PROOF the DOJ Is Running Election Interference for Joe Biden | Ep 360
After Hunter Biden was found guilty of a minor gun charge, Democrats and the media were quick to use his conviction as evidence that all is “hunky-dory” with the justice system under President Joe Biden. Anyone who questioned the Left’s “fair justice” narrative was branded a conspiracy theorist. Cue New York Magazine: “Hunter Biden Conviction Blows Up Republican Conspiracy Theories” and Vanity Fair: “Trump and Co. Come Up with Most Deranged Theory Yet: Joe Biden Wanted Hunter Biden to Be Found Guilty.” Never mind the fact that the only reason Hunter went to trial is because a judge blew up a secret deal between his lawyers and his dad’s DOJ that all but gave him blanket immunity on tax fraud charges. But sure, the justice system is fair and impartial! Never mind the fact that the regime’s main political opponent in the upcoming presidential race — Donald Trump — was convicted on 34 BOGUS felonies and faces three more major trials. AND never mind that Trump’s ally Steve Bannon was ordered to prison for contempt for Congress and yet Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland got away with the EXACT same crime. Glenn lays out the case that proves the weaponization of our justice system goes right to the top. Through unredacted court documents, White House visitor logs, and documents from congressional committees, the evidence trail leads directly to the Joe Biden White House. Glenn is joined by legal warrior Harmeet Dhillon, a lawyer for Donald Trump and the Center for American Liberty founder and CEO. She says the weaponization of government she’s witnessed is unprecedented and believes the end game is to trigger civil unrest in the country if Trump is jailed. “The constant fear being injected into conservatives is deliberate,” Harmeet says. But she gives four solutions for how conservatives can avoid entrapment from a government treating them as enemies of the state.
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You are completely correct, we are in big trouble and some, I hope some still thinking that we are in a good position. They are as delusional as the democrat's president, our society is getting all confused and divided, most of the goverment agencies are corrupted, specially our DOJ, our borders are weak letting millions of illegal immigrants walking into our Country, 2 active wars, our economy collapsing in our faces and most of the citizens still believing in this heavily corrupted administration and some rotten apple politicians which lie to us on a daily basis and still believing in them. Our Country and democracy are in danger, and we, the people of this Country have to disolve all these BS. Never since the creation of our Nation we have so many delusional ideas, so many lies, so many problems which needs inmediately action by the right people with the power and will to do it. All I see, sadly, that the way we are going, so blind, when the people open finally their eyes we will be communist, where the goverment have all the power over us and just have to suck it up because it will be too late. Wake up United States of America before it is too late with all these mis information from our goverment, please wake up before it's too late. Thanks and God bless you all!
"Leticia" James
The View… doesn't get that Biden has ALREADY DONE what they fear President Trump will do.
Trump will win the election without any doubt. The Democrats attempted to steal the election by keeping his dementia a secret but they have now been found out. Even RFK is now likely to receive more votes than Biden. Biden's lie that no servicemen have been lost under his watch is disrespectful to those servicemen who gave their lives (13 Afghanistan and 3 Jordan) Everyone should be condemning Biden for this blatant heartless lie.
Its amazing if you are a free thinker then you are not part of the deep state club
so it answers the question about what are on the biden tapes
Glen, is it possible they were looking through Biden Classified Docs for some to put in with the papers at Mar largo to secure a case against Trump
What's his name, Colon Jello?
It's a sneaky way to push us into communism.
Liberals are bullies: conservatives are cowards.
What would have happened if this happened in medieval times? Nothing civil.
Biden's lawyers must be disbarred, yesterday.
Washington's football team should be renamed "Washington Swamp Rats".
It is written: Diverse weights and measures are an abomination to the Lord.
LOL you have got to be kidding she is peeking out from under the blindfold to see whose favorite. She wants it to fall in. Follow the money you always come back to the problem.! You mean we have a double standard ohhhh not really!
All the horrible and injust things that have been happening are evidence of the very real fight between good and evil. It is all coming to a head, like a nasty pimple.
We have to continue saying and doing what is right, even if it SEEMS futile.
The old saying is correct: "All that is needed for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing."
Just goes to show how corrupt lawyers are and can be !!!!!!!!!!
This is where we are now.Wake up People.😢
My question is, where is the Supreme Court on all of this political justice warfare?
They are all the destroyers-they are all psychopaths and anyone not doing anything about this corruption is complicit. Wonder what Biden was paid from China for his garage documents and what were they regarding? Meanwhile, Trump has documents he was authorized to have and properly secured. …..There is no better example of the fact that we have been taken over by an evil regime