Psalm 1
How can we live good lives rooted in God’s abundance? Psalm 1 offers two choices represented by two types of humans—one who is like a solid tree and one who blows away in the wind like chaff. In this video, we reflect on the choices that shape our lives and discover that what we meditate on makes all the difference.
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What a beautiful breakdown.
May 27 2024
It is essential for me to always keep my mind stayed on JESUS. Scripture confirms scripture with that Foundational TRUTH. Thank you for the Hebrew language definition.
Continue PRAYING
There was the recent NEWS after bathing. Who suppose to relay New for the benefit of the Viewer. Not underlying said the word " crazy" the World to which we are ALIVE and WELL reflects their meditation.
1 Corinthians 14:33
This is put so beautifully.I pray for the producers of this channel to be planted by the river of life forever ❤
Hi, I just really would like to know which version you guys use?
This was so helpful and such a beautiful break down of this Psalm. Thank you!
Thank you 🙏
I have been meditating daily, on this instruction on, how and why to meditate daily, on YHWH's instruction. 🕊
PSLAMS 1 …………… ❤…………… THE LAW OF GOD
Everyone is subject to those laws
The Wicked ignore at their pearl ,
they wither and die 🎲
Wow! I was blessed to stumble upon this channel ❤
❤ so good
Lord, please help me to become a tree of life for others.
Thank you so much. This is a wonderful addition to my devotion on Psalm 1
Such a beautiful explanation of Psalm 1. Really loved it . God bless your ministry .🙏
Wow! what an amazing explanation and breakdown ❤
Please do this with all the psalms!!!
Be a tree of life to others.😊
thank you
This is absolutely beautiful. I am truly thankful God is opening my heart to understand. I need to change my heart and follow the pleasantries that God displayed through Jesus time on earth. He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us so He could guide us.
I am so thankful I am dwell amount the daily presence of the Word of God.
His truth is really shining through and I pray Lord You'd open the heart of my family and friends. Soften their hearts so they can read and understand Your Word that they may come to enjoy dwelling in Your magnificent presence as well.
Thank you for sharing the talents God has given to those of you who are apart of Bible Project.
It is a blessing ❤️✨😌✨❤️
This is grrat!!! Thank you, for this!
So good! Thanks y'all!
I am so grateful I found your channel. I am doing my Bible study for this year with meditations and this has helped enormously. What a gift your ministry is to us believers. May the Lord continue to bless your work in helping us interpret sacred scriptures. Amen!
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