Religious Liberty: Obamacare’s First Casualty | The controversy over the Obama Administration’s anti-conscience mandate and the fight for religious liberty only serves to highlight the inherent flaws in Obamacare. This conflict is a natural result of the centralization laid out under Obamacare and will only continue until the law is repealed in full.
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Some people find religion important. They shouldn’t be forced to follow a mandate that goes against their beliefs. They should pay taxes, though.
Wow… I'm not even religious and I think that's fucked up.. People should be allowed to do what they want, respect their freedom asshole.
To notify the IRS whenever you see your church endorsing or opposing a political candidate or issue. All 501(c)(3) organizations such as your church are required as a condition of their TAX EXEMPT status NOT to engage in any POLITICAL discussion or TACIT endorsement of ANY POLITICAL MOVEMENT/CANDIDATE. Lets protect our RELIGIOUS LIBERTIES by EMBRACING FREEDOM FROM RELIGION.
Obama is America's first tyrant, and he's not going to stop with this fascist mandate.
Obama, if he continues with a socialistic political style, and with the words "he will inhilate the Republican Party" is not a choice of words that is a game or competition. I believe he would like to lead for many years and take away our rights. If anyone listens to what Obama says and does he is slowly eroding our rights. I think he will be impeached or die eventually.
If the President has done anything wrong, it would be the undo worry his governance has caused at least 40% of the American people. There is so much suspicion and distrust about what is going on. As soon as Obamacare was forced on this nation with unconstitutional mandates in it – there should have been a commission to investigate the President.
guys but like the first amendment
I forget that the Heritage Foundation isn't some libertarian think tank but a good ol' fashioned neocon mouthpiece, so I still get a little bit surprised when they claim religious persecution.
Romney Care is the same thing! Romney won't overturn Obama care.
Our President's accommodation has left out the rest of us. Do Christians not have the right to object to being made to supply a "health product" that violates the conscience. While I am not Catholic, I realize that if the government wins this case over religion, it will continue to subvert freedom of religion to practice its beliefs. I cannot remain silent.
I thought a lot of Nazi's were Catholic… maybe I'm misunderstanding the numbers? Regardless, this example does bring up a good point. According to you, the US is passing laws that allow something just as bad to happen…only to unborns instead… right? Yet, you not only continue to pay your taxes but even do things like fight for the right of school children to praise the USA in God's name when giving the pledge of allegiance… lol. Thanks for pointing out how big of a hypocrite you are.
How can they pay for it? With money. How do they make money? By getting a job. Who pays them? The employer… why is this so hard for you to grasp? Using your logic, the employers are already paying for the abortions.
You can ignore that all you want in order to make yourself feel better… but deep down I think you know the truth. Someone didn't like Obamacare so they played the religious card… and you jumped on board without thinking… just like the sheep you are.
First, do you support First Amendment Rights? Oh please, only men are against contraception? Seriously, what planet do you live on? Ever read the works of Dr. Janet Smith and Dr. Monica Miller. Do you know that many forms of the Pill act as abortifacients. That is, they induce abortions.
What if you were a citizen in Nazi Germany. Would you oppose forced taxes to pay for the Death Camps?
I can't stop all people from killing innocent lives in the womb, but I will oppose anyone being forced to pay for the slaughter. Go pay for your own contraception and abortions. There are 42 cases against forcing employers to violate their consciences to provide services they consider murder. First Amendment rights are clearly being violated.Don't be so smug, thousands of faith-based hospitals and service agencies will close rather than submit to Baal. Those in disobedience will be jailed.
Their whole complaint reeks of someone who doesn't like something so they pull out the religious card hoping to make something stick. The really ironic part is that they are constantly screaming 1st amendment violation and yet they seem to always be the only ones actually trying to violate said amendment.
And again, you already provide employees the means by giving them a pay check. Sure, you would make it more financially difficult for them to do this. However, all that does is encourage more abortions imo. After all, financial stability is often one of the reasons people have abortions in the first place. Despite what you might think, women don't enjoy having abortions. So, by making it more financially difficult for those families you would hardly be doing those unborn children a favor.
Again, the state is forcing employers who believe abortion and abortafacients murder/killing a baby. That is not like providing dental care, check ups, etc. Apples and oranges. Goodbye First Amendment rights. Gvt telling faith-based groups, you must pay for murder or get out of healthcare and social serices. Like hell we will. Civil disobedience coming!
The lkawsuits against the HHS mandate violating First Amendment rights were filed after HHS sec. Sebelius announced this crap in Jan or Feb 2012, well after the lawsuits filed against the whole ACA. It is a different set of lawsuits and will be treated separately from the decison the Supreme Court just decided on the Const. of the ACA.
Seriously, what Catholic says go ahead and get an abortion but I want plausible deniability? Do you really think God would be so easily fooled?
I hate to break it to you but altering Obamacare isn't going to give you what you seek. At the end of the day the employee in question will still use contraceptives and/or have an abortion. And they will be doing it thanks to the money you "gave" them. So, in the end all you will have done was step on the employee's rights to make yourself feel better.
Go ahead and kill all your unborn babies. Just don't expect employers who consider it murder, along with contraceptives that cause abortions (abortifacients), to pay for it.
Directly or indirectly, an employer is paying for coverage so an emnployee can get, through his or her insurance, a service the employer dems murder. That is abortions or contraceptives that cause abortions (abortifacients).
But the employer isn't directly buying such services. I never said I care about what employees do with their checks. Sadly, you seem to love putting words in my mouth. Have an oral fixation or something?
The courts will decide the un-Constitutionality of laws that demand an employer pay for a service that said employer considers murder. There are 42 lawsuits in the works.
Btw, using your logic Catholic employers have always bought abortions for employees… what do you think employees have been doing with those pay checks? Let me guess, you want to control how the Catholic employees spend their pay checks also… lol. Sadly, that is almost exactly what you are trying to do here.
I think you are missing the point. The employers wouldn't buy the insurance for the employees if they weren't getting something in return. So, it is just another part of the employee's pay. And again, no one is requiring anyone to get an abortion… so what is the issue… other than you wanting to push your religious beliefs on others?