Should the Government Fund So-Called “Arts”?
The government is spending tax dollars on “art” many Americans probably would never pay to see — and they’re using your tax dollars for it.
While leftists claim cutting government funding to the arts could run them dry, last year, Americans made shockingly generous donations to keep them afloat.
Sen. Rick Scott and Heritage expert Romina Boccia break it down on this episode of Washington Waste Wednesday.
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A textbook example of a video that grossly oversimplifies an economically and socially complex topic and shamelessly cherry picks examples.
That's fine to fund it. Some of our great arts were publicly funded. And don't incite strife by using bad example, majority of the time private art collectors fund these shitty arts as well. Netflix is a good example of these bad arts and with enough money to pour they can create their own brand that consumers will loyally follow.
However we need price signals to know if it's shit . The site where they share art should be public with views and subscription which can be used as price signal.
The part of the equation missed about government funding for the arts is, pretty much, if the government reaches it's mitts into the arts, its Socialism. Also more importantly, everything in the arts and what gets promoted is filtered thru the lens of some kind of "social justice/feminism/lgbtqtegssxyz alphabet soup/people of color/identity politics crap!
Seriously, enough already!
The moral of the story is: government dependency or reach into any aspect of our private lives or artistic expression is S O C I A L I S M.
"Conservatives" wouldn't be so suspicious of and hostile to art if they didn't suck at it.
Hey, you idiots should make a video about how sports are cronyism only and they are drestroying society. Because they are. Sports are evil.
If you say NO, don't watch a movie again, or listen to music, or go to an art museum, or pretty much enjoy life ever again. ART is what makes life worth living, and it can be cultivated at a young age in SCHOOL. We spend so much money on MILITARY in the most peaceful time in existence and undervalue the impact of teaching kids to express themselves in a productive way. and btw, the reaction the banana duct taped on a wall is getting proves that it's art. Art is anything that makes you feel something. This is bullshit.
I am actually ok with dogy hammlet and descusted with cha
Have you heard of the art embassy program? You should check that out. Seems to be a government smuggling and money laundering program. Modern art was created by the CIA or at least hijacked.
There should be regulations on what is considered for funding.
Unless the government is commissioning specific art work for the public space, like a memorial or an event to honour exemplary contribution to the country or similar things, it should not spend one red cent of tax payer money on the arts.
Fuck no! Of course not. I'd only want the government to fund it if the art was equivalent to the Renaissance level of arts. Modern are is shit.
Absolutely! I don't want to pay for this, or for Leftist education of our children, and I sure don't want to pay for abortion or drag queen story hour.
Remember art education is funded by the state and local funds – not federal government funds.
no never at all all bs
No, but they should allow for better tax write offs for the arts field. It's important to discover oneself and art is the perfect medium for doing so.
Dont fund it but dont get in its way either.
When the government "funds" the arts – we don't really get art, we get rent seeking. This is why someone was able to put a banana on a wall and call it art.
You mean like a $150,000 banana taped to a wall with duct tape? NO!
No. Culture should come from the people. The government should stick to law, borders, infrastructure, and trade.
The government shouldn’t fund art nor any so-called high culture projects.
Absolutely not!
I'm not against government support for the arts in and of itself (school art and music programs are essential for children's mental growth, and Hell, even William Shakespeare and Leonardo Da Vinci got government subsidies for their work), but quite frankly the system is need of a total overhaul, and ought to be run by somebody who is knowledgable about REAL art, not washcloths soaked in period blood or jars of urine collected in protest of President Trump.
By god, I just want to give lawmakers a big slap to the face.
I don't think that the government should pay for it. There are people out there for fund raising, the government has been spread thin enough!