Romina Boccia: Socialist Promises Require Middle Class Tax Hikes
Romina Boccia joined Fox Business on Tuesday, October 1, to discuss how policy proposals from the left will necessitate massive tax increases on middle class Americans.
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Romina Boccia [Ro-Meena Bot-Cha] is a leading fiscal and economic expert at the Heritage Foundation. Her research is focused on securing economic freedom, controlling the size and scope of government, expanding opportunity and flexibility for workers, reforming Social Security, and simplifying retirement savings.
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Socialism destroys the Middle Class… repeat after me: Socialism destroys the Middle Class…
Socialism leads to extreme poverty – eastern block countries during the Cold War had a quality of life below the poverty stricken countries in Africa and South America – let that sink in
Guess who would just leave the country if you bumped the Taxes on the wealthy. People who have money to leave and want to protect their earnings will not stay. Not sure the Dems are aware of this
Are you aware that the last 20 years of your politics was as umsucvessful as the öadt 20 years of the Soviet Union?