President Obama’s Recovery Summer Vacation
This summer, President Obama promised a summer of recovery, which never arrived. This failure is a natural result of trusting and empowering government over average Americans.
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I'd like to know where that restaurant scene took place with Biden at 0:10 in the video
"The president needs the courage to admit his regulatory regime is the biggest road block to job creation. America's job creators cannot hire workers while handcuffed by regulations, crushed by mandates and threatened with taxes. If the president refuses to change course, America's unemployed with be the victims of his failure.” – Reince Priebus
The United States economy added a meager 18,000 jobs in June, compared with a gain of a revised 25,000 jobs in May, the Department of Labor said on Friday, while the unemployment rate edged up to 9.2 percent from 9.1 percent in May.
The numbers showed the continuing challenges of adding jobs to the economy even at a rate that keeps pace with population growth, two years after the official end of the longest economic downturn since the Great Depression. This is a recovery?
Buckleup…. here we go again…
@Scipio2021 Are you not as sick of hearing the dems this the reps that? Isn't it time to forget that part of the crap and really sit down as AMERICANS and figure out a fix we ALL can have part in? Not a party line law, not a rushed through or filled with bribes. Just a flat out bill with all new reforms. Reforms in Health care, reforms in SSI,SSA, Medicare, Medicade oh yah a new tax feform would be great too. I know we can all agree with some things lets start there
@Scipio2021 I agree with most people we need health reform. Yes I agree we need government to help with the social programs they already created as well.Medicare, medicade,SSI, SSA. Lets find the waste. Get rid of the fraud before the government creates more. I'm not disagreeing totally with you.I just believe if government wants to restructure health care then fix whats broken first. If we ALL work together instead of name call and argue we might get some real work done.
@Scipio2021 Actually charity helps more then government programs do. Private charities (most of them) make sure the money you donate goes to people that actually need the help.You might have to do a little homework on the charity you wish to help. Some charities are as bad as government programs. Government has so many waiste programs out there with lots of fraud. I don't want people to lay in a parking lot to die so lets not get carried away with crazy talk.
@whoareyou2me Glad you enjoyed it.
@Scipio2021 That seems like a balanced criticism.
That was fun. Thx Heritage.
The party of Harry Truman is now running from what should be the crowing achivement of President Obama's first term, the healthcare bill that was rammed through the Congress by simple majority since it was laughingly claimed by the Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi that it would reduce the deficit. If anyoine believed that, he is either delusional or hoplessly naive.
Honestly, this presidency is one long nightmare. Even Time Magazine knows it now, and Obummer's failure has the libs either despondent or ranting mad, like lunatics.
I hope and pray that liberalism dies for a generation. Now THAT'S some hope N change I can get behind!
Remember, Remember the SECOND of November.
Didn't you guys hear? Obama has extended "Recovery Summer"into the fall. They want to call it….. FREE FALLING
How's that HOPE & CHANGE working out for you now,America?
Do you have Buyer's Remorse yet?
Mr. "One & Done" 872 days & Uhbama is GONE!
the recovery was that Plugs Biden was recovering from his alcoholism, he's still working on it. love the music in the back ground on this video
the recovery was that Plugs Biden was recovering from his alcoholism, he's still working on it.