Different Religions Atheist YouTubers Critique My Atheist Role Play, I Respond Sean McDowellJune 14, 2021 Two popular atheist YouTubers recently did a response video to my “atheist encounter,” in which I role-played an atheist... 3916800
Biblical Worldview Sean Responds to His “Atheist Encounter” at A Christian School Sean McDowellMay 11, 2021 In this video, I answer seven questions that I received while role-playing an atheist at a Christian High school. This video include... 3114700
Different Religions A Christian Role-Plays an Atheist to a Group of Christians (Then Reveals Who He Is!) Sean McDowellMay 3, 2021 Recently I was invited to do my “atheist encounter” at a Christian school in Florida. Normally audiences know that I am... 3413700
Biblical Worldview Behind the Scenes with Craig Keener (The People, Books, and Events that Shaped His Life) Sean McDowellApril 30, 2021 Have you ever wondered how Dr. Craig Keener produces so much scholarship? Craig Keener is one of the leading New Testament scholars... 2014600
Different Religions Why I Left Atheism Stand to ReasonSeptember 11, 2020 Jon Noyes of Stand to Reason shares how bumping into reality led him away from atheism and toward Christianity. Listen to the entire... 306600
Biblical Worldview The New Investigation of the Resurrection: A Conversation with Andrew Loke Sean McDowellMay 24, 2020 What does the latest evidence show about the resurrection of Jesus? How are naturalistic alternatives faring? Sean interviews profes... 162400
Biblical Worldview Seizing the Day: A Conversation with Os Guinness about God and Time Sean McDowellMay 20, 2020 Life is short, so how can we make the most out of it and the time we have? I interview Os Guinness about his latest book Carpe Diem... 104600
Different Religions Why I’m No Longer an Atheist Stand to ReasonMay 11, 2020 Jon Noyes of Stand to Reason shares his journey from atheism to Christianity. This video originally streamed live from Stand to Reas... 16100
The Truth Dealing with Bias – J. Warner Wallace as a Christian vs. J. Warner Wallace as an atheist administratorAugust 15, 2019 For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (http://amzn.to/2AW8b... 19200