Rivalry Among Brothers • Firstborn Ep. 3
Only a few pages into the story of the Bible, the story starts to get really bleak. Cain kills his brother Abel, Cain’s descendants become famous murderers, and Noah’s youngest son violates his father and mother. And all of it happens because humans decide that power is worth the cost of harming others. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss the dark side of human nature and the God who favors the powerless—the people who choose to trust him for blessing and exaltation.
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I do not agree with the idea that Ham impregnated his mother, creating Canaan, he more likely humiliated his father with gossip, regarding his state of vulnerability. Regarding Lot, we must consider the trauma caused not only by the people of Sodom but by the death and destruction brought on to the city he lived in, thus his home, the death of all his neighbors, and his wife, and the situation he found himself in. His daughters too, where traumatized by the culture they lived in, and the current situation.
Cain is influenced more by his mother and sister more than by his own ego. Likewise, Lamech is probably more influenced by his wives than his own ego.
You guys did and absolutely great job of explaining the book of Genesis. You all explained the most mysterious passages and gave them a biblical based conclusion. Fantastic job Bible Project. You all are the best.✝️📖🙏🏻
By reading the context of the scriptures we find out that Cain and Abel had a brother named Seth, but we know from Genesis 5:3,4 that Adam also had daughters. No where does it say that Seth was third child. So sisters could have been born between the death of Abel and the birth of Seth.
So they had a large family.
At Genesis 5:3 we read that Adam became father to another son named Seth and then, in the following verse, we read: “He became father to sons and daughters.” (Genesis 5:4)
Remember that Cain was worried some of his family would try to avenge Abel’s death?
Conclusion: One of Adam’s sons was Cain, and one of Adam’s daughters must have become Cain’s wife.
At that early stage of human history, when mankind was so close to perfection, such a marriage did not pose the risks for the children of the union that it would today. It wasn’t until the Mosaic Law 2500 years later that God prohibited marriage between close family members.
And the age old question… who was out there to harm Cain? And who did he build a city with? Is it “possible” the Garden is just the Center of the story, but the Story is actually much larger. 😱🙏🏻
When we (any created being) start talking about fair and unfair, and deserving more than someone else,… it has been forgotten how low we all are (natural and devine creatures) in comparison to the CREATOR. When that is done ,we have taken our eyes off of HIM and are looking at ourelves. What a privilege it is for us to receive anything good from HIM. Thank you ABBA. HalleluYAH!
I really enjoyed this lesson/discussion & teaching …Thankyou for your works & .. Thankyou to all involved in getting it all done & put up for the world to see if they are seeking… Amen💗🎈
Now off to watch some more in this playlist.👍
I can't help but wonder how Tim Mackie and Jordan Peterson would discuss Genesis.
Isn't this still the same problem that we see happening in the middle east.
I absolutely love your podcast. I have learned so much. The more often I watch them, the more is absorbed. I listen to them multiple times. So thank you. Thank you so much.
The genealogy of Cain is the Not Chosen ones, while the Lord gives Seth to replace Able, and this line goes on to Jesus from Adam.
“The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.” Genesis 4-5
The Lord’s favor rests on the person first and then his offering, even though many people focus only on the things that people do, hereby referring to the “offering”. I believe that the Lord gives the answer to this “puzzle”, when He says, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?”, meaning you did not do the right thing, and what was why I did not give favor to you and your offering. If you did right, I would accept you and your offering. It is always about how a person responses and stands in his presence, but not the exact rule or thing to do that pleases him the most. The order matters here.
I also think that most people tend to think of God as a generous old grandpa, who cares for the poor and the lowly. He does. But it should not be the lens to look at the Lord. The genealogy from Adam throughout the Genesis, you will find that there are two kinds of human beings, the chosen one and the not. And this pattern goes on till the end of the Book, Revelation. Cain belongs to the not chosen one. I believe God says clearly here that even if he has an option, he is simply unable to do good, meaning listening to and obeying the Lord.
Besides, the offering of fat portions and the firstborn of Able’ flock is exactly what the Lord comments Israel to do in Leviticus, which leads to the presence of the Lord with his people and implies the later salvation by Jesus. Able knows the Lord by heart, but Cain does not.
Love this topic but I do have more to share with regard to the offerings of these brothers.
Another good session. The music during the intersessions is dope!
Mindblown on the Hevel/Abel name – that makes so much sense!
help us Lord to be our brother's keeper and to use the power you give us to take care of each other like you want us to
1. Eve said "w/the Lord help" , by this phrase she is saying that the savior was Cain….2. Cain's offering was taken from the cursed ground. As in Elijah at Mt Carmel; God answers with Fire, Cain new immediately that his offering was not acceptable bcuz there was no fire
The Lot daughters is a 🎁 from GOD the father to Lot. That's why he is passed out drunk he wouldn't do and makes him blamelesss.
Remember Lot is righteous and didn't do Adam his wife was taken and he had no sons, so GOD knowing all things provides.
The daughters under the father are blameless, so when they get him drunk he doesn't even know, so he is blameless they took him.
So GOD provides sons by the closes thing to his wife with his daughters.
The female is always in 4 offices mother sister wife daughter everyone of the. Eve is mother to all life before she has kids.
Barren shall bear more.
Now see with GOD THE FATHER the first begotten is wisdom holy spirit FATHER TAKES as his daughter as his wife bride. Why? She is the only fit, when u think God u think wise. Always no matter what. Thus GOD only WISE.
Now see not perverted for the father who is one. .
As is said we find incest even among the righteous, thus lot and Abraham
Now see all husbands are fathers first. It's why u received the daughter from the father. To love her like a daughter first.
So she is always blameless. Hence Adam and the fall. Adam say her fault u gave her to me.
Won't do she is sheep man is shepherd.
Now see Judah and tamara she is more righteous than I.
Cause she is under the men blameless.
Thus lots wife pillar of salt.
Don't give salt away or no good to be saved. The females.
And I shall bear up the pillars says THE LORD.
Now see rev 2:20-22 and ps 45 all females go into Congregation the daughter of the King.
Thus then 1 father = all daughters go home blameless.
Thue lot's wife taken and to give him sons for doing righteous daughters are used. Lot blamelesss by crazy circumstances extreme lost wife town gone he shocked gets drunk asleep out daughter take they blamelesss cause lot is father.
So even among the righteous we find incest.
GOD THE FATHER sees all as family one. So all is incest if we judged but thank GOD HE IS for we curse kids toads.
If anything should be mandatory, it should be your podcast.
Can The Bible Project share in the notes to link to the phrase study “uncover your father’s nakedness”?
9:50 Re: Gods generosity. Human beings make an apples to organise comparison about Gods gifts. We focus on an act of generosity and expect to be paid for it. Whereas, the biblical generosity of paying late comers is talking about a constant. A quality that is built into the life process, that we gain graces from, anytime we open ourselves to it. Gods generosity is not a single act, but an ongoing blessing. Very different to human acts of kindness.
Fantastic episode! I'm learning SO much; I love the insight given! ❤
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I commented on the last video about the parable where everyone gets paid the same even when they started at didn’t start at the same time! They mention it at 9 min 👍🏻
does the bible project need producers to create instrumentals for their intros/intervals between segments???
I enjoyed this episode, thank you Bible Projet and God be praised.
I must say though that I had an unusual number of ads on this video. I don't mind ads but this time It was really high, around one every 5min, it made things harder to follow unfortunately…
what an excellent series
Is there an easier way to find the these videos in sequence? These are great, but I’m struggling to keep track of where they’re at. Thank you for these great podcasts
1:02:00~ and it's ok right now. God will take care of me ~ blessed unfortunate place to find yourself …
I already can't wait to listen to this series again. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Since I didn't find Yahweh or Yashua until I was in my 60's. I'm one of those who only worked an hour yet will receive "equal pay." I am so grateful!
Dumb Dog's that cannot bark!
Mind blown! God is good. We are not… The Grace of God is so good!
Good series
@24:00 Your conclusion on Cain's offering doesn't sit right.
We should conclude that his offering was done incorrectly. Gen 4:4, 4:5, 4:7
I do find it interesting that
4:7 also reveals Cain was offered a chance to do the right thing but~ chose not to. As a first born, he should have known the correct offering procedures/stipulations. His jealousy seems unwarranted and yet I feel this way sometimes; jealous in spite of not doing what I know I should have.
My husband and I have absolutely enjoyed listening to you guys! God is good. How can we donate money so you all can continue?! God bless you and your families! ❤️🙏🏽
I honestly think Noah may have just been thoroughly embarrassed and got prideful. Noah did slip up and get drunk and His Sons knew about it and Ham actually saw Him naked, and then He cursed the son of Ham, the innocent Canaan, because of his own evil deeds.
Noah became like the serpent, he took of the fruit in his Garden, and he took unworthily and he revealed His own shame. And as we do like the prideful serpent who had shamefully been cast down from his stature, he lashed out against someone in Pride.
I’ve seen this hypocrisy as a child and it’s very sad and disgusting, however no one is above it.
Part 4 release date please…
I would never contend with my brother. If my brother wanted something enough I would seed it to him if it was within my power.
59 min. Adam and Eve seeing that they were naked means they experienced or performed sexual abuse? How so?
Your guys's God or the Jews God is unjustified in his actions. he's a murdering dictating tyrant that is a firm believer in raping women and underage girls. Shoot he's down to kill you for wearing two different kinds of at the same time
(Zechariah 11:14) Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might BREAK the BROTHERHOOD between JUDAH AND ISRAEL
(Kingdom split)
(Ezekiel 37:19,22) Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of EPHRAIM (N kingdom) and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of
JUDAH(S kingdom), and make them ONE STICK, and they shall be one in mine hand and I will MAKE THEM ONE NATION and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be NO MORE TWO NATIONS, neither shall they be DIVIDED INTO TWO KINGDOMS any more AT ALL
(Genesis 25:23-26) And the LORD said unto her, TWO NATIONS(ethnicities) are in thy womb, and TWO MANNER of people shall be "SEPARATED" from thy bowels
24¶And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were TWINS(paternal) in her womb
25And the first came out RED, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name ESAW
26And after that came HIS "BROTHER" out, and his hand took hold on Esaw's heel; and his name was called JACOB
(Genesis 27:41) 4And ESAW "hated" JACOB because of the BLESSING wherewith his father blessed him: and ESAW said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I SLAY MY "BROTHER" JACOB
(Obadiah 1:9-10) To the end that "EVERYONE" of the mount of ESAW may be cut off by SLAUGHTER for thy VIOLENCE against THY "BROTHER" JACOB shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off FOREVER