She Told Congress How To Fix the U.S. Refugee Program
Watch Homeland Security expert Lora Ries tell the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship the inconvenient truth about the current state of the U.S. refugee program—and lay out concrete solutions.
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I really like her suggestion about the government making the program then enabling local community members to help the refugees. we definitely want them to conform to us because if not we will lose our American identities. Isn't that why they wanted to come here for in the first place? Because this is a better place? So show us the respect and accept our way of life or leave.
And what about the costs to the American tax payers in medical, education, law enforcement, interpreters and the fact that WE the people have NO say on where they are “settled” and have no one to represent our voices? The tax payers have no voice and I’d say this is unconstitutional.
The problem could be solved over night with 1 executive order . 1. Any company caught with employees who are known to be illegal will be prosecuted and jailed for a mandatory 5 year jail term with out a chance for early release.
The problem would fix its self over night or at very latest after the first employer is jailed.
Agree completely.
We have "refugees" right here that are U.S. citizens, including homeless Veterans. But, let's import more from overseas, take care of them, lavish them with aid, housing and benefits, while we ignore our own.
"If a refugee voluntarily returns to his home country, he may lose his refugee status." EXACTLY… like the Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon bombers).
English only. English or deport. American Law Only.
They want agenda 21 and depopulation but yet want a flood of Mexicans
The problem with Congress is not that they don't know how to fix our immigration system. They simply don't want to fix the system.
Deepstate destruction ✔ .
Hypocrisy. The U.S. CREATED the refugee problem in South America, and is largely responsible for the refugee problemsin the U.S.
35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists
The Communist democRats will never go for that
An articulate, intelligent woman, who knows what she's talking about, telling idiots how to fix the problem. Will they do the right thing? I'm not going to hold my breath.
We can create a whole country for Jews but can't make one for refugees?
Hilary, and team of misogynist-baiting, identity-politics whores:
Here is a strong smart woman in a high level leadership role. Please promote her as an example for young women and girls to which they can model themselves.
Oops. I forgot. it really isnt about that after all, is it?
Stop The Invasion.
Otherwise pretty much spot on.
How would DHS be able to contact a year later since they disappear into our society and move around leaving few if any forwarding address?
Let em all in. WTF?
This is the right start yes this is on the right path ..y'all say why ill tell you why this is the right wayor the start ..Look citizens most of the refuges love not the American values or the American country but instead bring there country s beleave s and values in watch they for get about America tradition and such there not geting acclimated in too America butthere own so point is the new comers are not geting acclimated too America way of life but there own that they flead from . this steps is a stary …
If a refugee or any relative of a refugee has ties to any terrorist organization then the refugee should be denied entry to our country.
It’s laughable that a refugee would return to the country he fled on vacation and is currently allowed to return to the Us.
I wanna make sweet love to her ideas. Her ideals are Hot!
I hope this a good thing, but by saying this it piss me off! Anymore they play with words. So it can sound good. Just vett them ok! Find the true mommy and daddy. For these children by DNA. And put these bad people in prison for taking children and these Social Paths in jail. Then we all can go out for a nice hamburger and coffee
2:38 There is the core of truth: True caring and principle, on which reasonableness rests…
America needs to become serious about cleaning out the Congress and the bureaucracy they hired .Vote for school choice,conservative politician's and the process of decentralizing federal government for more state and local control.MAGA 2020
Please mention HB1 work Visas. Also employer quotas for hiring minorities isn't addressed. What about securing the borders with barriers? Chinese and Latino babies born during vacation are dual citizens.
When you don’t fix the leak at the dam this is what you get, a flood , in this case illegal coming across our borders ! I blame our government for not addressing this problem , it is costing us dearly in tax dollars that could go to our infrastructure !
Active learning, person-centric vetting, "bio-metric" tracking is bit alarming but great point on "vacation refugees". And green card follow-up. Permanent residency with citizenship based on merit. Dearborn Michigan we are paying attention.
1) learn language of new country
2) assimilation
3) follow our laws