Royal Priests of Eden
Did you know that Israel’s tabernacle tent was designed as a symbolic garden of Eden? And did you know that Adam and Eve were proto-priests who lived and worked in the sacred space? In this video, we explore God’s plan for humanity to serve as royal priests over all creation and how the story of Jesus brings this priestly drama to its ultimate resolution.
View more resources on Royal Priests of Eden:
-Royal Priests of Eden Study Notes: https://tbp.xyz/priest01studynotes
-Royal Priests of Eden Script References: https://tbp.xyz/priest01scriptreferences
-Royal Priests of Eden blog: https://tbp.xyz/priest01blog
-Royal Priests of Eden podcast: https://tbp.xyz/priest01pod
#BibleProject #Priest #Eden

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What if the tree of knowledge wasn't an actual tree but it was an event that he stresses the seeds of everything is to mingle with the same seed but eve mingled with Satan?
This is so beautiful ❤
Wow, never knew the Tabernacle was symbolic of Eden.
This would resolve the scientific arguement about where the garden of Edan is, it use to be right under your feet Lol. Some of the scientists are so natoria's for over complicating the simplest things. All they have to do is read the Bible and there you go. No telling how many scientists spent no telling how much money and time looking for it, and these guys do one milion times better and solve this mistery, all with only the small amount of money it took to make this video.
Humans are just echoes of God, but we are not God himself
Loved this video
Eden is described as having four rivers running through it, including the Tigris and Euphrates. What mountain has those mountains flowing through it?
Wow. I've gotten a reminder to spend time with God that I may serve Him and bless others.
Thanks for your work, Bible Project team
Thank you, Jesus!❤❤❤😊😊😊
The serpent seed,
Is envy planted in the soul of Eve, when the serpent lured Eve to open her soul to the serpent via comparison, Gen.3:5 "you will be like Angels knowing good and evil.."from there envy stained Eve's soul…the proof is Cain, when they made cain eve doesn't know how to repent yet,their souls merge, whilst having that stain..thus cain a jealous man was conceived.
I I just love their animated films and how easy and clear they are. 😍 I learn so much more from this than I did in a previous sect I was in. Thank you so much for this ❤️ God bless you all 🙏🏼🫶🏼
The Shinar mountain?
Wait that's not right the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was in the center of the garden, according to scripture.
God be praised!
So helpful – like a key to unlock so much of the rest of the story.
Great explanation.
I love god
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Totally amazing!❤❤
Even Allah in Arabic language means god ; therefore it is considered as a title not a unique name.
What was the name of that God since God or Lord are titles not specific name?!
Can you please mention the passages that has the description of Eden as having a larger outer area, then inner area and then the center with life? and that tabernacle was designed based on the Eden's prototype? I can imagine Eden being on top of the mountain but I cant see where that is mentioned in the Bible.. – maybe I not able to see it.. Please help!!
Good, enjoyed this rich biblical theology. The only glaring problem is at the end, "so that ALL humanity can be the royal priests they were made to be". The Bible is clear that not all humanity will be restored to this privilege but only those chosen by God to re-populate the earth as "born again" image bearers. Only those that receive the New Birth are brought into God's presence by joining them forever to our Royal High Priest – the messiah. Those that don't believe are eternally separated from the tree of life and God's forever blessing. Eventually, their portion is in the Lake of Fire, forever separated from God's blessing. Abels's offering indicated that it would only be through faith (Heb 11:4) and through a blood sacrifice (Heb 9:22) that humanity can be restored to a right relationship with God and receive His promised blessing.
We were meant to rule the world together on Gods behalf.
This was well done. I enjoyed it and learned something.
Who actually gives one my friend about a Bronze Age book no one knows who wrote?
The god is the silly character in the story as he should have put the fruit tree on Venus <– lol I am smarter than your magical hidden and totally silent friend. Also, God should have fitted an electric serpent fence in that garden, to keep those pests out. Come on God where is your A game it's quite funny really.
Actually, it's not as grown adults believe in this nonsense because they were indoctrinated as children before they could think for themselves.
So magical thinking is very sad really.
It's cherubim (chair-uh-bim)
I thought of the idea of the garden of Eden being on a mountain intriguing. I've never seen that. You say that information is developed later in the Bible. I would love to know where in the Bible the idea comes from that Eden is on a mountain.
I love how God has blessed the whole BIBLE PROJECT team with knowledge and wisdom on how to create all the videos they have shared with the world. It's amazing to me that each person involved in the creating and the ones who donate to this endeavor have heard from God and have been blessed by God to do this Project. It reminds me of the man who helped build Solomon's temple for God and how much wisdom God gave him to create a place for God to dwell among His creation.
Good summary content. Just one point; though you illustrate Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, you have them clothed the entire time, and in robes rather than animal skins that God gave them after they sinned. I know it's more convenient and less problematic to do so, but it is a misrepresentation of how God created them.
God bless you all❤
Blessed are those who seek righteousness for they shall be filled
why did he say to make a rectangle tabernacle not a circle or a square?
Where in scripture does it say Cain and Abel offered sacrifice at the door of Eden?
Mmmm no
Originally said be fruitful and multiply
It was after the disobedience work or til and toil came into place
I've heard your association of A&E to the other parts of the narrative about ruling as priests, but let's look at these others. Eve is from Adam's rib, for the purpose of connection, cleaving and fruitfulness, she is described as weaker and as a helper to Adam; yes they are both helpers to God. But does the lioness rule with the lion king. Or does he dominate them all….There were no female priests in the OT service, or females with equality to males in Judaism; bc of association with "the fall" is where I believe it stems from. Eve is responsible for human downfall, and Paul makes note of it re: women being silent in assembly, submission and penance (meaning that it isn't their place for leadership). Yes, Jesus' ministry benefited women, in his timing. Of which we can see the pendulum effect in the culture and in the Church, of women demanding rights and seeking equality; even to surpass men in their momentum and desire. It is taking what they want, as good in their own eyes. What you have discussed. There is an order and a chain of command and headship in the Church; even as the strength of men built the world…There cannot be two leaders of responsibility in any organization, nor is that evident in the world or in the Church. Do you have two senior pastors speaking at the same time, or what about two Presidents giving speeches; or two mother's or two father's telling you what to do. (even as same sex "marriages" are out of order in the Church and in society; there can be no natural fruitfulness. It is taken from sin…We must look at the whole Bible story and instruction, along with the patterns of real life themes and examples that it presents… There may be equality in the new kingdom, as sons and daughters of God, serving the King. But we don't know all of what that even entails.
Thank you for making this videos. 😁
I have really enjoyed your videos. You explain what your talking about very well. Thank you for taking the time to do this and making them free. Good Bless you!
This is where racism comes in. If Adam was supposed to be priest, then who was he to preach God to? Some would say this means that humans existed before the creation of Adam. Many people that Spout this, say that the humans before Adam were unintelligent and had no soul. I've seen both white racists and black racists use this to spread racism.
Truth is, all of this is conjecture. The Bible does not say that Adam was a priest or that humans were created before Adam.
Thank you Father God! Jesus defeat the world. the devil so we can do the same if we follow him! Jesus said do what i do so we can do the same thing he did to the serpent.
some of my favorite animation!
The distinction between humans and humanity should be made.
Humans need salvation and the Kingdom of Heaven by way of Jesus and Acts 15:19-20.
But humanity would include God's unfallen angels and the born again by way of Baptism and Jesus the Savior.
But where is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Well done