills via the mail again. The Postal Service isn't just for package delivery. It's for actual mail. Do your part and support the Postal Service!
The usps hasn’t made a nickel since the first days of email. Now its all of a sudden an issue? Cmon….
Just disband it. Offer anyone with over 10 years service a prorated pension based on time in, anyone with less than 10 gets a severance package.
The private industry does it better anyway.
They are obsolete. Shut 'em down. Digital billing and pay, UPS and FedEx have replaced them.
The biggest fault of the USPS structure is their retirement system. The way it is funded was untenable when things were great. Now is not the moment to initiate reform but it needs to be on the "To Do" list of Congress. And the POTUS!
Bring up the fact that postal service requires to pre fund health care benefits 75years in advance. Which costs about 5 billion a year. How does that make sense when there’s no other company that does that?! This is miss leading video.
They can’t even run a postal service, they want to run your life, no thanks !
How do our SERVANTS get PENSIONS when We the People are their master?
The only thing wrong with the postal service is congress. There is no other business that could survive under the requirements laid on the Post office by congress. Did you know they have to fund medical and retirements for 75 years out? Another words before people are born. They have to deliver free mail for the handicap and blind? Oh not to mention they can not deliver wines or alcohol because congress passed a law saying they can't. Look no further than Congress for the Postal Problems.
Postal business is booming since online shopping has started, instead of grabbing the opportunity with both hands and minting gold, they ask bail outs. It is time for privatisation.
The USPS needed to die decades ago.
Dems just pushing this now so they can pull one over on us as we focus on the virus. It can wait til we're through with virus.
I call bs on this. Post Office has been mishandled for decades. President Trump pls put a business man at the helm of the Post Office. Then it will operate in the black.
if anything covid is making the USPS more money than usual.
They don’t even cut the grass at our post office! I see post offices all over Texas look like dumps leaking, roof damage, weeds, over hang falling down mildew all over the place! Our town still does door to door mail drop! Could replace half mail persons with community boxes like in new subdivisions! Drop mail drag it! Put retired 4 star General in charge get productions up get rid lazy over paid people! And people that are there just for retirement not to work!
The government can't even make a mail service to work. A technology that we're using for thousands of years.
Somehow there are people who believe that the government could control, organize, plan and optimize every variable on everyones lives. It just amazes me.
What they need to do is look into the deals they have with UPS AND FEDX …. laundromat for embezzlement!!! Federal funding goes right in there pockets…agghhh
If we want this service to continue, yes they need a bailout. Unlike the airlines that have given their executives and shareholders $45B and then demanded $50B in a bailout, the money here is going to public employees and NOT YACHTS AND MANSIONS.
They can't even deliver the mail correctly half the time.
Lol….. Congress dictates the rules. the postal service takes no, 0, zilch federal dollars. Hasn't in decades. But Congress has taken 5 billion a year from the postal service for funded retirement guarantee since 2015. So ask Congress.. where'd the money go. Reach in and help em out with their own money. Or, is it full of IOU's? Like social security
The requirement of funding the $5Bil. A year medical retirement continues to drag down a good job for all walks of Americans.
China Amazon and other places are not paying their part. Get this!! AMAZON WANTS TO BUY THE POSTAL SERVICE ‼️😳😱⚠️⚠️
So you are gonna reform the Postal Service in the middle of this crisis. That is stupid by any standard.
dear lord. let me get this straight…. they ship amazon packages at a loss. covid-19 causes a massive spike in amazon packages…. usps in trouble…. how about you stop helping amazon destroy my business…..