Prager 5 Minute Videos Where Are You, Martin Luther King? | 5 Minute Video PragerUJanuary 14, 2019 A half-century after his death, Martin Luther King, Jr. is as revered as ever. But have we been following his example, or merely pay... 383700
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans | 5 Minute Video PragerUSeptember 19, 2016 What are the five biggest problems facing black Americans? Where do things like racism and police brutality rank? What about the abs... 222000
Prager 5 Minute Videos Are The Police Racist? | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 22, 2016 Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans? Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evide... 402400