“Remain in Mexico” Worked — Biden Needs to Reimplement It | Chad Wolf on Biden’s Border Crisis
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Wednesday, September 8, to talk about the Biden border crisis, the Biden administration’s irresponsible policies that have created the crisis, and why the administration needs to reimplement the Remain in Mexico policy.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi-8OeOqwnI
Check out Chad’s work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/chad-f-wolf
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Double faced liar… hope he gets all that should be coming to that Liar …sneak Bill.
I thought the SCOTUS gave the ok for RIM to return?
So here's the rub for me…. Because I've been thinking about this…a lot… And maybe some of you have too… I get the feeling that this is a little bit by design. So if you were terrorists and wanted to infiltrate right now, wouldn't an open border and illegal crossing be easier for terrorists to infiltrate into America? Terrorist have been caught crossing the border…yes.. But just like all the illegal immigrants , some are caught , but a lot are not…. It's too easy right now… Do we just give them the open border access to bring terrorism here, after fighting so hard at keeping that from happening to our country and in our country? I've been thinking about this for a bit now… And then seeing These guys talk about both situations here, got me to thinking again… Is this by design? Not saying that it is… But it's a damn open door for chaos… And bigger problems that America does not need right now… If this doesn't wake this administration up… And they don't close that damn border and seal it tight… It's a tell… I'm afraid we gave these terrorists exactly what they needed to infiltrate to us on a staggering level…
Keep looking up, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
I thought the SC upheld it?
America will be overwhelmed very soon. This was done as part of the plan to take down our Country and force America to go in lock step into a globalist system preceded by event 201
Agenda 2030 World Economic Forum, Claus Schwab and fellow elitist plan
By giving the UN charge of it is the agenda the globalists.
If this failed president and his failed administration has followed Our President Trumps guidelines we would not be in this can of worms. To all my Conservative Friends have a great day and to the libs just try to keep
Chad Wolf is the traitor that betrayed Trump. Don't forget.