States Resist Biden & Dem Congress With Nullification: Alex Newman on Newsmax
In this interview on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo show, international journalist Alex Newman explains state nullification and how conservative states are using it to resist federal power grabs led by Biden and Democrats. From the history to the constitutional arguments, Newman and American Policy Council chief Tom DeWeese break down the key points.
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Thank you Tom and Alex. “NO!” I will NOT comply.
ALRIGHT! WAY, WAY PAST DUE! EVERYONE SHOUT, "LET'S GO BRANDON!!" Trouble is I'm living in the tyrannical state of Washington and will be made to suffer as long as the demon-crats continue to control my state!
Alex Newman is legendary smart on global elites’ plan for the rest of us
Love Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an amazingly insightful person with regard to the global elites really planning and running things from behind the scenes – thank you so much for having him on!
The fight back is well underway against the Corrupt Tyrannical Government with the Constitution right behind you. Go US.
Please don't combine Convention of States and Nullification as rightful tools to prevent federal overreach. Calling a constitutional convention in today's political climate is national suicide. Nullification is the rightful remedy.