Shocking Study Reveals Alarming Suicide Rates among Transgender Individuals
A new study out of Denmark finds that transgender individuals have “significantly higher rates of suicide attempts.” This shows that people who DO live an affirmed life still have a high risk of suicide. Not affirming gender does not decrease this risk. Meanwhile, GLAAD has published an open letter from celebrities to speak out on behalf of transgender medicalization. They want social media to disallow people from saying that medicalization of gender ideology is harmful. But it is.
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It is misleading hate speech like this "reporting" and the nasty comments below that contribute to the high suicide risks.
They're subjecting themselves to the medical intervention, Voluntarily! That's the precise moment when most people stop caring about what happens to them for doing something so stupid in the first place.
Commit dumb actions, win stupid prizes.
Omg clayton always trying to talk over natali. Some things never change
Do you have the citation for this paper?
Up the percentages
What it is. Is that Catholic and conservative misogynist pervert pedophile clergy gotta get millstone necked is what it is
Balance of Nature: if one decide to take his own life willfully,that should not be an issue of the public interest.
gee be horrible to trans ppl and they wind up taking there lives eventually shocker
transgender is a misnomer…a better and correct term should be "castrated being"…removing their genitals doesnt change their genders…a male chromosome is still a male…a female chromosome is still a female!!!
Lets face ot most teenagers are completely confused about everything and should not be making any life changing decisions!
Guilt and regret is what’s causing the suicides…..Don’t switch sides and this won’t happen as much…..Just some common sense for fools…..
It’s too much of a leap to make assumptions or jump to conclusions based in this kind of data. People still carry all the trauma they’ve experienced in their lives even after big life events like gender confirmation surgery. It tracks that suicide rates are still high among those who transitioned.
Great show redacted.
That 13 year old needs to also sew her pretend parents.
Dysphoria means a deep unhappiness with your gender. Affirm that and you are affirming unhappiness and in fact allowing it to fester in the individual. And I do not believe that mutilating surgery can or will cure the dysphoria. Every living person needs to learn how to accept him/herself as they are and go from there. It's a lifelong road. Medication and medical procedures may create a temporary patch, but cannot otherwise solve the issue. And stop apologizing for the excesses ("we're queer, we're here, we're coming for your children"). If this is the life someone wants for him or herself, go for it. And leave the rest of us alone.
I really don't care about the number of transgender people committing suicide. Across the western world it's males who commit the highest level of suicide and, no one really cares about this and, it's not talked about by governments or social or mainstream media. But just because it's happening to one of the smallest groups within society it's a hot topic.
It is medical malpractice to ignore facts and studies in order to affirm a political/social agenda that ends in harm to patients, who deserve far more honest and realistic treatment from the medical community.
Is this certified data.Theyvarevpushing this BS
You confuse children so much, they do not know who they are and how to identify with outside sources. That in the past has never worked. The social structure starts with home and family. Trying to feel fulfilled from outside sources leads to a hollow and lonely life.
Modern slavery. To be tief to drugs. An evil way of stopping human reproduction. What is next? Baby factories. And the business goes on.
" fantasy fills my mind 2 leave this place b4 my time,release mself from Earthly care,my dream may b u nitemare. I turn me hopes up to d sky,i lift m eye n say cmon take me away " – Cult of the Blue Oyster
Schizophrenics used to have a comparable suicide rate to trans people. More focus was given to mental health resources for those suffering from schizophrenia. Suicidality among them has steadily decreased ever since. Id imagine if "other voices in your head affirming care" would have been the course of action the suicide rate would probably be as high as trans peoples are now.
Be kind to yourself. Have a kind inner voice towards yourself and enjoy the life that has been given to you Stop over analyzing what you are or are not. YOU ARE JUST YOU. You are highly valuable
It's interesting how important the puberty aspect is
It's almost as if gender dysphoria is discomfort about growing up and leaving childhood
Natural selection. I never wish I'll will . But they should be put on there own island and removed from our society
Of course they do. Could you imagine what your mind and body are going through chemically. That's completely insane. Just so one couple can 'come out' and be excepted. This is totally demonic.
Bad attention is better than no attention at all
What a well-done show. Bravo!
California governador passed a law. They can take the children from their parents. A young girl just kill herself after that happen.
That should not be allowed until THEY ARE ADULTS!!!
Gives them time to learn about themselfs and make the right decision. Right now other are making the decision for them etc..
hahahah YOU WERE ready to make so many jokes hahahah LOVE THE SHOW !!! happy fell on you guys I thought Breaking Points was the SPOT…… NOT AFTER RFK JR interview saw you guys pop up love the energy the TRUTH. Patrick Lancaster is a freaking WILD MAN!!! Just wanted to say thanks for all the WORK!!!! much appreciated!