Safety Precautions for COVID-19 Vaccine Development Are Being Followed | Dr. Kevin Pham
Dr. Kevin Pham joined TRT World on August 24, 2020, to discuss the latest developments with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Kevin Pham, a medical doctor, is a visiting policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation and a contributor to The Daily Signal.
Check out his work here: https://www.dailysignal.com/author/kpham/
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The caveat "as far as I know" has been used to cover a lot of a$$ over the years.
They have been searching for a vaccine for the common cold for years & years without success. Viruses mutate constantly and they know this. A vaccine may work for a couple of weeks but then the virus changes and they need a new vaccine and they know itt. There is something else going on with this idiotic quest. Think it might be "Politics"?
We don't need a vaccine for the China virus which is effectively a mild Flu. The best and safest treatment is Hydroxychloroqine.
Our gov needs to release the cure and stop not letting doctors give HCQ, Fauci said in 2015 Sars pandemic now in Africa stated they used HCQ and it saved thousands of lifes, now acting like it is dangerous, he needs to get a life time sentence for his misleading us and keeping the cure from us and all the ederly they killed on purpose
As soon as you said the average human in the world I know that your trying to implement it globally. you can not speak for every single human on this planet as not every human will agree with your perspective on vaccines. How do you know what the average human wants have you personally gone and asked every single one of them what they want? I think the average human would want fruits and vegetables that are not sprayed with pesticides clean water to drink. What do you have to say about the doctors that advice against vaccination ?they have the same degree yours parents bought for you. so why should I listen to you and not them ? Because your funded by WHO that president Trump has stopped funding due to Chinese government take over of the world health organisation. The doctor I see has told me I am allergic to vaccines so I can't any way.
Dont beleive those lies, vaccines maime and kill, you cant make a vaccine for a flue virus for the whole world because they are diff strains of Covid, go to freedomplatform.tv and watch video named Plademic, documents and experts proof that Gates, CDC,WHO, Fauci, Byrd and others planned all of this, its all about the NWO and depopulation. If everyone says NO to the vaccine, they are more of us than them, the whole thing is all about taking our freedom away. If you dont start saying no to the masks, social distancing and pandemic lies and lockdowns, it will be more loss of freedoms added on, we all unite and just say no, we can stop it. By the way the masks are for them to social condition you, I have not wore at all and I wont masks are only good for surgeons in surgery, they are not good for the body and blood, they will weaken your immune system, lower the oxygen levels in the blood and raise your carbon dioxide levels too dangerous for body, Fauci is a evil Jesuit and they all have planned a mass genocide for us. Look up Jesuits and the New World Order Just breathe fresh air and stop beleiving the MSM and their propaganda.
JL USA 🇺🇸 August 24 🇺🇸
see: https://imgur.com/a/0A4KO1u 🇺🇸
So things didn't go so well in phase 2. There were approximately 40 participants in the study. Those who received the high dose all ended up with serious problems. Even those in the low dose group had issues. No long term studies available, and we are just going to go inject 30k people? And you guys think this is okay? That's foolish. I don't want a vaccine. I want a therapy.
Racing for a vaccine that nobody wants 😂😂