Question and Answer with J.P. Moreland: Tackling Your Toughest Questions!
J.P. Moreland is one of the leading philosophers and apologists today. He has published in areas as wide-ranging as intelligent design, the historical Jesus, and evidence for the soul. Join us for an engaging discussion!
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I am reluctant to agree with any man regardless of their station that a person that commits suicide is indeed saved. Likewise I would be fearful to teach that a person that is truly born again remains forever saved. Neither response given to these first two questions are truly known or factual, otherwise wouldn't they be in the Book that has all the answers? I've learned to occasionally repeat a response I've heard from Alexa, "I don't know the answer to that."
I’d like to know how JPM would respond to the likes of Moran Cerf who claims his team of researchers can make people choose to hit a certain button, and that these people didn’t know they were being made to do it; they said they chose it themselves.
Thanks Sean.
How I have come to think about my imperfection; is can I be content in this position, irregardless of weather perfection is available.
5:37 "I'm one of those that believes in something called ' eternal security ' and that means that, if you are genuinely regenerated and born again in the Kingdom, then you can't lose your salvation"
6:38 "Suicide in no way is different than any other significant sin, like murder or anything else, that it doesn't matter if it happens at the very last instance of your life on Earth because you've already have all your sins forgiven, past, present and future"
I'm sorry but on what grounds are these strange teachings based on?
If Mr. Moreland admits suicide is a sin and one who chose this path will literally die in this sin then it follows logically that there's no hope for salvation since the sinner could no longer repent of this sin.
At 55:49, Dr. Moreland says, "Sometimes God speaks and you're 70/30 that it was God, or 60/40. So you don't have to be certain it was God to have good reason to think it was God."
I've always agreed with what Greg Koukl says about hearing the voice of God:
"I don’t know a single instance in Scripture where God intended to speak to somebody who failed to hear Him."
"If God wants to communicate, He succeeds. You cannot fail to hear Him even if you are deaf because God always accomplishes what He intends."
– Does God Whisper? Part 3, str.org
"when you look at the Scriptures, the specialized directions are . . . always crystal clear. None of this 'I think the Lord is telling me' business."
– Hearing God’s Voice, str.org
What Greg says seems to be consistent with the Bible, but I know that a lot of people have experiences like what Dr. Moreland described where you're not certain, but you still believe it was God.
Do Greg and Dr. Moreland disagree, or am I misunderstanding something? What are your thoughts on this, Sean?
2:32 Dr. Moreland engages in armchair speculations based upon his subjective experiences of "what personal identity is". Introspection is a terrible way to understand what is going on in the brain because it is so unreliable. Go back 1200 years someone has a migraine and they introspect that it is a devil pounding inside their head. Is this introspection correct? Of course not. Most brain processes are completely unconscious and not subject to introspection. Introspection is unreliable.
Sean doesn't like Moreland talking about the "viciousness" of Jesus or "Eternal Hell Fire" look at his expression when Moreland talks about this topic! Priceless!
LOL Dr. Moreland 14:56 says "Jesus was more vicious than the Old Testament God"( https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vicious ) forgetting that Jesus IS Yahweh! Of course as God Jesus possesses viciousness in a perfect and ultimate form being God and all!
I want to study in Biola because of Dr. William Lane Craig but I live in Asia and I'm broke. God willing this will happen!
is this another Biola guy
Mike here: Mr. Moreland states the common idea that Jesus spoke more about hell than he did about heaven.
Though it is often said that Jesus spoke more of hell than He did of heaven, I could not verify this in my reading of the whole New Testament looking for these references.
Still, Jesus did speak frequently about hell, clearly indicating He was not against using the thought of eternal torment to influence people towards good behavior.
These references reflect the subjects of heaven and hell in Jesus’ teaching, and not just the words. The word “heaven” in the phrase “the kingdom of heaven” is only listed when it refers to an actual place.
Please see:
Heaven (46) – Matthew 5:12, 6:20, 8:11, 10:23, 13:43, 16:19, 18:10,
18:18, 21:25, 22:30, 25:46, 26:64, 28:18 ; Mark 9:43, 45, 47, 10:30, 11:30, 12:25, 14:62 ; Luke 10:18, 20, 21, 11:13, 15:18, 16:9, 16:22, 23, 25, 26, 18:13, 18:30, 20:3, 20:35 ; John 6:32, 33, 38, 41, 42, 50, 51, 58 ; John 14:2, 3 ; Revelation 2:7 (?), 3:12.
Hell (38) – Matthew 5:22, 5:30, 7:19 with 7:23, 8:12, 10:15, 10:28, 11:22, 11:23, 11:24, 13:30, 13:42, 13:50, 16:18, 18:8, 18:9, 18:34, 35, 23:15, 23:33, 24:51, 25:30, 25:46 ; Mark 3:28, 29, 9:43, 45, 47, 48 ; Luke 1:12, 14, 15, 12:5, 16:23, 24, 25, 26, 28 ; Revelation 1:18.
Question about losing Salvation. First & foremost what is Salvation? or Who is Saved?
JP answers by saying genuinely saved or regenerated., So what is this genuienly saved?
Salvation was bought by Jesus by shedding his blood & It's the work of God so it's great as of God himself is great. If it's then Salvation is great than anything that ever happened to men. A simple example is that the saved person is become like Jesus but is there anybody ever claimed to become like Jesus? Nobody has claimed to become like Jesus then how does JP says genuienly saved? I'm sure both JPM & Sean McDwell or any front line leaders aren't yet clear on Salvation though, I respect both of them on high.
Salvation is a state of become like Jesus then there's no question of losing a Salvation at any cost. A Saved person is like Jesus, able to claim his physical body is the Temple of God & he can claim to exist before 2k years and prove. So, nobody is known as saved to the standard of Salvation & discussing if one lose his Salvation or not is something very serious mistake when don't know what is genuine Salvation.
However, a SAVED persons are only become like Jesus and known as the Two Witnesses of Jesus in Revelation 11 from among the believers who pretend that they're saved but not b/c believers aren't saved but by the Result of believes only one might be saved & once saved then thereafter there's no need to remain as believers & there's no room for believes.
Dr.Billy Graham or Dr.Ravi Zacharias etc., may be strong believers but not saved b/c they haven't claimed ever have become like Jesus.
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I absolutely LOVE JP!! Thank you so much for having JP on your show, Sean. He is a total delight – and so wise.
This was so interesting and provoked a lot of thinking! I listened to every word!
I tend to trust a man with a messy bookshelf. It’s the guys with the tidy ones that you got a watch out for. 😉
Thank you gentlemen! I very much appreciate the content you’re putting out Sean, nicely done!