So, You Think You’re Tolerant? | 5 Minute Video
Are you tolerant? You probably think so. But who is tolerant in America today? Is it those on the left, or those on the right? In this video, Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report analyzes this question and shares his experience.
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It’s a word we hear a lot these days. So, let’s define it.
Tolerance is “the ability to live with people whose opinions and behavior you don’t agree with.” That’s essentially how Oxford defines it, how Merriam-Webster defines it, and how we, as a society, have always defined it.
You might be for the death penalty, and your cousin might be against it. You might be against a $15 minimum wage, and your coworker might be for it. Your dad might have voted for Trump, your mom might have voted for Clinton, and your brother may not have voted at all.
Whatever differences we have, tolerating others’ opinions is a prerequisite to a functioning and free society.
America itself was built on a foundation of tolerance. The Declaration of Independence guarantees us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But there’s an implicit contract there: To have your life, your liberty, and your pursuit of happiness, you have to be tolerant of somebody else’s life, their liberty, and their pursuit of happiness.
This contract, though, seems to be breaking down.
If you listen to the mainstream media, only one side is living up to this deal: the left. The right, according to the media, is intolerant of everyone…except those darned white, heterosexual, Christian males.
There’s only one problem. It’s just not true. Incredibly, the left isn’t even tolerant of the very people they say they’re tolerant of!
If you’re gay, or black, or an immigrant, and you’re not in lockstep with current leftist orthodoxy, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
If you believe we should judge people on the content of their character and not the color of their skin, the left calls you “racist.” If you believe that America is a nation of immigrants, but that our country should also protect its borders, the left calls you a “xenophobe.” If you believe that men and women are equal but fundamentally different, the left calls you “sexist.”
Here’s the thing: those who only tolerate people they agree with or like…aren’t actually tolerant.
So, who is tolerant?
Is it the organizers of the Women’s March, who had to apologize for the “hurt and confusion” they caused when they invited a man—leftist icon Bernie Sanders—to speak at their convention? Is it the Antifa thugs, who caused UC Berkeley to spend $600,000 on security when mainstream conservative Ben Shapiro showed up to give a talk? Or is it democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters, who scolded Kanye West for “talking out of turn” when he dared suggest that blacks should think for themselves?
These aren’t isolated examples. I’m guessing that you—person watching this right now—have silenced yourself because you don’t want to suffer the wrath of the outrage mob.
So, let me ask the question again: Who is tolerant?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/so-you-think-youre-tolerant

@lamajigmeg wants boys to chop off their nuts because she/they themself has no nuts.
Atheist believe in nothing nothing made everything and when you die return nothing 😂
Having come from the left, myself, it becomes tragically apparent how utterly intolerant they are once you start having your own opinions about things.
I and pretty much all of my friends (Who are mostly leftists) aren't like this at all.
PragerU is where irony, self-awareness, and critical thinking go to die.
Whether you agree or disagree with me as long as you are tolerant. I really miss the good old days when American democrats and American republicans used to get along with each other without hating each other & without being politically biased towards each other. Take for example the most tolerant American democratic former president Jimmy Carter and also the most tolerant American republican former president Gerald Ford. As for the most intolerant American democratic president is Joe Biden and the most intolerant American republican president is Donald Trump, shame on both of them absolutely disgraceful. Presidents regardless of their political views are meant to unite their country together not divide it. I understand we all have different beliefs and different political views on how we see society, however at the end of the day we are obviously all human beings period.
2 Tolerant American President Video:
2 Intolerant American President Video:
Tolerance is the ability to withstand a lot of drugs. I am extremely tolerant
i'm a communist and i dont tolerate liberals :3
you are as liberal as i am a flying magical unicorn on a course into my boyfriend's boy hole
so the right-wingers who want to ban abortion are more tolerant than liberals who want women to have the choice to get one or not?
Love gay dave❤!!
If this was true, the world would be a better place, ignoring all the othe stuff thats been going on over in merica land
I come only To downvote
ure literally the most patriotic controversial weirdo i have ever heard talk
ure the white christian male everyone‘s afraid of lmao
tolerance is about being tolerant to people not ideologies, you should not enable racism, fascism, all the potentially dangerous beliefs. you conservatives are critical of progressive beliefs, we are critical of your beliefs then you call us intolerant for disagreeing with you, Trump is a horrible politician and he believes Mexicans are a whole bunch of criminals which makes him intolerant because it is towards a group of people, a whole group of people, most progressives are not complete assholes to anyone who voted Trump in 2016, the M.A.G.A. beliefs suck, boarders don't do anything if people keep crossing, besides Mexicans are a great group of people bringing with them lots of great culture when they do cross the boarder.
I am tolerant.
I am not "accepting".
Came here coz I been feeling hella racist. Is a flaw I want to work on.
I agree that the right are tolerant and respectful.
soo would you live and let trans people live?
But of course! Let's have an intolerant bunch of mind fascists from PragerU teach us about tolerance!
I was looking for a simple explanation of being tolerant and it went downhill with politics. Great job.
I would rather be disliked alone then surrounded by people who I laugh and pretend I care
Just crap!
So conservatives the people that literally want no Innovation are tolerant 🤔 ok i can now say that i don't belive you
I do not have to tolerate hate that negatively impacts lives. Disinformation does that. You spread an afwul lot of didinformation.
except for when they are transgender or black!
So Dave
Do you still think the right is tolerant after you got shunned for everyone finding out you are married to your husband?🙇🏿♂
Dave, just wanted to congratulate you and your husband for your upcoming babies! May conservative tolerance see them through!
How'd this one age, Dave? 😂
From the video: "Believe it or not, the right, these days, actually welcomes diversity of thought. I can tell you that in the last few years of my political evolution, I’ve consistently found conservatives to be tolerant and open-minded. Don’t take my word for it, though."
This is the perfect quote for this video, as the right found out Rubin is gay and don't want to associate with him anymore. That's very tolerant, lmao.
Any conservative reading this: you can't properly think your way out of a wet paper bag, and that's because you watch videos like this
Wow this is wild, yall are carzy
Well said, Dave! Current leftists & DEMONcRATs are some of the most intolerant people in our country!! 🙁