Responding to Transgender Suicide
Alan was asked the question, “How should we respond when we hear about transgender suicide?” Here’s his response.
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You do everything you can to prevent them from being who they are then act surprised when they kill themselves
I'm a born again Christian transgender female and my question to the original poster of the video is why do you have to label people who are not Christians as liberals?
I feel that your heart was in the right place but you still might come from a position of white male evangelical privilege. Conservative or liberal doesn't matter. I know liberal and conservative Christians. Remember Gal 3:28 neither Greek nor Hebrew, jew nor gentile, slave nor free, man nor woman are apart for we are all equals in the sight of Christ Jesus.
this comment section proves that "Christians are hateful" is just an excuse some people use
like even if you disagree with the guy in the video, it would be dishonest to say he is hateful
Proper pronouns for her is "she" not "he"
Do not lie about caring and mourning for these people. Instead admit that you supported an institution which ridiculed and demeaned transgendered individuals. Say that you are ashamed to have been a part of what drove her to commit suicide. Say instead that you will rally against the bigotry and persecution which drive these people to end their lives because people like you show them such disrespect. When you start fighting for their cause… only then can you mean what you say in this video.
Why do you feel you have to tell Christians to show compassion and thats its okay to feel bad about a suicide?
I kinda frightens me that christians are getting so obsessed with ideology that its in danger of overruling their basic compassion.
And don't call transgender people by the wrong pro noun. Even if you don't accept their identity, they feel insulted everytime you do it. It would be like if I talked about Christians and constantly insisted I call them "Bible thumping whackos". I might think thats an accurate way to describe someone, but to a christian its an insult and would offend them, so me insisting on doing it would make me an asshole. When you use the wrong pronoun, they feel insulted and you look like an asshole.
Good video.
When you shove a man off a cliff and are placing your hand on the back of the next man to be herded to the edge forgive our skepticism about your genuineness when you lean down to his ear and say "terrible what happened to that other guy wasnt it."
I still for the life of me do not and never understood this silly image of god thing. Image of what god and how do you know and have you seen photos of god?
Your whole statement is super one but do not bring into it things that you do not know any more that I do. This where you christians muddy the waters so much when you are talking about something as tragic as this. And also only for your silly teachings over the centuries on subjects as gays and others has left society thinking that anything out of so called "normal" is wrong. Your silly horrible books leave you thinking that you and people like you have the moral high ground.
So you want to mourn the transgender people who kill themself but you don't want to do anything to stop it? You don't want to perhaps show compassion, and be human, to the LGBT+ community? I mean you don't even use Leelah's name or proper gender – how insulting this is and lacking in genuine care for Leelah. It seems you only care about Leelah's death because, as you say, everyone is made in god's image and thus a creation of god and image bearer of god. And we can't all come together to mourn until you properly address Leelah for who she was. How can we when you and others like you can't show proper respect to a person who has passed? And when you and those like you don't care to respect people for who they are? You and others like you speak as you have here and try and take rights away, or deny rights, of those who are of the LGBT+ community. No, we can't come together and mourn as one – which is sad. But the reason for that is because of close minded bigots who can't pull their nose out of the pages of an antiquated book for long enough to see that the world around them has progressed beyond their book.
"Even people like Joshua…"
The fact that you even have to verbalize this at 2:15 makes me want to question your belief system.
In some ways this is a "duh" issue. Wouldn't any right thinking person really be anything but saddened over a suicide, regardless of the gender issues a person may have had? I know I would be. Just because we disagree with some people in our country or in the world, doesn't mean that we cease to recognize their humanity or would feel any less bad when such a tragedy befalls them. Good stuff Alan!