Prager 5 Minute Videos The Best Time to Be Alive PragerUAugust 21, 2023 SUBSCRIBE 👉 Are you worried about your future? Turn on the TV or scroll through social media and it’s h... 4317000
Prager 5 Minute Videos Want a Full Life? Prepare for Pain. PragerUAugust 14, 2023 SUBSCRIBE 👉 Upon the passing of his beloved bulldog Otto, Dennis Prager reflects on the special bond be... 4119200
Prager 5 Minute Videos Are We Living on Stolen Land? PragerUJuly 17, 2023 Are Americans living on stolen land acquired by nefarious means? Jeff Fynn-Paul, professor of economic and social history at Leiden... 2216000
Prager 5 Minute Videos Israel: Who Are the Indigenous People? PragerUJuly 10, 2023 SUBSCRIBE 👉 Subscribe to Noa Tishby’s YouTube – 3821100
Prager 5 Minute Videos Russian Collusion and the Death of Journalism PragerUJune 19, 2023 SUBSCRIBE 👉 We used to trust the mainstream media. They reported the facts and let us make our own deci... 4116800
Prager 5 Minute Videos Want a Revolution? Start a Business. PragerUJune 5, 2023 Is social activism the only way to improve the situation for minorities in America? Alfredo Ortiz, the son of Mexican immigrants and... 2213100
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Fallen Soldier PragerUMay 29, 2023 Others have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you could be free. Remember them—today, and always. A moving tribute, written and na... 2515700