Rescuing Our Children – Alex Newman Exposes Government Schools
Journalist and educator Alex Newman offers a devastating critique of government schools. He exposes the collectivist anti-Christian history of public education, the indoctrination of children, the dumbing down of America, the use of whole-word/sight-word quackery to destroy literacy, the sexualization of kids, the globalization of the brainwashing under the United Nations and UNESCO, and occult influence, and so much more. Then Alex offers hope and solutions. The final part of the talk focuses on homeschooling, private schools, Christian schools, and the need to preserve educational liberty. He also offers some Bible passages that show God’s views on education and parental rights and responsibilities. You won’t want to miss this! Please share.
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Hitler did brainwash the youth but he was only a socialist in name. Stalin didn't kill 50 million people. These are capitalist lies.
G Bush statement made my skin crawl when he said that.
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Its socialism when people get money from the government but corporations get bailed out and is capitalism. You are a clown.
“Let My People GO!” https://youtu.be/2LE0KpcP05I
You can be: LGBT and Christian
This needs to be seen by every American parent.