Protecting the Rights of Women and Girls in the Age of Gender Identity | The Heritage Foundation
Since the UN Commission on the Status of Women first met at Lake Success, NY in 1947, discussions of women’s equality have focused on the equal treatment of women as compared to men. But what will happen if men can simply self-identity as women? What will happen to the definition of women in international human rights treaties and all the corresponding protections for women? What will happen to progress made on countering violence against women if single-sex spaces like public restrooms, shelters for battered women, and women’s prisons are forced to open to any man who claims to be a woman? What will happen to women’s empowerment and access to social protection systems if any man can claim to be a woman and when women can be punished for dissenting from gender ideology? What will happen if medical professionals are pressured to tell girls who are uncomfortable with puberty that their bodies are the problem and that “sex-reassignment” hormonal and surgical interventions are the solution? Join us as a panel of experts, including a sexual assault survivor, a radical feminist, a Muslim researcher and writer , and a pediatric critical care physician discuss how the gender identity movement threatens to erase women’s historic protections and future progress.

I wouldn’t have the patience to do a panel like this. I’d drop all professionalism with the audience members once they started with that su1c1de-bating. That’s so disgusting and manipulative.
Questioner in the purple shirt is delusional beyond expression. She's also a bully.
The one question is the comparing of oranges to apples.. The only system in the human body that you can remove completely is the reproductive system. You can’t compare a penis and vagina functions to kidneys.
Any doctor found performing "sexual reassignment surgery" of anyone under 18 years of age, no matter who "authorizes" it, should lose their license forever, be fined, and imprisoned. The same holds for administering any drugs or hormones for the purpose of changing the sex of anyone under 18. These so-called doctors are sick, and, in my mind, no different from those twisted "doctors" who medically experimented with people during the Third Reich. This needs to be called out for what it is, and stopped immediately, and harshly.
He enters the locker room. I run to the front desk for help. They tell me that he identifies as she. They tell me I am transphobic.
He is undressing next to me. Exposing his naked maleness. I quickly put on my shirt forgetting about my bra, struggle into my jeans and run bare foot to the front desk for help. They tell me he identifies as a she. They tell me I am transphobic.
I get out of the shower and open my locker. He walks over to me, leering at me with his smile, stroking his hardness. I hold my towel tight around me and run to the front desk for help. They tell me he identifies as she. They tell me I am transphobic.
I am drying off my feet. He pushes his erection against my bare bottom, letting out a quiet moan. I reach for my towel, but he snatches it away. I scream for help. Someone from the front desk comes in to see what is wrong. He tells them that I am transphobic.
I am in the shower, when I feel hands tight across my mouth, my nose. I feel like I am drowning. I try to scream, but it comes out as if I am deep under water. He rubs himself against me. He whispers “want to suck my girl dick you transphobic cunt?”
They find me huddled on the tile floor sobbing. They tell me I am not allowed in the locker room anymore because I am transphobic.
-Erin Brewer
Thank you, Kaeley and Natasha, for making the point about lesbian vilification. Gender identity and sexual orientation cannot co-exist, the one negates the other. This is a deeply sexist, misogynist and homophobic movement.
The federal regulation that mandates homeless shelters receiving fed funds have to allow trans-identified males is under HUD. The Equality Act has been presented multiple times over a number of years and has died in committee every time.
How sad it is that some people are incapable of understanding that criticizing a patriarchal system that harms women and girls (and harms men too, for that matter) does not mean that you are "against" the people who are harmed by that system. A simple analogy: criticizing companies that pollute the environment does not mean that you hate the environment. To the contrary, it means that you love the environment and you are trying to protect it from the polluters. The "reverend" and the young woman in the purple shirt need to learn some basic logic skills.
Thank you so much for putting this panel together and standing up to protect children!
As someone who suffered from childhood gender dysphoria, I have watched in horror as transgender activists have convinced many that gender dysphoria is caused because someone is born in the wrong body. My video about how the cult of affirmation is hurting our children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHElmyBuh0E&t=3s