Quick Shot Responses to: “There are No Objective Moral Truths”
For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD)
Quick Shot: “There are no objective moral truths”
In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner offers a number of brief, rhetorically powerful responses to the objection: “There are No Objective Moral Truths.” Are moral truths entirely subjective? Are they simply rooted in personal opinions or cultural consensus? If there are objective moral truths, how can they be properly “grounded”? These Quick Shot responses are designed to help you remove intellectual obstacles when talking about God with your friends and family members. They are also available on the Cold-Case Christianity Phone App so you can access them as you are interacting with others.