Same-Sex Marriage Gives Stability to Children | Challenge Response
Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to this week’s challenge: “Same-sex marriage can provide stability for children.”
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same sex marriage is now the law of the land from coast to coast. STR might as well just take down this video.
One word for you.
"ideal situation for parenting children"
How many straight couples have this magical ideal situation?
"Prevent same sex couples from"
Because more orphans!!
"Children have a right to a mother and a father"
This is why single parenting and divorce are strictly banned.
"Do best when raised by their biological parents"
Unless the parents are crackheads
"Same sex marriage intentionally creates a situation that denies a child either a mother or a father"
So does divorce and single parenting.
"let's help these poor gay people" by making their situation worse.
You sir are an Asshat.
You didn't address the alternative.
Is it better for children to grow up in a care with no-one acting as their parent than going into a same-sex home?
this is Marriage Abuse!
The biggest problem with Marriage is Divorce, Biological parents who can't stand each other & stay together, "for the sake of the kids" is anything but healthy. 2 people who love each other & the child, is the New "Gold Standard", Your "So Called" Decades of Reseach comes from "The Family Research Council", a Documented Hate Group who's "Research" has proved to be a Fraud. In senate hearings it was shown the best outcome for child was 2 Loving Parents, NOT 2 Heterosexual parents.