Biblical Worldview Well-Known Atheist Resigns! Here’s the Surprising Reason Why Stand to ReasonOctober 13, 2021 Greg Koukl talks about Peter Boghossian’s resignation from Portland State University due to their “culture of offense” stifling free... 69000
Biblical Worldview The Death of Atheism? A Conversation with Eric Metaxas. Sean McDowellOctober 6, 2021 Is belief in God reasonable today? Where does the scientific and archaeological evidence point? In this interview, I talk with Eric... 222400
Apologetics There Are A Lot of Smart People Stand to ReasonSeptember 22, 2021 Jon Noyes answers, “How do I know who to trust given the number of experts with differing opinions?” This an excerpt fro... 77100
Evil and Suffering Because God Said So? — What Makes Something Morally Wrong? Stand to ReasonSeptember 6, 2021 Jon Noyes answers, “Why is rape wrong? Is it because God said so, or could there be another reason?” This an excerpt fro... 914800
Different Religions To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes: Atheism Stand to ReasonAugust 26, 2021 There are important details of the real world that atheists “bump into” all the time that make no sense in the atheist... 89500
Biblical Worldview Breaking Down Walls: A Christian and an Atheist in Conversation Sean McDowellJune 18, 2021 Can Christians and atheists find common ground on the importance of having civil discussions today? That’s what Drew (YouTuber... 2013800
Different Religions Atheist YouTubers Critique My Atheist Role Play, I Respond Sean McDowellJune 14, 2021 Two popular atheist YouTubers recently did a response video to my “atheist encounter,” in which I role-played an atheist... 3918900
Biblical Worldview Sean Responds to His “Atheist Encounter” at A Christian School Sean McDowellMay 11, 2021 In this video, I answer seven questions that I received while role-playing an atheist at a Christian High school. This video include... 3116200
Different Religions A Christian Role-Plays an Atheist to a Group of Christians (Then Reveals Who He Is!) Sean McDowellMay 3, 2021 Recently I was invited to do my “atheist encounter” at a Christian school in Florida. Normally audiences know that I am... 3415900