Different Religions What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common PragerUSeptember 6, 2021 You’d think that Islamist extremists and leftist radicals would have nothing in common. But noted human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi... 2013200
Immigration Be Compassionate, But Don’t Abandon Common Sense in Vetting Refugees | Mark Morgan on Afghanistan The Heritage FoundationSeptember 2, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax, Wednesday, September 1, to talk about the crisis in Afghanistan, the Biden admi... 94900
Immigration “It’s Crazy” That We Gave the Taliban Our Afghanistan Withdrawal Date | Chad Wolf The Heritage FoundationAugust 24, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Tuesday, August 24, to talk about Biden’s Afghanistan crisis, the cont... 105700
Immigration What Afghanistan and the Border Crisis Have in Common | Mark Morgan on Biden’s Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationAugust 24, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Saturday, August 21, to talk about the border crisis, how the two national s... 94900
Immigration Obama, Biden Politicized Our National Security & Afghanistan Shows the Consequences | James Carafano The Heritage FoundationAugust 18, 2021 Heritage’s James Carafano and Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Tuesday, August 17, to talk about the latest in Afghanistan, how... 136200
Prager 5 Minute Videos What Is Hezbollah? | 5 Minute Video PragerUSeptember 17, 2018 When listing the world’s most notorious terrorist organizations, why is it that Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram so quickly spring to m... 244300
Bible Prophecy Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Don Stewart (July 2018) Real Life with Jack HibbsJuly 26, 2018 Pastor Jack Hibbs and Don Stewart discuss end times, world events and Bible prophecy. Tune in as they examine the latest development... 379700
Prager 5 Minute Videos Is Islam a Religion of Peace? | 5 Minute Video PragerUOctober 10, 2016 Is Islam a religion of peace? Is it compatible with Western liberalism? Or does Islam need a reformation, just as Christianity had t... 437800
Prager 5 Minute Videos Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women? | 5 Minute Video PragerUJune 27, 2016 Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Qu... 312900