Scarcities, Wars and the Antichrist: Signs of completion Tim…
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Are we experiencing the foreshadowing of the black horse of Revelation 6? In this video, we talk about Europe’s growing stress and anxiety over prospective food scarcities and how it parallels biblical predictions about starvation and run-away inflation during completion times.
We also answer customer questions about sin throughout the Millennium, Matthew’s name change, and the striking fulfillment of ancient prophecies worrying the decrease of Egypt as “the most affordable of kingdoms” – a reality we saw firsthand during our current journey there.
Don’t miss this insightful exploration of current occasions lining up with scripture’s cautions about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. #Revelation #Endtimes #Prophecy #Famine #FoodShortages #FourHorsemen #ThirdSeal #BlackHorse #Egypt #MillennialReign #BibleProphecy #Eschatology #CurrentEvents #SignsoftheTimes