Biblical Worldview How Archaeology Supports the Bible: A Conversation with Joel Kramer Sean McDowellJanuary 21, 2021 What are the top archaeological discoveries that confirm the Bible? How good is the archaeological record for Scripture? In this int... 4414600
Biblical Worldview A Quest for the Historical Adam: A Conversation with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellSeptember 22, 2021 Were Adam and Eve historical? Is belief in an original couple compatible with science? In this interview, I talk with philosopher Wi... 422500
Biblical Worldview Is Acts Historically Reliable? A Conversation with Craig Keener Sean McDowellMay 27, 2020 How accurate is the book of Acts? In this interview I ask one of the world’s leading scholars on the book of Acts, Craig Keene... 368200
Biblical Worldview Was the Bible Copied Faithfully from One Generation to the Next? Sean McDowellJune 1, 2020 How much can we trust that the New Testament was not changed as it was copied by hand? In this video, I develop the classic argument... 173600