Senator John Thune Discusses Federal Spending, Elena Kagan, and the new START treaty
http://blog.heritage.org/2010/08/05/in-the-green-room-senator-john-thune-on-spending-kagan-and-new-start Senator John Thune (R-SD) spoke at The Heritage Foundation on the urgent need to rein in federal spending and reform the budget process. As Thune explained, there are 26 committees and subcommittees dedicated to spending, but not one to cutting spending.
Afterwards, he sat down with us for a short interview about his proposal, his position on the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, and the new START treaty.
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this guy is hot. im just sayin.
@helltrackrider "Per the Dictionary: General – "of or pertaining to all persons or things belonging to a group or category"…notice the word ALL."
All those programs qualify. & Discretionary spending is constitutional, spending is (well basically) an enumerated power. You're pretty much just stating something that even the first congress did was unconstitutional.
SS is not made to redistribute income.
& No definition of the term General has it as a synonym of all.
& if it did, every single one of those programs, could still be supported by general welfare.
& Again, how is discretionary spending unconstitutional?
Why do I get the feeling you've never read the constitution & somehow believe your an expert on it?
@helltrackrider The United States is made up of the people of the united states & the general welfare clause does cover foreign aid, SS, Medicaid, Medicare,etc… The reason being that none of those programs violate the constitution, & all fall with in the enumerated powers (now if they forced you to collect SS, or use Medicaid then it would be a violation).
Also again,I see nothing in the constitution forbidding discretionary spending (as a matter of fact I think it's kind of necessary)
@helltrackrider Okay ,SO in other words the constitution doesn't prohibit discretionary spending, you just felt like saying it does? & SS,Medicare,medicaid, & foreign aid all qualify under the common good clause.
You should really read the constitution….
@helltrackrider What clause prohibits that?
@helltrackrider How dare you even think of asking the federal government to follow the Constitution!!!! They have been doing so well without it,right??