Strange Bible Podcast Intro
Tim’s introduction of this podcast can be heard here: https://thebibleproject.com/podcast/exploring-my-strange-bible/
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Tim’s introduction of this podcast can be heard here: https://thebibleproject.com/podcast/exploring-my-strange-bible/
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Community Church Babylon Long Island love you. I wish you all of God’s promises. Keep up the great work.
Any chance y’all could drop the song used for intro and outro of the podcast?
I simply love you guys……..Tim your nerdiness is beautiful and sincere
Why not uploaded it here, too?
My Strange Bible is an awesome podcast and I recommend it for everyone. I've been listening to it for a while and learning a lot. Easy to do during my commute. Thanks for making it available Tim. Love it!
I think I found it Tim I see your channel God bless
wow where are Tim sermons located at. are they in this Bible project YouTube channel? are they under the videos? please elaborate and thank you so much for sharing the good news. accept Jesus now while we're still under grace and it's still a free gift amen
Awesome is this podcast going to be on YouTube along with your other videos
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And because of their saying (in boast), ‘We killed Messiah ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allaah,’ — but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it appeared so to them the resemblance of ‘Eesa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man)], and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not [i.e. ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)]”
[al-Nisa’ 4:157]
Rather the problem rests with the Christians for whom the doctrine of the crucifixion and redemption has become a central issue, so much so that the cross is the symbol of their religion.
It is strange that they differ concerning the form of this cross which indicates their confusion about this fabrication.
There are differences between their Gospels and their historians regarding everything that has to do with the story of the crucifixion.
They differ concerning the timing of the Last Supper, which according to them was one of the events in the lead-up to the crucifixion. They differ concerning the traitor who led (the Romans) to Christ – did that happen at least one day before the Last Supper, as narrated by Luke, or during it, after Christ gave him the piece of bread, as narrated by John?
Was Christ the one who carried his cross, as John says, as was customary with one who was going to be crucified, according to Nottingham, or was it Simon of Cyrene, as the other three Gospels state?
They say that two thieves were crucified alongside Christ, one on his right and one on his left, so what was the attitude of these two towards the Messiah who was being crucified, as they claim?
Did the thieves scorn him for being crucified, and say that his Lord had abandoned him and left him to his enemies? Or did only one of them scorn him, and did the other rebuke the one who scorned him?
At what hour did this crucifixion take place – was it in the third hour, as Mark says, or in the sixth as John says?
What happened after the so-called crucifixion?
Mark says that the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. Matthew adds that the earth shook and rocks crumbled, and many of the saints rose from their graves and entered the holy city, appearing to many. Luke says that the sun turned dark, and the veil of the Temple was torn in the middle, and when the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God and said, “Truly this man was righteous.”
But John does not know anything about all that!
These are not the only weak elements and indications of falseness in the story of the crucifixion, as narrated in the gospels. Rather the one who studies the details of the gospel narratives of this story will, with the least effort, notice the great differences in the details of this story, which are such that it is impossible to believe it all or even any part of it!
How desperate are the failed attempts to fill this gap and conceal the faults of this distorted book. Allaah indeed spoke the truth when He said in His Book which He has preserved (interpretation of the meaning):
“Do they not then consider the Qur’aan carefully? Had it been from other than Allaah, they would surely, have found therein many a contradiction”
[al-Nisa’ 4:82]
Apart from the fact that the gospel accounts are not sound, and their authors themselves admit that they were not revealed to the Messiah in this form, nor were they even written during his lifetime, none of the witnesses were present at the events to which they testify, as Mark says:
“Then everyone deserted him and fled.”
Mark 14:50 – New International Version (NIV)
Because these events were not witnessed by anyone who narrated them, there is a great deal of room for imagination and poetic licence.
Islam q and a
You have become church for me.
Hooray for Bible nerds! 😀
Do a video on the sermon on the mount
Kirsty mcallister ,google meaning of Barabbas it is yeshua hebrew roots name so be aware of Barabbas Jesus yeshua and Jesus Christ ?? Muslims r saying Barabbas yeshua jesus,wasn't crucified?? And were saying Jesus Christ was ,please be careful , Muslims do they have a book called angile translation good news transmission gospels ? Peace between truth?
Google meaning of Barabbas?? Yeshua Hebrew roots name be aware of yeshua and Jesus Christ, Muslims are saying Barabbas wasn't crucified? And were saying Jesus Christ was ? Are we both right ,do Muslims have a book angile that means good news? Can a Muslim believe in Jesus Christ with that book and not break Quran ?? Are we all just dumb saying the same thing? But beware of who yeshua is to you ? Names matter that much man kill for them??
Thank you!!! this podcast is an awesome idea…
Guys please make RSS for your podcasts so we can be up do date with the news ❤
Thrilled to know you have a podcast! I just subsribed and look forward to checking them out! You explain things so well!
Aw hell yes
I been listening to it since it came out.
I love it. Its very motivating and makes me ponder upon so many things.
I love understanding and seeing thats its misteries never seam to end.
Thank you !
How do I listen to this podcast on android please?
This channel is great! It really helped me to be more mature spiritually and in my relationship with God. Keep it up! Greetings from Argentina
This Is Great Work Being Done Here And It Is It's Really Appreciated What Is Being Done For The Good Of Christianity And The Gospel World In General.I Love The Channel And May The Blessings Of The Lord Increase Your Impacts In The Life Of Thousands.For Prayers And Counseling,Do Take Time And Send A Message To joelosteenministries004@gmail.com.May God Bless You All And Use You Mightily In The Lives Of Man For The Good Of The Word."Honor God and the right people will find you. The right opportunities will come across your path.You Best Life Is Now!!!.
I have found that reading other ancient books helps me understand the setting of the Bible so much more. Examples being Josephus, Tacitus, and Suetonius' books.
Super excited!!
Godbless u guys
Wonderful series. You guys know about September 23, right? It is Revelation 12:1,2…
can u do something on law of attraction. please.
Loa is about belief and in proverbs 23:7 the Bible says
As a man thinks so he is
Well done Tim and John!
Why do people go to channels like this just to dislike it , it's small but I don't understand
The Bible is God's word. There's nothing strange about God
Can you guys do a video on the kohenim?
This is insanely good news to me….
The Bible books videos where you use animation on a tan paper are amazing. These videos got me hooked on watching you. The succinctness of them and graphical compelling way to tell what the book is about is great. I have shared these videos with some atheist friends of mine and they respect them for their quality. Please keep up the good work.
I love that you all made a podcast. I can't get enough of Tim's teaching! Is there any way Tim could answer a question: What are your top 10 favorite books on Hebrew literature and ancient Israel history. I'm a Bible nerd as well but don't have the time or funds to go to school even though I desperately want to. Thanks and God bless!
sorry Tim but call no man on earth your teacher for you only have one teacher and he is the messiah and call no man on earth father for you have only have one father your heavenly father
What's your guys stance on the working of the holy spirit today ? Do you encourage and teach on it ? Just want to know really 🙂