Responding to Pride Month: To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes
June has been adopted by the LGBTQ+ community as “Pride Month.” According to CNN, June is a month “when the world’s LGBTQ communities come together and celebrate the freedom to be themselves.” As Christians, how do we respond to Pride Month and the ideologies behind it? This is the question we’re going to ask and answer this week on To the Point.
To the Point is STR’s live video series, which explores culturally relevant issues from a distinctly Christian worldview. The goal is to offer clarity on these topics and to equip Christians to be confidence enough to discuss them. Join us on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 12pm PST, and don’t forget to bring your questions for Jon to answer!
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People are image bearers of God ONLY AFTER they have chosen to follow Christ. There is no way they can bear His image while being a sinner, that hasn’t been saved by grace. We are not called to hang out with them. Fear the Lord and shun evil. What does darkness have to do with light? Nothing! Jesus doesn’t need us to do the job of the Holy Spirit.
the power rangers have gotten to be the same way a gay power ranger really? Back in the day when david yost (actor) came out as gay they wrote him and his character "Billy Cranston" off the show
Here are two simple principles for believers during Pride Month:
1. Don't participate.
2. Don't cause a fuss except where appropriate, such as when the government and schools get involved.
This world is not our home (Heb. 13:14), so we shouldn’t expect that secular companies, secular schools, and the secular media are going to side with us. Our focus should be on faithfulness to God and not friendship with the world.
See the below for additional relevant resources:
How I Respond to Pride Month
Responding to Pride Month with Genuine Love
Would Jesus March in a Pride Parade?
#STRask: How Should I Respond When My Employer Asks Me to Wear a Pride Pin?
Loving these people is why they have made their way into the church with no intention of changing. That’s the reason why they are targeting innocent children. Loving them is not enough because they have free will.
I’m from Boston Massachusetts, we call it Babylon/Sodom and Gomorrah. I avoid the city during that month.
I first explain that I am by no means perfect. I try to follow the teachings of my God and the standards he sets and I still fall short but I'm getting better. I explain that it's not easy to meet these standards and that we all fall short of the mark. I explain how I myself have sinned many times and that I knew it was wrong but still justified it. But now due to wisdom and the grace of God, I now know better. I explain that God loves you and it's because he cares that he wants you to be free of sin so that you can live with him in heaven. And he reminds us all who have been saved by his grace, that because we have been set free and now understand the secret, that… it's our brotherly and sisterly duty to share the secret. For if we don't then we are not acting with love, and the 2nd most important commandment according to Jesus… is to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. The first commandment according to Jesus is to love the one and only true living God with all your heart soul and mind and if we truly love him then we are to do our best to lead others to him also. Regarding sexual morality, the apostle Paul addresses the issue of sexual immorality in several of his letters, including 1 Corinthians and Romans. In these letters, Paul teaches that sexual relationships should be reserved for marriage between a man and a woman and that any sexual behavior outside of marriage is considered immoral. Lastly, God opposes Pride. In the New Testament, James 4:6 states, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." This passage teaches that pride is contrary to God's will and that humility is a desirable trait.
Real Christians celebrate with our LGBT brothers and sisters!
Am I being unjust to doubt everything this guy says? I mean, look at the logo on the hat he’s wearing… totally unacceptable.
Every group has a month. It’s so in your face I can’t stand it. My mom and I were buying shirts last year and she picked out several rainbow shirts she thought were cute. I explained what they meant to her and she was so embarrassed! It’s ridiculous how they shove this in your life. I choose to ignore it as much as possible. I stay off social media almost completely. My own personal feeling is love the sinner, but hate the sin. And pray for their salvation.
Such a difficult and scary task that must be done.
Great presentation young man. YES, you are your children's disciple!!! God bless you and your family.
I do believe there's still HOPE, but at what point are we going to realize that God is turning them over to a reprobate mind. Therefore, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves. Romans 1:24
I'm all for being Godly in the way to tell them. It seems no matter how we say they will say were h o m o p h o b i c I also think that time is running out. This is the only sin that is coddled and sweet talked into understand their sin. We don't need to see where they're coming from. IT IS SIN. "Understanding where they're coming from" is why we are in the situation that's happening now. At first, they wanted us to "Just understand and accept them as who they are" now it's you better believe in it or else. Please, it's an abomination to God… PERIOD. Satan is trying to get as many as he can.
Tolerance is not a Christian virtue.
It is the first time I see the program, I am from Mexico, and I am very sad about what is happening in the USA, believe me that here we are not so far away from all that.
Abortion, euthanasia, crime (phew the crime!!), all the lgtb and other things that governmental and culturally are trying to impose, are taking a lot of relevance here.
We continue praying for the church in USA, please do the same for MX, believe it or not, the fact of being neighbors affects the culture of both countries a lot, we could say that what happens there expands here and vice versa.
I will continue to follow the show, many greetings from MX, may the Lord bless you and keep you and your families well.
Greetings Jon.
I just keep reminding them that the rainbow is a sign from God.
Pride goes before destruction. – Prov 16:18a
Excellent video! I don’t agree with “pride month.” I don’t have to & I won’t. I don’t hate these people. I don’t wish them any harm. I will pray for them. I do not agree with their life style/agenda.
I choose not to be of this world.
1John 2:15-17/John 15:19
Don’t use the words cis gender as you are buying into the lie by using their language. If you change the language, you change the culture. There’s the natural family and the sin family. That’s it.
I think we need to pray for their salvation