Slaves Were Often Paid In The United States – Here Is Why
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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Slaves often planted home gardens with their masters' blessings because it meant that the masters didn't have to pay as much to feed their slaves. Slaves would sell excess food and other crops and earn money from it, and some slaves earned enough money to buy their freedom. You may have heard of the Old Slave Market in Charleston, South Carolina. Even after the importation of slaves was outlawed, the Old Slave Market continued to operate as slaves sold food items, crafts, and other goods. Comparing the previous sentence to this paragraph's first sentence, you can see how slaves managed to carve out areas of dignity in spite of their condition.
There are thousands of descendents of black slaves, but ive never met e descendent of white slaves despite the white slave trade having more slaves.
The black slaves must have had better conditions, conditions that allowed them to raise families.
The whites were killed to show how wealthy their captors were.
"knowledge is an inherent constraint on power" – incredible!
This dude is a slavery apologist
If AI set humanity's wages based on effort and real market value, a great number of CEOs would find themselves in this "paid slave" arrangement.
Their is more than one type of slavery. During the Civil War, a black slave gave his "master" his life savings of $600 to help the South fight the North. Where would a slave get $600? In that time, that is enough to buy a house and land and a few animals to start a farm. Thomas Sowell talks about this in one of his books.
Frederick Douglass specifically states that he got paid for his work in his first autobiography. He had to give an amount to his owner, but he still states that he did in fact get paid for his labor/work.
Healthcare is the wrong comparison since most developed countries have universal healthcare, many of them with higher living standards, better healthcare access, and affordability than the US.
Thomas Sowell desperately wishes he was white. That's why he justifies the crimes of the white race.
Hell, if anything, descendants of slaves should pay reparations to America.
Plus ca change….
Interesting the photo of Obuma with Biden in the background with his all hands over the little boy and that typical filthy look on his face ..
Schumpeter in his Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy said, (not in so many words) the incentive to get ahead can be replaced with the lash.
This video seems to contradict him.
I've never knew that certain classes of slaves were getting paid by their masters in America. Except after the Union won the war against the Confederates.
Plus, regarding having to pay slaves to do some jobs really does show you just how profoundly lazy and corrupt the Confederacy really was, and this's confirmed by both R. E. Lee and John C. Calhoun, whose remarks by both men indicated a severe lack of disciplinary drive on the parts of the poor whites to do what they themselves needed to do… it really was the most corrupt class system imaginable!
Yes, Mr. Sowell: it is a means of holding them bound: you make it clear to them that they're dependent upon your good will by using wages, it does make perfect sense, if profoundly antimoral in all fields, and thus it really would be an agenda straight from Hell.
Well, in a possibly different reality, I could've wound up a plantation owner, but simply in terms of finance, it would be categorically stupid to beat the laborers who harvested my fields to death- that's the consequences for that: you lose the worker; and any workers who even find out about it will be out to bug out of your holdings ASAP… not smart choice, buddy, especially when you've got other means of getting them to do as you might want.
Now sometimes you mustn't ever go for what you might want, and trust me: had this scenario been the case; the dark-skinned laborers would find me seated right beside them in the prayer meetings. My stance is that I know from basic common sense that the teachings I'm getting in the so-called "official "white" churches" is pure garbage from Hell! especially as none of it makes any moral sense at all, period! So since they've got the better end of the deal, even if incomplete, I'm hanging out with them, rather than being strongly encouraged to live in a palace in literal *HELL*, which's truly destructive to man's character, especially as the teachings in that kind of society were so completely pro-abuse it is not imaginable!
People today complain about "systematic racism", they have no idea just how bad things were in history in that field: not only was racism frankly everywhere in the past centuries: in the deep south that is often referred to as the "antebellum south": the society actually was beyond fully racist in terms of its legality! It was actually and quite unjustly disgustingly unbelievably so– and totally in love with abuse… before the Confederacy was fully destroyed: it really was HELL in terms of a society that is *completely devoted to abuse of neighbor*!
Well, what tells me it is weird to the point of preposterously bizarre is that slaves would NEVER EVER be paid for their labor: that's contrary to the basic premise of slavery: where the work of the slaves is stolen from them- it is, simply put: robbery! Slavery really does amount to robbery, but it is the work that's stolen, not the money or other property, at least generally.
What, Sir, would clue me into the idea that you could well be correct on this is that slaves had become a premium commodity: they were extremely valuable*, moreso than a tractor is to a farmer *now*; each cost about a *billion dollars of today's money. So no way would they malform them in any way that'd prevent them from doing the work they want done: that's simply stupid*, business-wise. Their owners were the *furthest thing from any sort of ethical businessman, but they weren't business-wise *stupid*… they were, however, profoundly evil. Especially when you realize that they were, as often as not, their own owned forced laborer's sibling! That takes abuse to a whole new level, a domestically evil one! That concept takes it to a whole new level of immorality altogether!
There's another element to consider; and it intertwines with beliefs that were way more commonplace those days than are today: most of these men were, at least on paper Christians… well, if you factor in beliefs*, so is their master: the devil: it too believes all those teachings and ideas. That only should show you just how unreliable faith and grace really are when you understand that the *devil shares in those traits, and look at how it really messed itself up! They were following its lifestyle suggestions straight up by basically robbing daily their own kin, in a literally extremely abusive relationship.
The other motive on the master's part is that if he pays them, and reasonably well: he may be able to get a whole lot more work out of them- that alone would disuade them from torturing the slaves: it would mar their ability to do their jobs until they heal fully; and in the meantime: he's financially screwed, in this case, himself up every. single. way. possible.
These guys were oftentimes as not addicted to buying them, to the point that they'd go willing into debt to gain them… that should show you their views.
The way this guy bangs on about it, you'd think slavery was fun and fab. What's the matter with him? He's not so much an Uncle Tom as a Carbuncle Willy.
The powers that be seek comfort over duty which is why they want control and easy scapegoated solutions to the issues of the land they govern.
This will last for a limited amount of time before the tipping point is reached and the point of no return is made apparent
One thing slaves, with skills or even just labor, was hire-out on Sunday. In the South it was illegal in many states to force a slave to work on Sunday. Where it was not illegal, it was frowned up on by custom. Slaves would hire out, on Sunday's, for wages. Obviously there were some limitations, but that's the way was. Skilled slaves, like blacksmiths could, many times, go into an economic partnership with their owners and could buy their freedom. Many masters even allowed slaves to work jobs and buy themselves free. I am not saying it was great for them, or it worked for all of them. I'm just saying it was complex. For those interested in history, read up on James Bradley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Not only did work himself free, but he bought slaves so they be hired-out and work themselves free.
Tyranny = Big Government = Power, Money, and Control.
The losers are the people.
"6 hours ago"
"Current government"
"Photo of Obama"
Slaves in the Louisiana sugar plantations were often paid and even went on strike or threatened to, because the work was so taxing very few could or would do it, especially for free
Thanks guys, a short clip much needed in our time. The practice or institution of slavery was ubiquitous among humans as Dr Sowell mentioned, even in cave drawings.
Was it a terrible plague on mankind? of course. But the Brits were the first large nation to consider ending it and US second or thierd I believe.
The US also had as legal for the shortest amount of time as any other developing nation.
There were indeed struggles even after Dr King's speechs and the laws that were enacted in 1964 and 1968.
As a country I believe we held slavery as legal for one of the shortest amounts of time of all countries in the world (Not counting countries created in the modern era post war.).
Again, a terrible plague, but lets keep it in perspective before we blanket western nations as the worst. Slavery exists today in numerous countries even if not codified in their law. It is western countries that always push against it, and the UK who put one fifth or their navy to to police its activities.
Thansk again guys, stay well – good Easter if you're among those who celebrate it.
Unix in the Ottoman Empire.
What did slaves dived for in the Carolina's swamps?
you don't think about paying slaves and limits of power. Frederick Douglass was partner with his master in several businesses.
The irony about black Americans asking for reparations is that they forget that is was Africans selling other Africans to the slave traders. The real irony is however if their ancestors had not been sold into slavery they would still be living in some impoverished third world society in Africa. I imagine that few would choose to return to Africa and give up a significantly better life here in America.
This video has made me realise that slavery is another form of totalitarianism, albeit a partial one
This coming from these evil and lying colonizers who refuse to acknowledge what is real and true. So they put blinders on to make themselves believe the lies they tell. I want proof at everything they say. I also want the receipt that they paid for America.
We have all been paid slaves since The Fed was imposed.
🎉Thomas for president
I'm not chipping in 5 cents for Trump lmao
3:47 A version of their 5 year plans?
thomas sowelltv is awesome
It’s the al totally amazes me every time I see people trying to explore today’s morals and societies values on people 150 200 years ago. Everything was different back then, you know they didn’t even have cell phones.
Working 50-65hrs per week, the government takes almost 40% off the top, they get MY money first, before I get a single dime. Slavery never ended, and it never will…
When I toured Mr. Vernon in the late 90s I asked one of the interpreters about a flintlock beside the fire place in the brick slave quarters behind the main house. I thought it was out of place. I was informed that among his other faults, General Washington encouraged his servants to hunt, even paid them for game they harvested. That doesn’t change my dim view of the slave trade but shows it as as complex and the people stuck in the middle of it.