Schools Are Teaching Gender and Sexual Identity
In Rocklin County, California, a kindergarten teacher read a book called “I Am Jazz,” to her students, an autobiographical picture book about a transgender child. One line in the book reads, “I have a girl brain but a boy body.”
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Gender? There is male and female! Sexual Identity? Straight, Gay and Bi! That's it! Everything else is bullshit!
I wish we could save our kids from all these crazy false ideals
never ever leave your kids with a democrat
"Schools Are Teaching Gender and Sexual Identity" And I agree with it. Stand for progressivism, not reverting back. Stand for the blue states, not the red.
Omg what has our country come to 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I would say it is worse than exposing your children to methamphetamine or heroine. While these drugs of abuse are very distructive it is possible to reverse an addiction. A gender transformation cannot be reversed. The woke mind virus is very well served by turning out your daughter. Knocking them out of the gene pool is a win for the woke virus. However the woke conversion efficiency is not great. Half are going to self destruct. The ones that do survive the turning out process, a fair number of them will be true believers in the woke cause at least for a time.
Many of these kids don't even know basic things like When the U.S was founded or how many continents there are but the school is busy teaching them rubbish things like this. Time to take your kids out of the public education system and homeschool them.
I will not stand for this, they’re attempting to confuse our children with this bullcrap
The best thing is not to excite the young minds with worries of gender that hormones immaturity would balance at about 21 years age. As many Spanish citizen people would like to give opinions in our own native language I write it for all of us. I would write for the American born citizens with the respect that everyone deserve.
I do that because i could not find Spanish videos on the subject.
Es tremendo a lo que los profesores han sido obligados a enseñar a cerca de sexualidad a niños. Ellos dependen de las escuelas para capacitarles a vivir una vida decente. Los niños necesitan saber que a través de la vida hay cambios y que las hormonas no se balacean a los 5 o a los 12 años. Hay subidas y bajadas de hormonas determinantes de nuestras estados para seleccionar pareja. Ellas se balancearán quizás entre los 18 y los 21 años. Quizá sea por ello que 21 años determinan legalmente que un ser humano es mayor de edad . Y una cosa especial, aquí entre los mayores, siempre toda maquinaria trabaja con una tuerca y un tornillo. Y que el usar el camino equivocado pone a los hombres en desventaja de dañar el esfínter Anal y por introducir la parte más delicada del cuerpo en un foco de contaminación. Esto ocasiona todo tipo de infección por volver esa área muy porosa y con ello contaminar el resto de un cuerpo con enfermedades como el AIDS y muchas más . Un cuerpo que antes era maravilloso.
Pára las mujeres, pues nunca una mujer será lo suficiente fuerte como pareja de otra mujer. Otra vez el caso de la tuerca y el tornillo. 2 tuercas no se unen perfectamente , ni dos tornillos tampoco. Una pareja de hombre y mujer tiene toda las fuerzas y condiciones para construir, el valor para defenderse y proporcionar seguridad a los hijos que si podrán crear entre los dos en forma natural.
Eso quizás es lo que está fallando en nuestra sociedad. En muchas partes del mundo la homosexualidad ha existido desde los tiempos más remotos . Solo que por la explicación anterior, esto puede ser un deterioro de salud mental y física.
De estos errores también se aprovechan los negocios para hacer cirugías y cambiar el sexo a un ser que después se dará cuenta del error, pero que regresar a su estado inicial será tan difícil que podría haberlo evitado con esperar unos pocos años. Para entonces, las hormonas hubieran dado madurez física y mental al cuerpo. Así hubiera podido ser libre de esas preocupaciones absurdas.
En el caso de que eso no se sucediera, se habrá generado una especie de condición que traerá los inconvenientes de cualquier enfermedad crónica pero aparentemente normal.
Nosotros no podemos juzgar lo que sucede y no estamos en los zapatos del que los sufre. Lo más importante es no exilar a los niños, dejarles crecer sin crear más traumas. Suficiente son los requisitos para aprender a ganarse el alimento de cada día.
This destroys free will for each and every person on the planet …gender transition isn’t reversible …Exceptince should be taught in schools anyway …pushing an an agenda towards children is only going to create havoc throughout the population of the world …ofc it’s ok to be gay …but to push an ideology onto children’s minds is going to leave them confused about themselves and that is not ok at all ……sex education is supposed to be taught in a way on which they can understand themselves in an age appropriate manner and how there body works …for an example …learning the names of there genitalia with male and female anatomy, teaching them the understanding on how there body communicates danger signals …such as sweating when it’s not hot …or feeling the need to urinate when you’ve just been to the toilet …how the male and female body works throughout there growth as a human being …what reproductive organs are, sexually transmitted diseases…relationships and friendships and feeling towards other People there own age as they grow and to take the proper precautions when undergoing sex itself when there of age such as condoms, the pill, what pregnancy is and what abortions are ………school is for education based purposes only and it’s only to teach kids from kindergarten through to high school what they are and how to live within society …pushing an agenda from what I’ve seen through social media that looks R rated …provocative…and predatory behaviour is going to make parents bring there kids out of schools all together …let’s kids decide for themselves as they grow older and gain an understanding on what life is how to live in society today
Sick perverted.teach them the truth.2 genders.male female.whoever came up with this idea for teaching parents kids.about this garbage should sacked without question.. This is not the way you teach children.shame on any person who backs this vile disturbing idea.home schooling is best way to keep your children safe away from these pathetic. Vile people who back this idea.
I100% disagree with teaching the Trans topic in any school. But that said, I also disagree with having to teach young kids about school shootings, but unfortunately that's the world that we currently live in and obviously school shootings are not on the decline. My point is, refusing to talk about Trans issues at all with our children isn't a great way to prepare them for the real world. Also, I find it very hypocritical that many of the same parents that are so triggered by the Trans topic are the same parents that allow their daughters to watch catty mean-girl movies or tv shows and their boys play hours of unsupervised violent and graphic video games. Where's the outrage for kids that are being exposed to Grand Theft Auto or Housewives of Atlanta ? I realize that they're not being forced to watch that by their schools but what's really going to make a lasting impression on them, a one minute video about Trans kids or countless hours of the garbage that they're probably being exposed to at home ?
I would punch a teacher in the mouth if they taught my child that crap and throw him in the pacific ocean so he can get eaten by the sharks.
I’m gay and if I ever have kids I hope they are straight. I wouldn’t wish being gay on anyone. It’s a hard life. Trans people however have no problem wishing it upon other people’s kids and it makes me sick. Trans and queers are destroying everything the lgb have worked for. Please stop lumping lgb with the TQ+. Completely different ideology
Every parent needs to see this.
I don't have anything nice to say so i won't say anything at all….🗡️😐
Y’all sad if you believe in this crap…
Trump 2024, he'l put a stop to this grooming of our kids in schools, we have it in Britain as well & over the water in france etc . Shows us just how many perverts/ pedo's, groomers are allowed to become teachers allowing them access to children on a plate. BAN all this nonsense from ALL schools .
Yuck Fou , go get a life .. whats wrong with you .. leave our kids alone .. if you have any heart in you teach them morals and humanity not homosexuality..
Get your kids out of these mentally insane schools.
Instead of teaching kids about English or Maths they teach them this 🤦♂️
I'm a lesbian and this is not the teacher's job. I send my kids to school to learn how to read, write, do math, science, history, and learn a second language. Sexuality is the parents job to teach not the school. No wonder our education is falling behind other countries. We are wasting time on this crap. I grew up to find out no one gives a shit what I do in my private time.
Here in Russia they scare people, saying that in schools they offer to change their sex, because of such ugly videos.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
They destroy the kids
Many years ago homosexual acts were more mainstream in Greek times, but a heavy price was paid
Thank you for this video now i can avoid this country
Citizens paying tax for children to receive education
This happens
And parents home school kids
So what does the tax money pay for?
I think this is right 100%
There are some kids who would not do this and there are other kids that would.
Great informative video! Most people have no idea what goes on in classrooms!
I'm bisexual and I don't agree with them teaching this shit in school it's not cool
No wonder why the kids gets confused
What would be the benefit if I kids school has a course on LBGTQ I would change schools
YouTube Won't Allow You to Hear These 6 Words From Former Transgender Identifying Person Walt Heyer: