Sexual Orientation Never Changes | Challenge Response
Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to this week’s challenge: “Sexual orientation never changes.”
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You've already lost the plot by comparing sexuality with alcoholism or some form of addiction (these are not the same thing) you can definitely overcome addictions if you are committed, sexual orientation is not some kind of addiction that can be overcome
What are these so called efforts for same sex attraction change????😮
Great video! Thank you
Long ago it seemed to me that I would Never lose my love of smoking marijuana. But I knew it was harming me and I wanted to change. It was a very long process, but I did change. I changed so much that I no longer desire to get high. I re-developed – so much so that my mouth no longer waters when I see someone on TV rolling a joint or smoking one. Using drugs for pleasure, of course, is Not exactly the same as sexual pleasure. I'm simply arguing that change is possible for those who learn that their behaviors and desires are harmful.
I'm amazed Stand To Reason doesn't take down some of these videos. I don't know which Alan and Greg are more…stubborn or foolish.
I'll willingly give my soul to Satan if he makes Greg Koukl's adopted daughters one a lesbian, and the other a transgender man. I bow down to you Satan. I willingly give my entire soul to you Satan if you do this for me. Please Satan, do not let me down. I worship you Satan. I tell others how you have been misrepresented. I will do what ever you command me to do.
Dear Satan, I will give my soul to you and dedicate my life to you if you make Alan Shlemon's son, Nathan Shlemon, a homosexual. Please do this for me. I willingly give all of myself to you Satan if you will do this for me.
Many secular studies show that most sexual orientation is "fluid". Could you please refer me to a study which shows this. My search has been in vain. Thanks.😊
I really like your videos 🙂
We really can't say that its impossible for a man to spout wings and fly. But we can say there is no evidence for this happening other than probably anecdotal stories.