Ray Comfort on being brave as Christians
How can we be courageous in a world that is increasingly hostile to the Christian worldview? J. Warner interviews Ray Comfort about his new book, So Many Lions, So Few Daniels (https://amzn.to/42dhA88).
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In 2007 after I had started hearing God's voice on June 28, 2004 and getting BORN AGAIN in March 2005, the Lord sent me to be trained in evangelism by Ray Comfort. I always have his gospel tracts, I do my own videos and some days the Lord has me have long gospel conversations with multiple people.
On Thursday I witnessed to a Andrew (Catholic), Solomon (claimed to be born again 30 years but living in adultery), Elijah (not a Christian, but his Christian Dad had died two years ago and wanted to be born again/gave him a Bible too) and then Leah (lesbian who wanted to know about end times since she has seen the caskets that will be used in the Tribulation here in Georgia). This method always works whether they get born again before the imminent rapture or they got instructions on how to become Tribulation saints, I pray and trust that fruit will be produced even after I am raptured.
Glad that Ray said marriage is only ONE MAN to ONE WOMAN since divorce and remarriage is adultery and a major deception has gone over American churches. Mark 10:1-12, Luke 16:14-18, Romans 7:1-3 and 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 & 39. Charles and Harry are both adulterers married to divorced women. Maranatha.
I love Ray too! Though I noticed his examples of those who witnessed like him omitted the Acts of the Apostles and the Apostles gospel in 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul says, " I delivered to you that which I also received, Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. That He was buried and raised the third day according to the Scriptures." So you see the missing part? The twice repeated, "according to the Scriptures." You'll notice the prophesies used in all of the sermons in Acts but for Paul on Mars Hill, where he was cut off after speaking of the resurrection.
Could you do an interview with inspiring philosophy?
God is so good
The 2 guys that I love the most together!!! Wow that’s amazing and it brings great joy to me heart. Rays courage has taken me through hard times and J Warner made me solid.
They have made the house of God into identities and the same people who say this are the same people that yes they're good teachers as raised when he's out there but he's no Ruben Israel who's right to the point. The Canadian street preachers are too nice. You need to get out there and preach the truth that the martyrs did. You need to expose the enemy. Expose the enemy because people are going to end up in hell that have been brainwashed by these cults. Just disgusting that the church is sleeping
I feel sad for those who trade a drop of life for the ocean of eternity. Those who reject Christ are to be pitied.
Thank you, Jim
Ray's quite a character – guts, intelligence and a subtle sense of humour.
Kind regards Kim
Enjoy watching Ray's street evangelism.
Well said Ray. Good on you J for having him on the broadcast.
Great interview with Ray! I've been watching him since his show with Kirk, Way of the Master.
You know what I thought when I first heard that saying? I thought it meant there were so few Christians that were bold as a lion, and I didn't take it as an insult, but as an exhortation!
I guess that's just me, but maybe we should be encouraged and do something,👍
Thank you so much Cold Case Christianity!!!!✝️🙏
love love LOVE ray!!