Should We Care About Our Borders?
As Believers, we are called to speak out with compassion and truth. We must demand that our elected officials uphold the law while also acting compassionately to help those in need. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven, but also be vigilant and prepared.
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Absolutely Trojan horse
Excellent educational message 🎚️🙏.
Borders need to be abolished everywhere on the planet by simple virtue of the dignity of humankind.
Glory to mankind.
God bless you Pastor Jack for sorting this out for us. God bless you.
As always so enjoy your messages of truth. Thank you Pastor Jack. God Bless you and your ministry. 🙏4🇮🇱24/7.
I’ve never witnessed the evil that’s happening in our country. To me it’s absolutely heartbreaking to me. It makes me so angry to see what’s happening at our borders. It’s like anyone can enter without any questions. We are being INVADED and it’s going to happen we will be attacked all over our country in different ways so it doesn’t look like a attack. Wake up people and be ready to protect your loved ones.
Amén 🙏🏻
Roman Catholic NGO's are completely complicit in this invasion They are being paid millions $$ to help organize this train of illegals from South America all the way into the USA. The Roman Catholics have been doing this since the 1960's.
Ephesians calls us ambassadors in chains. Thank you pastor Jack for helping us to break them, for speaking to the churches. Being soft and passive flies in the face of our God. Bless you pastor Jack.
Chinese soldiers invited by traitor Biden to suppress Americans if they try to falsify an election again and the citizens object. The open border to allow Chinese soldiers to come in and conquer US is what traitor Biden gave Xi Jinping in exchange for the millions he and hid son he received from China. The classified documents Biden had at the University of Pennsylvania for China to access part of that deal. Also his allowing the Chinese spy balloon to travel freely over the us including military installations before being shot down after its accompanying spy mission also part of the deal, His withdrawal from Afghanistan abandoning American and allies all on with billions of dollars of top state of the art tanks and weapons for the Taliban to use also part of the deal. China is going to be the NWO’s installer of the Great Reset totalitarian global government. Nazi Klaus Schwab (as well as Trudeau and other WEF NWO implants) has stated his great admiration of the oppressive totalitarian human-rights violating Chinese government and many times express his desire that that system is what he wants implemented in his global one world government. What they want they take with no regard for human life. They wanted Lahaina in Maui for a planned 15-minute city. The residents would not sell. Chinese satellites over Lahaina at exact time the supposed “grass fire” occurred. China had just improved their DEW laser/microwave weapons. Police barriers prevented many cities from Lahaina escaping. The town was burned to ashes except for vegetation and trees and items painted blue (such as the roof of adjacent Oprah’s and other wealthy residents houses. People were trapped in their cars were incinerated to ashes with their children and pets. Woman said she baby skeleton in a car seat. The heat melted glass and aluminum wheels of cars that were in parking lots not even near any grass. At the edge a house was totally burned to ashes but right across the street the houses did not have the mere hint of smoke stains or burn. Lots of precision in this “grass” fire, no? Afterwards the affect area was walled off to prevent anyone from going and investigating and photographing evidence. The owners are not being allowed to rebuild in their land. I guess pressure to sell. I hear Blackrock/WEF/NWO might now “own” Lahaina which was the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii. (See, the NWO lies about their love for diversity and multiculturalism. They really want to eliminate all culture and 90% of humans to whom they refer to as “useless eaters”. Words from the father of Head Nazi Klaus Schwab. Has our government looked into this? No because most politicians and elected officials have sold out to Nazi Klaus and his WEF army. In England there’s a case where the government has declared a couple’s house “derelict” or some such word and forced them to sell it. Nothing wrong with the house, the government wants them out so they can give it to house the illegal invaders. The government will be using the same scan here using their “right to iminent domain”. They’ll tell you your house is derelict, give you peanuts of what it’s really worth, and then give it to someone else, maybe a contractor who will turn it into a multiunit buildings to warehouse troops or illegal. They have already done this to neighborhoods in the past (I saw it on 60 minutes years past). In that case the developer create expensive condos and get wealthy selling them at high prices and the government is delighted because the can collect more taxes from the new development. Those Chinese military immigrants are probably drooling with the expectation of living in your house. NWO MOTTO: YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY (OR ELSE). WE WILL OWN EVERYTHING AND YOU WILL EAT BUGS.
Deut.28;43-52 shows God allows invasion because his People disobyed and broke his covenant s……Hello USA
Great job, Pastor Jack you speak all words of truth in Our Lord Jesus name amen🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
Thank You Pastor Jack for talking about the issue in the border that our goverment ignore.
Thank you for speaking. All Christians need to fight this evil. But monarchist? Jesus is my King but my King Jesus Himself while on earth said we must give to ceaser what is ceasers so God himself has set up earthly governments so I must fight evil the physical I can see but of course also the spiritual so I need to pick the best side the most righteous and vote and that is obviously being republican. That includes voting in primaries to vote for the most conservative candidate. People like you Jack Hibbs who say your neither republican or democrat are just as evil as the communist demoncrats because you have not chosen a side. How do you vote? In states like mine you can't even vote in a primary unless you are registered as republican or democrat so you don't vote in primaries then you are a horrible citizen. I know some states have open primaries but it still doesn't change the fact that you have to pick a side.
Joshua, Judges, Gideon, Shamgar. The Scouring of the Shire.
The problem is that USCitizens are the ones bringing in the drugs..
Jack,you are the best,stay healthy,Acts 10:38!
great commentary- your cameraman must be having a seizure- back, forth- left ,right… geez i'm about to be queasy 🤢
Too many Christians just say “I’m just gonna give it all to God “you better get involved. We have responsibility down here.
Jack this is brilliant. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Content? Awesome.
The hovering camera effect? Not so much – particularly for those of us that suffer from balance issues. A bit reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project, and I know that's not what you are going for.
That gift was fake Biden that one.
Call them out. Both parties are to blame.
Thank you SIR for standing for God.
For those of us just waiting to die, it could not possibly matter any less, like everything else. Imagine having such a nice life that you have a voice, be wealthy and audience, who just wants to hear you complain. 🙄
Preach it Pastor Jack Hibbs!
No you're wrong I want to be like Jesus Just like in the gospel of John
You are right I have seen it also you can walk across and walk back No checkpoint don't even have to stand in line to cross into the United States Don't forget what Jesus said , My Kingdom is not of this world , Also my brothers and sisters are the ones that are , in Christ , Also jesus told us the believer who are born again to go out and make disciples Not to join the world and also i don't call myself a Christian i am a child of God , So you want Christian to go to the to take beans and cheese tacos it's a war at the border you can get killed What did Jesus say in KJV , Jesus said it is written , Thou shalt not Temp the Lord thou God I obey God not man You want people to go down there and maybe get killed and you telling Christians to do that Also those people in Mexico 99% of them believe in the Virgin Mary , Also God said don't be like a busy body always meddling around people's affair In other words money on business What God is saying his business not the world's
Just one ?
What would our lord do on any border on the earth he created
To a multitude of desperate destitute hungry people approaching ?
Enough said!
I've been saying for years we're gonna fall like Troy fell. We will let in the enemy. But I get told I am crazy or "no were to smart for that". Smh and this is why and how History repeats itself. Its a relief to hear someone else say it out loud as well.
God created boarders throughout the entire universe! Laws protect! Boarders do the same thing. Your enemies don’t want boarders
Well said! Be prepared church.
We need to be like Nehemiah, a trowel in one hand, a sword in the other. Building while protecting our family and neighbors. Pastor Jack speaking truth again!
Kinda a dumb question, no? Of course we should care. Duh😊
Praying for God to intervene and Trusting in Him no matter what it looks like
We need Jesus .
Love you Jack. God Bless you and thank you for your voice.
Wow, powerful n so true.