Ryan T. Anderson on Religious Liberty in Arizona and Other States
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s veto of an amendment to the state’s religious freedom law capped a heated debate: Did the Arizona legislature’s proposed change protect the right of business owners to practice their religion, or did it allow businesses to discriminate, specifically against gays and lesbians? Brewer vetoed the bill Feb. 26 after coming under intense political and media pressure, including from pundits who said Christians should not support a “homosexual Jim Crow law.” In this interview, Ryan T. Anderson — who studies marriage and religious freedom at The Heritage Foundation — sits down with The Foundry’s Genevieve Wood to sort out the facts and what is at stake.
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I've never done drugs. I've never had sex for money. I've never been molested. I've never been arrested. I've never "fuc*ed up" in any way. I'm a genuinely decent, loving, kind and generous human being. I'm enjoying my personal relationship with reality. I believe in life before death. I'm an atheist. I'm happy. – What could I possibly gain by changing any of the above for becoming a hate-obsessed, judgmental, self-righteous, born again "Christian"?
Hiding bigotry in the name of religion is cowardly. The worst of the cowards are those who are gay and side with the bigots for fear of being victimized. There is no virtue in discriminating against others. No matter what your religion is, don't ever blame IT for YOUR bigotry or YOUR cowardice. We need to get along as a global community. Life's too short to waste a single moment hating our fellow man. Live and let live, and we can all enjoy paradise on earth right here and right now. We all die soon enough and thus far all remained dead. Let's LIVE and be loving and peaceful.
Ryan Anderson is a BIGOT. He may be handsome, soft-spoken and eloquent, but his stance on opposing equal marriage rights for the GLBT community, thus insisting they remain second class citizens makes him a BIGOT. Those are the facts. You can't be proud and ashamed at the same time. Pick one! You may call those who support marriage equality liberals (which is not offensive at all!) or even Godless (which is a compliment), but you can't call supporters of euqal marriage rights bigots. It makes you look even more out-of-touch with reality when you reverse the meaning of a word, while insisting YOU are on the good side of EQUALITY (by opposing it?).
How do your gay friends respond when you tell them that you are against their chance of marrying the partner of their choice? Do they understand why you are a bigot, or do the feel you're being unfair when you condone discrimination against them? I have a hard time believing that you can retain friends whose civil rights you are denying.
It's getting tougher to sell hate as a virtue. Why do the extremists still try to do just that?
It is fascinating to see the rhetoric continue. The unintentional consequence… the pro gay advocates are creating a "high maintenance" class that has too much liability to deal with. The tactic of using Force against the conscience of people doesn't do anything but create societal wedges and divisions.
This guy is a lying swindler. This video is pretty much just propaganda. Christian Charities shut down adoption centers because of lack of funding and shady practices. He is saying that the media spread the wrong idea about the law, but does not correct what they were saying. Just states the same things in a softer way.
+EnemyOfReligion2012 care to emphasize? or are you just going to leave us with the Classic atheist rhetoric as usual?