Prophetic Warning To America & The Many Unseen Threats | Marking The End Times with Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I’m discussing the heightened terrorist threat facing the United States. This has significant prophetic implications that I want to unpack for you as they are important to understand.
In the subscriber only section I answer your questions, such as, “Christians have thousands of different languages and dialects from each country. How can we communicate with other people in heaven? Will everyone understand each other? Will we have a universal language?”
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Praying for America. God is in control.
Thank you for sharing!
The only threat is either internal or by israel. No one else can threaten usa . Wake up people .
Didn’t know that Australia does not support Israel.
There’s a lot of dirty stuff in America. Look at the movies that come out of Hollywood! And the culture follows it.
All these dates about the rapture are hypothetical, aren’t they. Some pastors believe that we are off with the date setting of the rapture.
US been sold to chy nahh. They are here now to claim what they own.
The Global Economies must fail just before or just after the Rapture to Force the NEW WORLD ORDER great reset Central Bank Digital Currencies to Control who Buys and Sells and this does not have to before we are gone. The New World Order will be forced when we are gone and certainly when America falls due to Debt and extravagant Spending which is 6 trillion and Tax revenues will drop to 2 Trillion causing all Countries to call for their Debt to be paid collapsing America from the World. America was the model of Israel who followed JESUS when Israel refused but we have turned from GOD and Therefore GODs wrath will be done to America first as GOD did to Israel when they refused to Repent and follow GOD, GOD brought destruction upon them by pagan countries they were following.
Do we have a president why isn't he doing anything about the situation I thought they in the white house isn't anybody going to help us Christian people God will help us God will help😊❤
❤ this is scaring me so much believe that that can happen I do wish that God will take us rapture us before this happens I would not want to be Poison by poisonous gas nuclear bomb
Mark, I believe more like 30 – 50% of Americans will be taken in the Rapture. I think there are still a lot of believers out there that truly believe.
The USA is one of the lost ten tribes of Israel. We USA are actually one of the tribes that inherited the name Israel and not our brothers the Jews. The modern state of Israel is actually the ancient kingdom of Judah. We are the tribe of Manasseh. One of our national seal is called the seal of Manasseh. Manasseh and Ephraim along with Joseph inherited the birthright blessing. Genesis 48. And Genesis 49 the USA is all over the Bible prophecy along with Great Britain; who is the tribe of Ephraim.
Sad that America's leader's are making stupid choices and policies that are destroying our country. I guess this is all part of prophecy being played out, but still very upsetting !
Come Lord Jesus Come!
I agree with you, Bro. Mark…that America is not mentioned in End TIme Prophecy. :/ And I'm afraid that America has became a "Cesspool" and has also turned it's back on God alot. Allowed all KINDS of Evil in! 🙁
Not just America those being born again Christians will be raptured and live all over the world not just in US or Canada
Yes US is the main support for Israel and other nations are some what supportive of Israel
Been watching you pastor and got a few of your books biblical and encouraging on closer than ever on our Lord Jesus Coming in the air to catch us up, as we’re waiting , keep loving the gospel to those who need to be saved from their separation from God from thier sins and living for self not seeing they broke Gods law and are under His wrath snd judgement and only repentance and coming to saving faith by Gods Grace in Jesus will bring them back to the severed relationship to God in Jesus which God loved us first (1John4:9-10) and demonstrated His love towards us ( Romans 5;8) Will we were sinners Christ paid our sin debt we could never pay for , forgiving us set us free under being loved instructed guided by God who is our Authority our King of kings Lord of lords , now and right into eternity, praying for keep carrying out Jesus Great Commission, until Jesus comes , Jesus said in closing .
“ Are you Ready ?
Yes true Peace will come when our Great God and Savior comes , come Lord Jesus come soon
Yes John 14:1-4) when you are going through trials , doubts , and all lies from Satan , stop listening or dabbling with him , and stay saturated and preach the gospel’s to your self and focus mediate memorize His love promises assurances and all Jesus hopes when He comes Amen
No matter who does the terrorism in USA they will blame "white nationalists Christians "
The United States has nothing to do with the Bible that Bible was written about the people of Israel you guys need to learn that it wasn't written about you
You guys should be ashamed writing your own Bibles you guys are nothing but fools
No need to dress in unusual manner. No need to sell your wares. No need to have special people privileges. Your news is helpful. Please pray for me.
Wow, 5-10% of America?! 5% is the number of illegal people here and that hasn't stopped us, so if just 5% of people disappear, I don't think that'd do it. If your estimate is so low, narrow is the rd indeed. That's a scary low number.
Into the southern border that uses our tax dollars to give them free housing and credit card each 5000.00.
Who is the Muslims Messiah that they are waiting to return? They don't believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
I'll forever be thankful to you, you've changed my whole life, I'll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear, you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment, thanks so much Mrs Pauline owen.
It's our government that's created the situation. That's put us in so much danger by allowing millions of people to come through the Southern border to have tens of thousands of Chinese come through the border. To have these foreigners buy up our land the government wants americans destroyed or else they wouldn't put us in the danger they've put us in and they've done it on purpose
That's probably why we are not in the bible, we get attacked, I sure hope not 🤔 something happens to the United States, it's a scary thought 🥺✌️
As far as America is concerned what GOD hides HE keeps hidden .